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Assume a Role


Requirements You've spent at least 1 hour studying a creature whose role you intend to copy and have done so within the last 3 days. This could include meeting and learning from someone in that role, tailing and spying on someone, using magic to observe them at work, or some other method, as long as you have a visual source of information

Effect You quickly and accurately learn how to do mundane jobs or at least copy the movements enough to appear as if you do. A chosen role can take many forms-from cook, cleaner, or librarian to cult member, priest, or duke-but it's always a role and never a specific individual.

You perform the Impersonate activity to pass as a member of the role you observed and gain a +1 circumstance bonus to any Deception checks you attempt in your impersonation. This takes the normal amount of time it takes you to Impersonate. You also choose one Lore skill relevant to that role (such as Farming Lore for a farmer). While in your role, you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks for that Lore skill, and if you're untrained in it, you can use your level as your proficiency bonus. You stop assuming the role after 24 hours, if you start studying for a new role, or if you choose to.