Name | Traits | Description |
Acid Splash  | EvocationAcidAttackCantrip | You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. |
Allegro  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental | You perform rapidly, speeding up your ally. |
Ancient Dust  | UncommonNecromancyCantripNegative | You cough up a cloud of gray soil, echoing the dust in the graves of Kemnebi's many victims. |
Approximate  | DivinationCantripDetection | Your magic quickly flows over an area to help you count and catalog. |
Astral Rain  | UncommonEvocationCantripForcePsychic | You fling a mass of furious thoughts into the air, where they expand into numerous blades or other shapes that rain down. |
Boost Eidolon  | UncommonEvocationCantripSummoner | You focus deeply on the link between you and your eidolon and boost the power of your eidolon's attacks. |
Bullhorn  | IllusionAuditoryCantrip | You amplify your voice, loud enough for you to be heard easily at a great distance. |
Buzzing Bites  | RareEvocationCantripHexWitch | You evoke buzzing and crawling insects to climb onto a foe's body and bite, dealing 1d4 piercing damage and potentially sickening the foe, depending on its Fortitude save. |
Chill Touch  | NecromancyCantripNegative | Siphoning negative energy into yourself, your hand radiates a pale darkness. |
Clinging Ice  | UncommonConjurationCantripColdHexWitch | Freezing sleet and heavy snowfall collect on the target's feet and legs, dealing 1d4 cold damage and other effects depending on its Reflex save. |
Contagious Idea  | UncommonEnchantmentCantripEmotionMentalPsychic | Nothing is so contagious as a thought. |
Dancing Blade  | UncommonEvocationCantripPsychic | You telekinetically animate a weapon that's unattended or on your person. |
Dancing Lights  | EvocationCantripLight | You create up to four floating lights, no two of which are more than 10 feet apart. |
Daze  | EnchantmentCantripMentalNonlethal | You cloud the target's mind and daze it with a mental jolt. |
Detect Magic  | DivinationCantripDetection | You send out a pulse that registers the presence of magic. |
Dirge of Doom  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionFearMental | Foes within the area are Frightened 1. |
Discern Secrets  | UncommonDivinationCantripHexWitch | You call upon your patron's power to better uncover secrets. |
Disrupt Undead  | NecromancyCantripPositive | You lance the target with energy. |
Distortion Lens  | UncommonConjurationCantripPsychic | You create a magical lens that distorts space as best suits you. |
Divine Lance  | EvocationAttackCantrip | You unleash a beam of divine energy. |
Electric Arc  | EvocationCantripElectricity | An arc of lightning leaps from one target to another. |
Entropic Wheel  | UncommonEvocationCantripColdFirePsychic | You stockpile thermal energy in a magical wheel-like construct that lets you burn opponents with cold or freeze their bodies with heat. |
Evil Eye  | UncommonEnchantmentCantripCurseEmotionFearHexMentalWitch | You fix your eye on the target, imposing a malevolent hex. |
Forbidden Thought  | UncommonEnchantmentCantripMentalPsychic | You place a psychic lock in a foe's mind that prevents it from a specific action. |
Forbidding Ward  | AbjurationCantrip | You ward an ally against the attacks and hostile spells from the target enemy. |
Foresee the Path  | UncommonDivinationCantripPsychic | You see just a split second into the future and glean how an enemy will move, making it easier for your allies to strike it mid-action. |
Gale Blast  | EvocationAirCantrip | Wind flows from your outstretched hands and whirls around you in a 5-foot emanation. |
Ghost Sound  | IllusionAuditoryCantrip | You create an auditory illusion of simple sounds that has a maximum volume equal to four normal humans shouting. |
Ghostly Shift  | UncommonConjurationCantripPsychic | Your body becomes insubstantial as you partially phase out. |
Glimpse Weakness  | UncommonDivinationCantripPsychic | You glimpse a loose scale, a seam in a foe's armor, or a similar weakness, aiding your allies in landing a precise hit. |
Gouging Claw  | TransmutationAttackCantripMorph | You temporarily morph your limb into a clawed appendage. |
Guidance  | DivinationCantrip | You ask for divine guidance, granting the target a +1 status bonus to one attack roll, Perception check, saving throw, or skill check the target attempts before the duration ends. |
Haunting Hymn  | EvocationAuditoryCantripSonic | You echo a jarring hymn that only creatures in the area can hear. |
Healing Plaster  | TransmutationCantripEarth | You purify some dirt or mud into a pliable, claylike plaster that can aid in clotting and healing. |
Hologram Cage  | UncommonIllusionCantripLightPsychic | You weave light into a cube of vivid and fantastic patterns. |
House of Imaginary Walls  | UncommonIllusionBardCantripCompositionVisual | You mime an Invisible 10-foot-by-10-foot stretch of wall adjacent to you and within your reach. |
Imaginary Weapon  | UncommonEvocationAttackCantripForcePsychic | You create a simple weapon of force. |
Infectious Enthusiasm  | EnchantmentCantripEmotionMental | With enchanted gusto, you encourage yourself to get things done and share your motivation with your allies. |
Inside Ropes  | UncommonConjurationCantrip | You pull a large handful of guts from your midsection. |
Inspire Competence  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental | Your encouragement inspires your ally to succeed at a task. |
Inspire Courage  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental | You inspire yourself and your allies with words or tunes of encouragement. |
Inspire Defense  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental | You inspire yourself and your allies to protect themselves more effectively. |
Invoke True Name  | RareEnchantmentCantripTrueName | You speak the true name of a creature to more surely affect it with your magic. |
Join Pasts  | UncommonDivinationCantripMental | With touches to the targets' foreheads, you bring them into mental communion. |
Know Direction  | DivinationCantripDetection | In your mind's eye, you see a path northward. |
Light  | EvocationCantripLight | The object glows, casting bright light in a 20-foot radius (and dim light for the next 20 feet) like a torch. |
Mage Hand  | EvocationCantrip | You create a single magical hand, either invisible or ghostlike, that grasps the target object and moves it slowly up to 20 feet. |
Message  | IllusionAuditoryCantripLinguisticMental | You mouth words quietly, but instead of coming out of your mouth, they're transferred directly to the ears of the target. |
Nudge Fate  | UncommonDivinationCantripHexWitch | You read slightly into the future and give fate a tiny push to achieve the result you desire. |
Omnidirectional Scan  | UncommonDivinationCantripPsychicScrying | 30-foot emanation . |
Pact Broker  | RareEnchantmentCantripHexMentalWitch | You offer to broker a pact of peace. |
Phase Bolt  | EvocationAttackCantrip | You point your finger and project a bolt of magical energy that stutters in and out of phase until it reaches the target. |
Prestidigitation  | EvocationCantrip | The simplest magic does your bidding. |
Produce Flame  | EvocationAttackCantripFire | A small ball of flame appears in the palm of your hand, and you lash out with it either in melee or at range. |
Protect Companion  | AbjurationCantrip | You extend your aura, as a magical shield that protects your eidolon or minion. |
Puff of Poison  | EvocationCantripInhaledPoison | You exhale a shimmering cloud of toxic breath at an enemy's face. |
Ray of Frost  | EvocationAttackCantripCold | You blast an icy ray. |
Read Aura | DivinationCantripDetection | You focus on the target object, opening your mind to perceive magical auras. |
Read the Air  | DivinationCantrip | You take a deep breath as you survey a social situation, showing courtesy to all around you as your intuition swiftly picks up clues about social contexts and unspoken assumptions of behavior. |
Redistribute Potential  | UncommonEvocationCantripColdFirePsychic | Energy attempts to balance out, but with your magic, you can shunt all the energy in one area to another. |
Reinforce Eidolon  | UncommonAbjurationCantripSummoner | You focus deeply on the link between you and your eidolon and reinforce your eidolon's defenses. |
Scatter Scree  | EvocationCantripEarth | You evoke a jumble of rocks in the area. |
Shatter Mind  | UncommonEvocationCantripMentalPsychic | 15-foot cone . |
Shield  | AbjurationCantripForce | You raise a magical shield of force. |
Shroud of Night  | UncommonEvocationCantripDarknessHexWitch | Drawing your hand in a sweeping gesture, you shroud the target in a veil of night. |
Sigil  | TransmutationCantrip | You harmlessly place your unique magical sigil, which is about 1 square inch in size, on the targeted creature or object. |
Silver's Refrain  | RareAbjurationBardCantripComposition | The "Song of Silver" was an enchanted song used by the Silver Ravens to battle diabolic forces. |
Song of Marching  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionMental | You maintain a brisk performance that keeps allies on the move. |
Song of Strength  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental | You bolster your allies' physical strength with a hearty exhortation. |
Spirit Object or  | RareNecromancyCantripHexWitch | Using a sliver of Baba Yaga's power, you briefly bring an object to life. |
Spout  | EvocationCantripWater | Water blasts upward, coming out of the ground, rising from a pool, or even manifesting from thin air. |
Stabilize  | NecromancyCantripHealingPositive | Positive energy shuts death's door. |
Stoke the Heart  | UncommonEnchantmentCantripEmotionHexWitch | Intense fervor fills the target creature, empowering their blows. |
Summon Instrument  | ConjurationCantrip | You materialize a Musical Instrument (Handheld) in your grasp. |
Tame  | EnchantmentAuditoryCantripMental | As you make comforting sounds and gestures, you approach the target in a friendly manner combining caution and confidence. |
Tanglefoot  | ConjurationAttackCantripPlant | A vine covered in sticky sap appears from thin air, flicking from your hand and lashing itself to the target. |
Telekinetic Projectile  | EvocationAttackCantrip | You hurl a loose, unattended object that is within range and that has 1 Bulk or less at the target. |
Telekinetic Rend  | UncommonEvocationCantripPsychic | Two non-overlapping 5-foot burst . |
Tesseract Tunnel  | UncommonConjurationCantripPsychicTeleportation | You race from point to point, tearing open a tunnel in space. |
Thermal Stasis  | UncommonAbjurationCantripPsychic | The same abilities that let you raise or lower thermal energy also let you keep it at a safe medium. |
Time Sense  | DivinationCantrip | When you Cast the Spell, you gain a perfect sense of time. |
Torturous Trauma  | UncommonNecromancyCantripNonlethal | With this spell born of Kemnebi's sadistic love of torture, you batter a creature's internal organs, leaving no external signs of the immense pain you delivered. |
Triple Time  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental | You dance at a lively tempo, speeding your allies' movement. |
Vector Screen  | UncommonAbjurationCantripPsychic | One five-foot square. |
Warp Step  | ConjurationCantrip | When you walk, the earth warps beneath your feet-your steps extend, distance contracts, and everything is just a little bit closer. |
Wash Your Luck  | AbjurationCantripFortune | Some practitioners argue this spell literally washes your fortunes of all influences, malign or benign, while others claim it simply cleanses your mind of obsessions about luck and destiny. |
Wilding Word  | UncommonEnchantmentCantripHexWitch | With a few words, you convince a wild creature you are a kindred spirit, making it reluctant to harm you. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Abyssal Pact | UncommonConjuration | You call in a favor from another demon whose level is no more than double Abyssal pact's spell level, two demons whose levels are each at least 2 less than double the spell level, or three demons whose levels are each at least 3 less than double the spell level. |
Acidic Burst  | EvocationAcid | You create a shell of acid around yourself that immediately bursts outward, dealing 2d6 acid damage to each creature in the area. |
Adapt Self  | TransmutationClericMorph | You make subtle changes to yourself to adapt to the situation. |
Admonishing Ray  | NecromancyAttackNonlethal | A ray of energy bludgeons your target into submission without causing lasting harm. |
Agile Feet  | UncommonTransmutationCleric | The blessings of your god make your feet faster and your movements more fluid. |
Agitate  | EnchantmentMentalNonlethal | You send the target's mind and body into overdrive, forcing it to become restless and hyperactive. |
Air Bubble  | ConjurationAir | A bubble of pure air appears around the target's head, allowing it to breathe normally. |
Airburst  | UncommonEvocationAir | A blast of wind wildly pushes everything nearby. |
Alarm | Abjuration | You ward an area to alert you when creatures enter without your permission. |
Ancestral Memories  | UncommonDivinationSorcerer | The memories of long-dead spellcasters grant you knowledge in a specific skill. |
Ancestral Touch  | UncommonEnchantmentCurseboundEmotionFearMentalOracle | You touch a creature and force them to see and feel the ancestors surrounding you. |
Angelic Halo  | UncommonAbjurationAuraGoodSorcerer | You gain an angelic halo with an aura that increases allies' healing from the Heal spell. |
Angelic Messenger | UncommonConjuration | You transport yourself to either a celestial plane or a world on the Material Plane where worshippers of your patron can be found. |
Animal Allies  | Conjuration | You summon tiny, ordinary animals from the environment, such as insects, birds, or fish, to quickly lash out at nearby foes. |
Animate Dead  | Necromancy | Your magic dredges up a corpse or skeleton and fills it with necromantic life, and you force the dead to fight at your command. |
Animate Rope  | Transmutation | You cause a length or section of Rope or a rope-like object to animate and follow simple commands. |
Ant Haul  | Transmutation | You reinforce the target's musculoskeletal system to bear more weight. |
Anticipate Peril  | Divination | You grant the target brief foresight. |
Appearance of Wealth  | UncommonIllusionCleric | You create a brief vision of immense wealth filling the spell's area. |
Aqueous Blast  | RareEvocationWater | You evoke a mass of water into the air around your outstretched fist. |
Athletic Rush  | UncommonTransmutationCleric | Your body fills with physical power and skill. |
Augment Summoning  | UncommonConjurationWizard | You augment the abilities of a summoned creature. |
Bane  | EnchantmentMental | You fill the minds of your enemies with doubt. |
Befuddle  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You sow seeds of confusion in your target's mind, causing their actions and thoughts to become clumsy. |
Bit of Luck  | UncommonDivinationClericFortune | You tilt the scales of luck slightly to protect a creature from disaster. |
Biting Words  | EvocationAttackAuditoryLinguisticSonic | You entwine magic with your voice, causing your taunts and jibes to physically harm your enemies. |
Bless  | EnchantmentMental | Blessings from beyond help your companions strike true. |
Blind Ambition  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | You strengthen a target's ambition, increase its resentment of allies, and make its allegiances more susceptible to change. |
Blood Ward  | UncommonAbjurationHexWitch | You consolidate warding energies with a gesture, guarding a creature against attacks from a certain type of foe. |
Brain Drain  | UncommonEnchantmentCurseboundMentalOracle | You probe the target's mind to glean knowledge. |
Breadcrumbs | Abjuration | You protect your target from going astray in hostile territory by tracking where it's already been, helping it deduce where it still needs to go. |
Buffeting Winds  | EvocationAirNonlethal | You release a quick burst of wind that batters your living opponents without causing them lasting harm, while also blowing undead away. |
Burning Hands  | EvocationFire | Gouts of flame rush from your hands. |
Cackle  | UncommonEnchantmentHexWitch | With a quick burst of laughter, you prolong a magical effect you created. |
Call of the Grave  | UncommonNecromancyAttackWizard | You fire a ray of sickening energy. |
Call to Arms  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryCurseboundEmotionMentalOracle | You cry out a call to arms, inspiring your allies to enter the fray. |
Celestial Accord  | UncommonEnchantmentEmotionGoodMental | You intervene in a heated disagreement between two creatures, encouraging them to put aside their differences and find some common ground. |
Charged Javelin  | EvocationAttackClericElectricity | You fire a javelin of electricity that leaves a charged field around its target. |
Charm  | EnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationMental | To the target, your words are honey and your visage seems bathed in a dreamy haze. |
Charming Touch  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionIncapacitationMental | You infuse your target with attraction, causing it to act friendlier toward you. |
Charming Words  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryIncapacitationLinguisticMentalWizard | You whisper enchanting words to deflect your foe's ire. |
Chilling Spray  | EvocationCold | A cone of icy shards bursts from your spread hands and coats the target in a layer of frost. |
Cinder Gaze | RareDivinationClericPrediction | You've learned to read the future in the patterns of flames and smoke. |
Cloak of Shadow  | UncommonEvocationClericDarknessShadow | You drape the target in a mantle of swirling shadows that make it harder to see. |
Color Spray  | IllusionIncapacitationVisual | Swirling colors affect viewers based on their Will saves. |
Command  | EnchantmentAuditoryLinguisticMental | You shout a command that's hard to ignore. |
Concordant Choir to  | EvocationSonic | You unleash a dangerous consonance of reverberating sound, focusing on a single target or spreading out to damage many foes. |
Counter Performance  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCompositionFortuneMental | Your performance protects you and your allies. |
Create Water  | ConjurationWater | As you cup your hands, water begins to flow forth from them. |
Crushing Ground  | UncommonTransmutationEarth | You tear open the ground then slam it shut. |
Cry of Destruction  | UncommonEvocationClericSonic | Your voice booms, smashing what's in front of you. |
Daemonic Pact | UncommonConjuration | You call upon the powers of Abaddon to grant you the assistance of a daemon. |
Dazzling Flash  | UncommonEvocationClericLightVisual | You raise your religious symbol and create a blinding flash of light. |
Death's Call  | UncommonNecromancyCleric | Seeing another pass from this world to the next invigorates you. |
Delay Consequence  | AbjurationCleric | You transpose the moment that the target would be injured to later in its timestream. |
Detect Alignment  | UncommonDivinationDetection | Your eyes glow as you sense aligned auras. |
Detect Poison  | UncommonDivinationDetection | You detect whether a creature is venomous or poisonous, or if an object is poison or has been poisoned. |
Diabolic Edict  | UncommonEnchantmentSorcerer | You issue a diabolic edict, demanding the target perform a particular task and offering rewards for its fulfillment. |
Dim the Light  | UncommonEvocationDarknessSorcerer | You magnify the darkness from the triggering effect, causing the ambient light level to flicker briefly so you can slip from sight. |
Dimensional Assault  | UncommonConjurationMagusTeleportation | You tumble through space, making a short dimensional hop to better position yourself for an attack. |
Disrupting Weapons  | NecromancyPositive | You infuse weapons with positive energy. |
Div Pact | UncommonConjuration | You call upon the powers of Abaddon to grant you the assistance of a div. |
Divine Plagues  | NecromancyClericDisease | Your deity sends wracking plagues. |
Diviner's Sight  | UncommonDivinationConcentrateFortuneWizard | You glimpse into the target's future. |
Draconic Barrage  | EvocationCleric | You shape energy into one incorporeal tiny dragon (or serpentine creature) that flits around you. |
Dragon Claws  | UncommonTransmutationMorphSorcerer | Vicious claws grow from your fingers. |
Draw Ire  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You cause mental distress to a creature, goading it to strike back at you. |
Déjà Vu  | EnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You loop a thought process in the target's mind, forcing it to repeat the same actions over again. |
Echoing Weapon  | EvocationSonic | You channel magical energy into the target weapon, and the air around it faintly hums each time you strike a blow, as the impact is absorbed into the weapon. |
Efficient Apport  | UncommonConjurationTeleportationWizard | Walking over to an item to pick it up is so much effort. |
Eject Soul  | NecromancyClericIncapacitation | Your touch disrupts the connection between body and soul, possibly forcing the soul out of the body altogether. |
Elemental Betrayal  | UncommonEvocationHexWitch | You call upon the elements to undermine your foe. |
Elemental Sentinel | UncommonConjuration | You place a tiny elemental wisp within a single object, usually a mirror, statue, or other mundane-looking item, to serve as an alarm. |
Elemental Toss  | UncommonEvocationAttackSorcerer | With a flick of your wrist, you fling a chunk of your elemental matter at your foe. |
Elysian Whimsy  | UncommonEnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You overwhelm the target with an unexpected and unpredictable desire if it fails a Will save. |
Empty Inside  | AbjurationClericMental | You inject a sliver of the void into your mind, momentarily remaking it into a bleak and empty place. |
Endure  | EnchantmentMental | You invigorate the touched creature's mind and urge it to press on. |
Evolution Surge  | UncommonTransmutationMorphSummoner | You flood your eidolon with power, creating a temporary evolution in your eidolon's capabilities. |
Exchange Image  | UncommonIllusionVisual | To mislead pursuers, the Lacunafex developed the means to swap visages. |
Extend Boost  | UncommonDivinationMetamagicSummoner | You focus on the intricacies of the magic binding you to your eidolon to extend the duration of your boost eidolon or reinforce eidolon spell. |
Face in the Crowd  | UncommonIllusionClericVisual | While in a crowd of roughly similar creatures, your appearance becomes bland and nondescript. |
Faerie Dust to  | UncommonEnchantmentMentalSorcerer | You sprinkle magical dust in the spell's area, making those within easier to trick. |
Fear  | EnchantmentEmotionFearMental | You plant fear in the target; it must attempt a Will save. |
Feather Fall  | Abjuration | You cause the air itself to arrest a fall. |
Fey Abeyance | RareAbjuration | You ward an area with cold iron bells, protecting it from the influence of the first world. |
Fire Ray  | UncommonEvocationAttackClericFire | A blazing band of fire arcs through the air. |
Fleet Step  | Transmutation | You gain a +30-foot status bonus to your Speed. |
Flense  | UncommonNecromancy | With a touch, you strip off the flesh, muscle, and internal organs off your target, leaving only bare bones. |
Floating Disk  | ConjurationForce | A disk of magical force materializes adjacent to you. |
Force Bolt  | UncommonEvocationForceWizard | You fire an unerring dart of force from your fingertips. |
Force Fang  | UncommonEvocationForceMagus | You briefly turn your attack into pure force to bypass your opponent's defenses. |
Forced Mercy  | UncommonEnchantmentEmotionMental | You soften the target's blows, ensuring they avoid vital areas and cause no lasting harm. |
Forced Quiet  | UncommonAbjurationCleric | You quiet the target's voice, preventing it from giving away valuable secrets. |
Frenzied Revelry  | RareEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | You recall memories of hedonistic rites to send yourself into an infectious frenzy, dancing and howling wildly to encourage your companions to join in. |
Friendfetch  | UncommonEvocationForce | You shoot out ephemeral, telekinetic strands that drag each target directly toward you, stopping in the closest unoccupied space to you in this path. |
Genie's Veil  | UncommonAbjurationSorcerer | With a flourish, you fulfill a creature's wish for protection, bending reality to keep them from harm. |
Glutton's Jaw  | UncommonNecromancyMorphSorcerer | Your mouth transforms into a shadowy maw bristling with pointed teeth. |
Goblin Pox  | NecromancyDisease | Your touch afflicts the target with goblin pox, an irritating allergenic rash. |
Goodberry  | UncommonNecromancyDruidHealing | You imbue the target berry with the bounty of nature, turning it into a goodberry that can heal and sustain far beyond its normal capacity. |
Gravitational Pull to  | Evocation | By suddenly altering gravity, you pull the target toward you. |
Gravity Weapon  | UncommonEvocationRanger | You build up gravitational force and funnel it into your blows, leading to more powerful attacks with blade and bow alike. |
Grease  | Conjuration | You conjure grease, with effects based on choosing area or target. |
Grim Tendrils  | NecromancyNegative | Tendrils of darkness curl out from your fingertips and race through the air. |
Gritty Wheeze  | UncommonEvocationAirEarth | You exhale desiccating grit and sand in a small cloud. |
Guided Introspection  | UncommonAbjuration | You guide the target in examining their innermost feelings, their behaviors, and the motivations behind their actions, granting them clarity and insight. |
Gust of Wind  | EvocationAir | A violent wind issues forth from your palm, blowing from the point where you are when you cast the spell to the line's opposite end. |
Hallowed Ground  | UncommonNecromancyGoodPositive | One small space becomes inhospitable to undead as you fill it with life-infused benevolent magic. |
Hand of the Apprentice  | UncommonEvocationAttackWizard | You hurl a held melee weapon with which you are trained at the target, making a spell attack roll. |
Harm to  | NecromancyNegative | You channel negative energy to harm the living or heal the undead. |
Heal to  | NecromancyHealingPositive | You channel positive energy to heal the living or damage the undead. |
Heal Animal | UncommonNecromancyDruidHealingPositive | You heal an animal's wounds, restoring 1d8 Hit Points to the target. |
Heal Companion or  | UncommonNecromancyHealingPositiveRanger | You harness positive energy to heal your animal companion's wounds. |
Healer's Blessing  | UncommonNecromancyCleric | Your words bless a creature with an enhanced connection to positive energy. |
Hollow Heart  | RareEnchantmentClericEmotionFearMental | You stoke the target's ambition beyond reason, until it believes no one is capable of helping it, or that others aren't to be trusted. |
Horizon Thunder Sphere | EvocationAttackElectricity | You gather magical energy into your palm, forming a concentrated ball of electricity that crackles and rumbles like impossibly distant thunder. |
Hurtling Stone  | UncommonEvocationAttackClericEarth | You evoke a magical stone and throw it, with your god's presence guiding your aim. |
Hydraulic Push  | EvocationAttackWater | You call forth a powerful blast of pressurized water that bludgeons the target and knocks it back. |
Hymn of Healing  | UncommonNecromancyBardCompositionHealingPositive | Your divine singing mends wounds and provides a temporary respite from harm. |
Hyperfocus  | DivinationCleric | You sharpen a creature's senses, though more distant objects become hazy, indistinct, or muted to it. |
Ill Omen  | DivinationCurseMisfortune | The target is struck with misfortune, which throws them off balance. |
Illusory Disguise  | IllusionVisual | You create an illusion that causes you to appear as another creature of the same body shape, and with roughly similar height (within 6 inches) and weight (within 50 pounds), as yourself. |
Illusory Object  | IllusionVisual | You create an illusory visual image of a stationary object. |
Imprint Message  | Divination | You project psychic vibrations onto the target object, imprinting it with a short message or emotional theme of your design. |
Incendiary Aura  | UncommonEvocationCurseboundFireOracle | You surround yourself with a combustible aura. |
Infernal Pact | UncommonConjuration | You make an appeal to a powerful devil, asking it to bind some of its subordinates to your service. |
Inkshot  | RareConjurationPoison | A spray of viscous, toxic ink jets from your fingertip to strike a target creature in the face. |
Invisible Item  | Illusion | You make the object Invisible. |
Item Facade  | IllusionVisual | You make the target object look and feel as though it were in much better or worse physical condition. |
Jealous Hex  | UncommonNecromancyCurseSorcerer | You draw forth a hag's innate jealousy to deny a target its greatest attribute. |
Jump  | TransmutationMove | Your legs surge with strength, ready to leap high and far. |
Juvenile Companion  | TransmutationPolymorph | You transform your companion into its juvenile form, such as a cub, foal, kitten, puppy, or piglet, making the target appear harmless. |
Ki Rush  | UncommonTransmutationMonk | Accelerated by your ki, you move with such speed you become a blur. |
Ki Strike  | UncommonTransmutationMonk | You focus your ki into magical attacks. |
Kinetic Ram to  | EvocationForce | Gathering kinetic energy, you either focus it in a straight line or disperse it as an encircling ripple. |
Lament  | EnchantmentAuditoryClericEmotionMental | You let out your negative emotions in a guttural wail that shakes your enemies' hearts and deals 1d8 mental damage (basic Will save). |
Lay on Hands  | UncommonNecromancyChampionHealingPositive | Your hands become infused with positive energy, healing a living creature or damaging an undead creature with a touch. |
Lay on Hands (Vs. Undead)  | UncommonNecromancyChampionHealingPositive | Your hands become infused with positive energy, healing a living creature or damaging an undead creature with a touch. |
Liberating Command  | EnchantmentMental | You call out a liberating cry, urging an ally to break free of an effect that holds them in place. |
Life Boost  | UncommonNecromancyHealingHexWitch | You temporarily bolster the target's vitality. |
Life Link  | UncommonNecromancyCurseboundHealingOraclePositive | You forge a connection of life energy between you and your target, distributing harm between both of you. |
Lift Nature's Caul  | UncommonIllusionFearVisual | With a wave of the hand, you cause the targets to see the world around them as if a gauzy film had been lifted away to expose the truth that lies below their perceived reality. |
Lingering Composition  | UncommonEnchantmentBardMetamagic | You add a flourish to your composition to extend its benefits. |
Lock  | Abjuration | The target's latch mechanism clinks shut, held fast by unseen magical restraints. |
Longstrider  | Transmutation | You lengthen your stride beyond what should be possible. |
Loremaster's Etude  | UncommonDivinationBardFortune | |
Lose the Path  | IllusionMentalVisual | You surround a moving creature with lifelike illusions, shifting their perception of the terrain to subtly lead them off course. |
Mage Armor  | Abjuration | You ward yourself with shimmering magical energy, gaining a +1 item bonus to AC and a maximum Dexterity modifier of +5. |
Magic Aura | UncommonIllusion | You alter the appearance of an item's magic aura. |
Magic Fang  | Transmutation | Choose one of the target's unarmed attacks. |
Magic Hide  | UncommonAbjurationRanger | Your animal companion grows a thicker hide, matted fur, or a harder shell, granting it a +1 status bonus to AC. |
Magic Missile to  | EvocationForce | You send a dart of force streaking toward a creature that you can see. |
Magic Stone to  | NecromancyPositive | You pour positive energy into ordinary stones, granting them temporary magical properties. |
Magic Weapon  | Transmutation | The weapon glimmers with magic and energy. |
Magic's Vessel  | UncommonEnchantmentCleric | A creature becomes a receptacle for pure magical energy sent by your deity. |
Mending | Transmutation | You repair the target item. |
Message Rune | DivinationLinguisticMental | You record a message up to 5 minutes long and inscribe a special rune on any flat unattended surface within reach. |
Mindlink  | DivinationMental | You link your mind to the target's mind and mentally impart to that target an amount of information in an instant that could otherwise be communicated in 10 minutes. |
Moonbeam  | UncommonEvocationAttackClericFireLight | You shine a ray of moonlight. |
Movanic Glimmer  | UncommonEnchantmentGoodMentalTransmutation | You give the target animal a glimmer of awareness, not truly awakening it but allowing it to better understand its surroundings. |
Mud Pit  | ConjurationEarthWater | Thick, clinging mud covers the ground, 1 foot deep. |
Necromancer's Generosity  | NecromancyNegative | You channel negative energy through your magical connection to your undead minion to strengthen the creature. |
Needle of Vengeance  | UncommonEnchantmentHexMentalWitch | A long, jagged needle jabs into the target foe's psyche whenever it tries to attack a specifically forbidden creature. |
Negate Aroma  | Abjuration | The target loses its odor, preventing creatures from passively noticing its presence via smell alone, even if the creatures have precise or imprecise scent. |
Nettleskin  | UncommonTransmutationPlant | Thorns sprout from your body; they pass through and don't damage any clothing or armor you wear. |
Noxious Vapors  | EvocationPoison | You emit a cloud of toxic smoke that temporarily obscures you from sight. |
Nudge the Odds  | UncommonDivination | You bestow yourself supernaturally good luck at cards, dice, and other games of chance. |
Nymph's Token  | UncommonEnchantmentSorcerer | You grant an ally a token of favor. |
Oathkeeper's Insignia  | ConjurationCleric | A magical indicator assures a creature that you've upheld your end of a bargain. |
Object Memory  | DivinationCleric | By touching an object, you draw forth the experience of those who created and used it. |
Object Reading  | Divination | You place a hand on an object to learn a piece of information about an emotional event that occurred involving the object within the past week, determined by the GM. |
Overstuff  | UncommonTransmutationCleric | Huge amounts of food and drink fill the target. |
Parch  | EvocationAirCleric | Dry winds dehydrate a creature. |
Pass Without Trace  | Abjuration | You obscure the tracks you leave behind and make it harder for others to find you. |
Penumbral Shroud  | EvocationDarkness | You envelop the target in a shroud of shadow. |
Perfected Mind  | UncommonAbjurationCleric | You meditate upon perfection to remove all distractions from your mind. |
Personal Rain Cloud  | UncommonEvocationWater | You conjure a 5-foot-wide rain cloud that follows the target wherever it goes. |
Pest Form  | TransmutationPolymorph | You transform into the battle form of a Tiny animal, such as a cat, insect, lizard, or rat. |
Pet Cache  | ConjurationExtradimensional | You open your cloak or create a gap with your hands, drawing the target into a pocket dimension just large enough for its basic comfort. |
Phantom Pain  | IllusionMentalNonlethal | Illusory pain wracks the target, dealing 2d4 mental damage and 1d4 Persistent Mental Damage. |
Phase Familiar  | UncommonAbjurationHexWitch | |
Physical Boost  | UncommonTransmutationWizard | You temporarily improve the target's physique. |
Pocket Library  | DivinationExtradimensional | You collect information from the world's libraries about a particular subject and store it in an extradimensional library. |
Practice Makes Perfect  | UncommonDivinationCleric | The target gains a +2 status bonus to the triggering check, or a +3 bonus if the target has master or better proficiency in the skill. |
Protection  | UncommonAbjuration | You ward a creature against a specified alignment. |
Protective Ward  | UncommonAbjurationAuraWizard | You emanate a shimmering aura of protective magic. |
Protector Tree  | ConjurationPlant | A Medium tree suddenly grows in an unoccupied square within range. |
Protector's Sacrifice  | UncommonAbjurationCleric | You protect your ally by suffering in their stead. |
Pummeling Rubble  | EvocationEarth | A spray of heavy rocks flies through the air in front of you. |
Purify Food and Drink  | Necromancy | You remove toxins and contaminations from food and drink, making them safe to consume. |
Purifying Icicle  | UncommonEvocationColdPositive | You evoke life essence into the form of water and freeze it, then launch the icicle at a foe. |
Pushing Gust  | UncommonConjurationAirCleric | Giving the air a push, you buffet the target with a powerful gust of wind; it must attempt a Fortitude save. |
Putrefy Food and Drink  | Necromancy | You cause otherwise edible food to rot and spoil instantly, and water and other liquids to become brackish and undrinkable. |
Quick Sort  | Transmutation | You magically sort a group of objects into neat stacks or piles. |
Ray of Enfeeblement  | NecromancyAttack | A ray that saps a foe's strength flashes from your hand. |
Read Fate | UncommonDivinationClericPrediction | You attempt to learn more about the target's fate in the short term, usually within the next day for most prosaic creatures, or the next hour or less for someone likely to have multiple rapid experiences, such as someone actively adventuring. |
Redact  | TransmutationCleric | You strike mention of a specific name from one or more documents. |
Rejuvenating Flames  | UncommonNecromancyFireHealingSorcerer | You create a gout of flame that both heals and burns. |
Restyle | Transmutation | You permanently change the appearance of one piece of clothing currently worn by you or an ally to better fit your aesthetic sensibilities. |
Rising Surf  | UncommonConjurationMoveWater | You create a wave of water that you ride, banking around obstacles and surfing to higher ground. |
Sanctuary  | Abjuration | You ward a creature with protective energy that deters enemy attacks. |
Savor the Sting  | UncommonEnchantmentClericMentalNonlethal | You inflict pain upon the target and revel in their anguish. |
Schadenfreude  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You distract your enemy with their feeling of smug pleasure when you fail catastrophically. |
Scholarly Recollection  | UncommonDivinationClericFortune | Speaking a short prayer as you gather your thoughts, you're blessed to find that your deity gave you just the right bit of information for your situation. |
Scorching Blast  | RareEvocationFire | You evoke a mass of fire into the air around your outstretched fist. |
Scouring Sand  | UncommonEvocationEarth | You blast the area with grit that scours away soil and gets into creatures' eyes. |
Seashell of Stolen Sound  | DivinationSonic | You store a sound in a seashell to use as you will: the last words of a loved one, a dragon's mighty roar, the compromising conversation between two powerful diplomats, or even more strange and secret. |
Sepulchral Mask  | UncommonDivinationEmotionMentalSorcererVisual | You manifest a supernatural funerary mask, granting you a +1 status bonus to Will saving throws against emotion effects for 1 minute. |
Share Burden  | AbjurationClericMental | You shoulder some of your ally's pain. |
Share Lore | DivinationMental | You share your knowledge with the touched creatures. |
Shattering Gem  | AbjurationEarth | A large gem floats around the target in an erratic pattern. |
Shielding Strike  | UncommonAbjurationMagus | As you attack a foe, warding magic transforms your momentum into action and lifts your shield. |
Shillelagh  | TransmutationPlant | The target grows vines and leaves, brimming with primal energy. |
Shocking Grasp  | EvocationAttackElectricity | You shroud your hands in a crackling field of lightning. |
Shockwave  | EvocationEarth | You create a wave of energy that ripples through the earth. |
Shooting Star  | UncommonDivinationMagus | You let loose a projectile that flies true and leaves the blazing trail of a meteor behind it. |
Sleep  | EnchantmentIncapacitationMentalSleep | Each creature in the area becomes drowsy and might fall asleep. |
Snare Hopping  | UncommonConjurationRangerTeleportation | You may not have placed your snare in the right place, but you can magically move it there. |
Snowball  | EvocationAttackColdWater | You throw a magically propelled and chilled ball of dense snow. |
Soothe  | EnchantmentEmotionHealingMental | You grace the target's mind, boosting its mental defenses and healing its wounds. |
Soothing Words  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | You attempt to calm the target by uttering soothing words in a calm and even tone. |
Soul Siphon  | UncommonNecromancyCurseboundNegativeOracle | You siphon off a portion of the target's soul to bolster your own vitality. |
Spider Sting  | NecromancyPoison | You magically duplicate a spider's venomous sting. |
Spinning Staff  | UncommonEvocationMagus | You spin your staff with a twirling flourish, attacking two foes and transforming the momentum into magical energy to charge for your next Spellstrike. |
Spirit Link  | NecromancyHealing | You form a spiritual link with another creature, taking in its pain. |
Splash of Art  | UncommonIllusionClericVisual | A deluge of colorful illusory paint, tools, or other symbols of art and artisanship drift down in the area. |
Split the Tongue  | UncommonTransmutation | The deceiving creature's tongue splits like a serpent's tongue. |
Spray of Stars  | UncommonEvocationCurseboundFireLightOracle | You fling a spray of tiny shooting stars, dealing 1d4 fire damage. |
String of Fate  | RareAbjurationClericFortune | You bond yourself to a cherished friend, vowing to share their fate for good or for ill. |
Stumbling Curse  | UncommonTransmutationCurseHexWitch | With a twist of a finger, you send a creature careening on a haphazard trajectory. |
Sudden Shift  | UncommonAbjurationCleric | You swiftly move from a dangerous spot and veil yourself. |
Summon Animal  | Conjuration | You conjure an animal to fight for you. |
Summon Construct  | Conjuration | You conjure a construct to fight for you. |
Summon Fey  | Conjuration | You conjure a fey to fight for you. |
Summon Lesser Servitor  | Conjuration | While deities jealously guard their most powerful servants from the summoning spells of those who aren't steeped in the faith, this spell allows you to conjure an inhabitant of the Outer Sphere with or without the deity's permission. |
Summon Plant or Fungus  | Conjuration | You conjure a plant or fungus to fight for you. |
Swampcall  | UncommonTransmutationEarth | You call upon the spirits of the soil to twist and churn, transforming the terrain in the targeted area into a sodden mess. |
Swarmsense | DivinationCleric | You extend your senses through a multitude of crawling and flying creatures. |
Sweet Dream  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryClericLinguisticMentalSleep | With soothing song or tales, you lull the target into an enchanting dream. |
Synchronize  | Divination | You harmlessly place your unique magic sigil, which is about 1 square inch in size, on your targets. |
Synchronize Steps  | UncommonEnchantment | You link the minds of two targets, enabling them to move in tandem. |
Tempest Surge  | UncommonEvocationAirDruidElectricity | You surround a foe in a swirling storm of violent winds, roiling clouds, and crackling lightning. |
Tempest Touch  | UncommonEvocationColdCurseboundOracleWater | Your touch calls forth a churning mass of icy water that clings to your target, dealing 1d4 bludgeoning damage and 1d4 cold damage. |
Temporal Distortion  | UncommonTransmutationCurseboundOracle | You share some of your own temporal distortions with a foe, altering their mind and body unpredictably as they're thrown backward or forward in time. |
Temporary Tool | Conjuration | You conjure a temporary simple tool, such as a shovel or rope into your hands. |
Tentacular Limbs  | UncommonTransmutationMorphSorcerer | Your arms turn into long, pliable tentacles, increasing your reach when you're delivering touch range spells and making unarmed Strikes with your arms (such as fist and claw Strikes) to 10 feet. |
Tether  | Abjuration | You use magical chains, vines, or other tethers to bind your target to you. |
Thicket of Knives  | IllusionVisual | You create numerous phantom copies of your weapon arm, hiding your true movements and rendering your attacks unpredictable. |
Thoughtful Gift | ConjurationTeleportation | You teleport one object of light or negligible Bulk held in your hand to the target. |
Thunderous Strike  | UncommonEvocationMagusSonic | You swing your massive weapon, creating a wave of sonic vibrations that topples creatures. |
Tidal Surge  | UncommonEvocationClericWater | You call forth a tremendous wave to move the target either in a body of water or on the ground. |
Touch of Corruption  | UncommonNecromancyChampionNegative | You infuse the target with negative energy. |
Touch of Corruption (Healing)  | UncommonNecromancy | You infuse the target with negative energy. |
Touch of Obedience  | UncommonEnchantmentClericMental | Your imperious touch erodes the target's willpower, making it easier to control. |
Touch of Undeath  | UncommonNecromancyClericNegative | You attack the target's life force with undeath, dealing 1d6 negative damage. |
True Strike  | DivinationFortune | A glimpse into the future ensures your next blow strikes true. |
Undeath's Blessing  | UncommonNecromancyNegativeSorcerer | You instill within a creature the touch of the grave. |
Unfetter Eidolon  | UncommonAbjurationSummoner | You loosen the link between yourself and your eidolon, allowing it to travel farther from you for a short period of time. |
Unimpeded Stride  | UncommonTransmutationCleric | Nothing can hold you in place. |
Unseen Servant  | Conjuration | You summon an unseen servant, which you can command as part of Sustaining the Spell. |
Updraft  | UncommonEvocationAir | A powerful blast of wind erupts from the ground, launching the target into the air and sending it crashing back down. |
Veil of Confidence  | UncommonEnchantmentClericMental | You surround yourself in a veil of confidence. |
Veil of Dreams  | UncommonEnchantmentHexMentalWitch | You draw the target into a drowsy state, causing daydreams and sluggishness. |
Ventriloquism  | IllusionAuditory | Whenever you speak or make any other sound vocally, you can make your vocalization seem to originate from somewhere else within 60 feet, and you can change that apparent location freely as you vocalize. |
Verdant Sprout  | UncommonConjurationPlant | You imbue a single ordinary, inexpensive plant seed with primal energy and throw it onto a surface, where it gradually sprouts into a Medium plant. |
Verminous Lure  | UncommonTransmutationOlfactory | Upon casting, the target emits a musk that's captivating to certain animals. |
Vibrant Thorns  | UncommonTransmutationClericMorphPlant | Your body sprouts a coat of brambly thorns that harm those that strike you and thrive on life magic. |
Victory Cry | RareEvocationClericSonic | Your true might comes from your bonds with your allies, and you glory in their achievements. |
Waking Nightmare  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionFearMental | You fill the creature's mind with a terrifying vision out of its nightmares. |
Warped Terrain to  | UncommonIllusionVisualWizard | You create illusory hazards that cover all surfaces in the area (typically the ground). |
Weapon Surge  | UncommonEvocationCleric | Holding your weapon aloft, you fill it with divine energy. |
Wild Morph | UncommonTransmutationDruidMorph | You morph your body based on your training, choosing one of the following effects based on your wild order feats. |
Wild Shape  | UncommonTransmutationDruidPolymorph | You infuse yourself with primal essence and transform into another form. |
Wildfire  | UncommonConjurationFire | A thin layer of ash and flame covers the ground in the area. |
Winter Bolt  | EvocationAttackClericCold | You fling a hollow icicle filled with winter's wrath. |
Withering Grasp  | NecromancyClericNegative | Your touch rots organic material and decays objects. |
Word of Truth  | UncommonDivinationCleric | You speak a statement you believe to be true and that is free of any attempt to deceive through twisting words, omission, and so on. |
Zenith Star  | DivinationClericLight | You call a tiny star to orbit a creature in a sparkling halo before shooting up into the heavens, where it marks the creature's rough location. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Acid Arrow  | EvocationAcidAttack | You conjure an arrow of acid that keeps corroding the target after it hits. |
Animal Feature  | UncommonTransmutationMorphRanger | Without fully transforming your body, you gain one animalistic feature, which you select from the list below each time you Cast the Spell. |
Animal Form  | TransmutationPolymorph | You call upon primal energy to transform yourself into a Medium animal battle form. |
Animal Messenger | EnchantmentMental | You offer food, and an ordinary Tiny animal within range approaches to eat it. |
Animate Object | UncommonTransmutation | You transform the target into an animated object with a level up to that allowed by Table 7-1 and of a type corresponding to the object (so a broom would become an animated broom). |
Animated Assault  | Evocation | You use your mind to manipulate unattended objects in the area, temporarily animating them to attack. |
Animus Mine  | AbjurationMental | You implant a mental mine within your psyche that detonates against anyone attempting to manipulate your thoughts. |
Ash Cloud  | ConjurationAirFire | You summon a tumultuous cloud of ash and smoke. |
Augury | DivinationPrediction | You gain a vague glimpse of the future. |
Barkskin  | AbjurationPlant | The target's skin becomes covered in bark. |
Befitting Attire  | IllusionVisual | You cloak the targets in an illusion, shaping their clothing and worn items into ones suitable for a particular occasion. |
Blazing Blade  | RareConjurationFireGood | A scimitar-shaped beam of fiery light springs from your free hand. |
Blistering Invective  | EnchantmentAuditoryEmotionFearMental | A heap of insults and invectives spew from your mouth-words so devastating your foes burn from the intensity of your diatribe. |
Blood Duplicate  | UncommonConjuration | This spell deals you 1 piercing damage as you shape a magical duplicate of the target from your blood; you can't cast this spell if you don't have blood. |
Blood Vendetta  | NecromancyCurse | You curse the target, punishing it for having the audacity to spill your blood. |
Blur  | IllusionVisual | The target's form appears blurry. |
Bone Spray  | UncommonNecromancy | You fire a torrent of jagged bone shards from your hands, dealing 2d10 piercing damage and 1 Persistent Bleed Damage to all creatures in the area. |
Boneshaker or  | UncommonNecromancy | You reach out a hand and seize a creature's skeleton from afar, harming their body and potentially wrenching them by the bones to move them against their will. |
Bralani Referendum  | UncommonEvocationAir | You enforce fair play with punishing zephyrs. |
Brand the Impenitent  | AbjurationCurse | You brand the target with an ethereal copy of your deity's religious symbol. |
Breath of Drought  | UncommonEvocationFire | You fill the area with an oppressive, arid swelter that overwhelms creatures with heat exhaustion. |
Calm Emotions  | EnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationMental | You forcibly calm creatures in the area, soothing them into a nonviolent state; each creature must attempt a Will save. |
Charitable Urge  | EnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You speak on the virtue of charity, compelling the target to give away its possessions. |
Clawsong  | UncommonTransmutation | You sing a fierce prayer, low and growling, and awaken the ancient spirit of a Terwa beast to guide and strengthen the target's unarmed blows. |
Comprehend Language  | Divination | The target can understand the meaning of a single language it is hearing or reading when you cast the spell. |
Consecrate | UncommonEvocationConsecration | You consecrate a site to your deity, chanting praises and creating a sacred space. |
Continual Flame  | EvocationLight | A magical flame springs up from the object, as bright as a torch. |
Corpse Communion | RareNecromancy | The dead hold more secrets than the living ever shall. |
Create Food | Conjuration | You create enough food to feed six Medium creatures for a day. |
Create Undead | UncommonNecromancyEvil | You transform the target into an undead creature with a level up to that allowed in Table 7-1. |
Dancing Shield  | UncommonEvocation | You levitate the touched shield and orbit it around a nearby ally. |
Darkness  | EvocationDarkness | You create a shroud of darkness that prevents light from penetrating or emanating within the area. |
Darkvision  | Divination | You grant yourself supernatural sight in areas of darkness. |
Deafness  | Necromancy | The target loses hearing; it must attempt a Fortitude save. |
Death Knell  | NecromancyDeath | You snuff the life out of a creature on the brink of death. |
Dismantle  | Transmutation | You touch an object, and it immediately disassembles itself into its component pieces. |
Dispel Magic  | Abjuration | You unravel the magic behind a spell or effect. |
Elemental Zone  | Evocation | Select an elemental trait: air, earth, fire, or water. |
Empathic Link | UncommonDivinationEmotionMental | You forge a bond between yourself and the target, enabling you to feel each other's emotions. |
Empty Pack  | Illusion | You render every item inside the container you touch Invisible, although the container itself remains visible. |
Endure Elements | Abjuration | You shield the target against dangerous temperatures. |
Enhance Victuals | Transmutation | You transform the target into delicious fare, changing water into wine or another fine beverage or enhancing the food's taste and ingredients to make it a gourmet treat. |
Enlarge  | TransmutationPolymorph | Bolstered by magical power, the target grows to size Large. |
Entangle  | TransmutationPlant | Plants in the area entangle creatures. |
Erase Trail  | UncommonAbjuration | You drastically reduce all signs of one specific creature's passage from the area, including footprints, handprints, dirt, and minor changes caused to the surrounding environment, like the bending of grass. |
Expeditious Excavation  | TransmutationEarth | You remove loose dirt, dust, gravel, sand, and the like (though not solid stone) up to the size of a 5-foot cube. |
Extract Poison  | Abjuration | With the lightest touch, you can siphon the poison from an object and save it for your own later use, making an assassin's blade or politician's wine less deadly while you become all the more so. |
Faerie Fire  | EvocationLight | All creatures in the area when you cast the spell are limned in colorful, heatless fire of a color of your choice for the duration. |
False Life  | Necromancy | You create a reservoir of vitality from necromantic energy, gaining a number of temporary Hit Points equal to 6 plus your spellcasting ability modifier. |
Fear the Sun  | UncommonTransmutation | You cause the creature's vision to become particularly sensitive. |
Feast of Ashes  | NecromancyCurse | You curse the target with a hunger no food can sate. |
Feral Shades  | Necromancy | A wave of gray mist formed of negative energy spills out from your outstretched hand, briefly taking the shape of a pack of predatory animals that set viciously on your foes. |
Final Sacrifice  | EvocationFire | You channel disruptive energies through the bond between you and your minion, causing it to violently explode. |
Flame Wisp  | EvocationFire | Three faintly glowing wisps of fire float around your head. |
Flaming Sphere  | EvocationFire | You create a sphere of flame in a square within range. |
Fungal Hyphae  | NecromancyFungus | Thin hyphae grow from your feet and plunge into the earth, creating a symbiotic fungal network that attaches to plants within 30 feet and connects you to their root systems. |
Fungal Infestation  | Conjuration | Toxic spores swarm over creatures in the area, causing them to erupt in grotesque fungal growths. |
Gentle Repose  | Necromancy | The targeted corpse doesn't decay, nor can it be transformed into an undead. |
Ghoulish Cravings  | NecromancyDiseaseEvil | You touch the target to afflict it with ghoul fever, infesting it with hunger and a steadily decreasing connection to positive energy; the target must attempt a Fortitude save. |
Glitterdust  | Evocation | Creatures in the area are outlined by glittering dust. |
Grave Impressions | UncommonNecromancy | You project a fragment of your senses into the corpse. |
Guiding Star  | DivinationDetectionMental | You call on the constellations of the night sky to guide a creature to the location where you Cast the Spell. |
Heartbond | UncommonAbjuration | You create a magical bond between two willing creatures, who are secondary casters of the ritual and must share genuine affection for one another. |
Heat Metal  | EvocationFire | This spell heats the targeted metal to become red-hot for a moment. |
Hideous Laughter  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | The target is overtaken with uncontrollable laughter. |
Horrifying Blood Loss  | UncommonEnchantmentCurseEmotionFearMental | You curse the target, filling it with terror at the loss of its blood. |
Humanoid Form  | TransmutationPolymorph | You transform your appearance to that of a Small or Medium humanoid, such as a dwarf, elf, goblin, halfling, human, orc, or lizardfolk. |
Hunter's Luck  | UncommonDivinationFortuneRanger | You have a preternatural ability to remember details about your foes. |
Ignite Fireworks  | EvocationFireSonic | A brilliant and clamorous display of sparks and colorful fireworks explode around your enemies, dealing 1d8 fire damage and 1d8 sonic damage to creatures within a 10-foot burst. |
Illusory Creature  | IllusionAuditoryOlfactoryVisual | You create an illusory image of a Large or smaller creature. |
Imp Sting  | UncommonNecromancyEvilPoison | You reproduce an imp's evil, poisonous sting, stabbing at an enemy and possibly affecting them with the devil's benumbing venom. |
Impart Empathy  | UncommonEnchantmentEmotionMental | You expand the target's ability to understand social cues that are normally beyond its comprehension. |
Impeccable Flow  | UncommonDivinationLawful | You attune yourself to an underlying cosmic order to the world. |
Inner Radiance Torrent | NecromancyForceLight | You gradually manifest your spiritual energy into your cupped hands before firing off a storm of bolts and beams that deal 4d4 force damage to all creatures in a 60-foot line. |
Instant Armor | ConjurationContingencyExtradimensional | Upon casting this spell, the armor you're wearing is whisked away into an extradimensional space that's linked to you. |
Inveigle | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You win over the target's mind, causing it to see you as a close and trusted friend and look upon your every suggestion as reasonable. |
Invisibility  | Illusion | Cloaked in illusion, the target becomes Invisible. |
Invoke the Crimson Oath  | UncommonEvocation | Brandishing your weapon and shouting the final line of the Crimson Oath, you unleash a blast of destructive ruby energy. |
Iron Gut  | Transmutation | Your mouth, esophagus, and stomach become incredibly elastic and tougher than metal. |
Knock  | Transmutation | You make the target easier to open. |
Lifelink Surge  | UncommonNecromancyHealingPositiveSummoner | You make a quick gesture, tracing the link between yourself and your eidolon and drawing on your connection to slowly strengthen your shared life force. |
Light of Revelation  | UncommonDivinationLightRevelation | You shed a luminous aura, illuminating a 30-foot radius with bright light. |
Lock Item  | UncommonAbjuration | One object held by a creature becomes fused to that creature's hand and can't be put down. |
Loose Time's Arrow  | Transmutation | You pluck the time stream like a bow-pull one string back, release, and watch a creature fly. |
Lucky Month | UncommonDivination | You imbue the provided token with luck. |
Lucky Number | DivinationContingency | When you Cast this Spell, roll 1d20 and make a note of the result. |
Magic Mouth  | IllusionAuditoryVisual | You specify a trigger and a message up to 25 words long. |
Magic Warrior Aspect  | UncommonTransmutationMorph | You call upon the aspect of the animal from your mask, gaining physical features reminiscent of that animal. |
Magic Warrior Transformation  | UncommonTransmutationPolymorph | You transform into the animal from your mask. |
Magnetic Attraction  | Evocation | You adjust your magnetic polarity, plucking daggers from hands and coins from belts. |
Magnetic Repulsion  | Abjuration | You adjust your magnetic polarity, causing metal objects to jump and shudder away from you. |
Mimic Undead  | Necromancy | You take death and wrap it about you like a cloak-your colors wash out and your skin grows cold to the touch. |
Mind Games  | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You lock minds with the target, trying to mentally subdue them. |
Mirror Image  | IllusionVisual | Three illusory images of you swirl about your space, potentially causing those who attack you to hit one of the images instead of you. |
Misdirection | Illusion | You reshape the magic aura of one creature or object to resemble that of another. |
Obscuring Mist  | ConjurationWater | You call forth a cloud of mist. |
Pack Attack  | UncommonDivinationMental | You and one other target gain an uncanny coordination that helps you take down foes. |
Paranoia  | IllusionMental | You cause the target to see all other creatures as dire threats. |
Penumbral Disguise  | UncommonIllusionShadow | You wrap the target in shadows, granting them a +1 status bonus to Stealth checks to Hide while in dim light or darkness. |
Perfect Strike  | UncommonDivinationFortune | You call upon insight from your training to recover accuracy. |
Persistent Servant | Conjuration | You call forth an unseen servant and task it to perform a specific chore repeatedly. |
Phantasmal Treasure  | IllusionEmotionMental | A phantasmal image of the most precious thing imaginable to the target appears in a location of your choice within the spell's range. |
Phantom Crowd  | IllusionVisual | A tightly packed crowd of humanoids appropriate to the area appear, facing you and agreeing loudly with anything you say. |
Phantom Steed | Conjuration | You conjure a Large, magical, equine creature that only you (or another Medium or Small creature you choose) can ride. |
Purify Soul Path | UncommonAbjuration | You delve inward, spending extensive time contemplating the purity of your own soul and the actions of your past. |
Quench  | AbjurationWater | You cause the air in the area to become supersaturated with water vapor. |
Radiant Field  | UncommonEvocationLight | You create an area of bright light. |
Rapid Adaptation  | Transmutation | You flood the target with energy from the terrain around it, compressing centuries of evolution into a single moment. |
Reaper's Lantern  | NecromancyDeathLight | You call forth a ghostly lantern that guides the living toward death and the undead toward true death. |
Remove Fear  | Enchantment | With a touch, you ease a creature's fears. |
Remove Paralysis  | NecromancyHealing | A surge of energy frees a Paralyzed creature. |
Resist Energy  | Abjuration | A shield of elemental energy protects a creature against one type of energy damage. |
Restoration | NecromancyHealing | Restorative magic counters the effects of toxins or conditions that prevent a creature from functioning at its best. |
Restore Senses  | NecromancyHealing | You attempt to counteract a single effect imposing the Blinded or Deafened conditions on the target, restoring its vision or hearing. |
Rime Slick  | UncommonEvocationCold | You call down a chill wind. |
Scorching Ray to  | EvocationAttackFire | You fire a ray of heat and flame. |
Sea Surge  | UncommonEvocationWater | You slap or stomp on a nearby solid or liquid surface, sending a surge of water rushing away from you. |
See Invisibility  | DivinationRevelation | You can see Invisible creatures and objects. |
Shadow Zombie  | UncommonNecromancyShadow | You cast a shadow over the target zombie, briefly turning it into shadowy vapor and controlling its movement. |
Shape Wood  | TransmutationPlant | You shape the wood into a rough shape of your choice. |
Shatter  | EvocationSonic | A high-frequency sonic attack shatters a nearby object. |
Shield Other  | Necromancy | You forge a temporary link between the target's life essence and your own. |
Shrink  | TransmutationPolymorph | You warp space to make a creature smaller. |
Silence  | Illusion | The target makes no sound, preventing creatures from noticing it using hearing or other senses alone. |
Slough Skin  | Necromancy | You continually and harmlessly slough off the top layer of your skin while new skin regenerates immediately, quickly moving damaging substances away from your body. |
Sonata Span  | ConjurationAuditorySonic | By playing a brief tune on an instrument or in song, you cause the notes of the melody to physically manifest into a shimmering, translucent path. |
Soothing Mist  | UncommonNecromancyHealingPositiveRanger | You call forth a magical mist of positive energy that envelops a creature. |
Sound Burst  | EvocationSonic | A cacophonous noise blasts out, dealing 2d10 sonic damage. |
Speak with Animals  | Divination | You can ask questions of, receive answers from, and use the Diplomacy skill with animals. |
Spectral Hand  | Necromancy | You create a semicorporeal hand out of your essence that delivers touch spells for you. |
Spider Climb  | Transmutation | Tiny clinging hairs sprout across the creature's hands and feet, offering purchase on nearly any surface. |
Spirit Sense  | DivinationDetectionMental | You open your mind to the metaphysical, enabling you to sense nearby spirits. |
Spiritual Weapon  | EvocationForce | A weapon made of pure magical force materializes and attacks foes you designate within range. |
Status  | DivinationDetection | As long as you and the target are on the same plane of existence and both alive, you remain aware of its present state. |
Sudden Blight  | NecromancyNegative | You accelerate the processes of decay in the area. |
Sudden Bolt  | UncommonEvocationElectricity | You call down a small bolt of lightning on the target, dealing 4d12 electricity damage. |
Summon Elemental  | Conjuration | You conjure an elemental to fight for you. |
Summoner's Precaution | NecromancyContingency | You create a buffer in the link between yourself and your eidolon in order to prevent you from falling alongside your bonded ally. |
Summoner's Visage  | TransmutationPolymorph | You transform your eidolon into your identical twin. |
Sun Blade  | UncommonEvocationFireLightPositive | You fire a ray of burning sunlight from your weapon. |
Swallow Light  | UncommonEvocationColdDarknessNegative | You draw magical light into your open mouth, consuming it and turning its essence into fuel for a gout of life-draining shadows. |
Teeth to Terror  | UncommonIllusionFearMental | The target believes its teeth are falling out, crawling along its face, stabbing into its body, and cramming themselves down its throat. |
Telekinetic Maneuver  | EvocationAttackForce | With a rush of telekinetic power, you move a foe or something they carry. |
Thundering Dominance  | EnchantmentMental | You shroud the target in a powerful predatory aura and amplify its vocalizations. |
Timely Tutor  | DivinationMental | You serve as an astral connection between your eidolon or familiar and the Akashic Record-a demiplane consisting of a comprehensive psychic library-then turn to the creature for advice. |
Touch of Idiocy  | EnchantmentMental | You dull the target's mind; the target must attempt a Will save. |
Tree Shape  | TransmutationPlantPolymorph | You transform into a Large tree. |
Umbral Extraction  | IllusionMentalShadow | You prepare to steal spells from your foes, ripping them from the foe's shadow to stow them in an ephemeral pocket in the Shadow Plane. |
Umbral Mindtheft  | UncommonIllusionMentalShadow | You prepare to steal a broad field of knowledge from another creature, siphoning it from their mind and storing it in a pocket of the Shadow Plane connected to your own mind. |
Undetectable Alignment | UncommonAbjuration | You shroud a creature or object in wards that hide its alignment. |
Vicious Jealousy  | UncommonEnchantmentMental | The target is overcome by deep jealousy and resentment that twists its mind against other creatures. |
Vision of Weakness  | UncommonDivinationCurseboundOracle | You focus your gaze on a creature and gain a flash of divine insight into its nature. |
Vomit Swarm  | Evocation | You belch forth a swarm of magical vermin. |
Warrior's Regret  | EnchantmentCurseEmotionMental | Regret eats away at the target's mind, punishing it for its violence until it ceases its hostility. |
Water Breathing | Transmutation | The targets can breathe underwater. |
Water Walk  | Transmutation | The target can walk on the surface of water and other liquids without falling through. |
Web  | Conjuration | You create a sticky web in the area that impedes creatures' movement each time they try to move through it. |
Wholeness of Body  | UncommonNecromancyHealingMonkPositive | You heal yourself in one of the following ways, chosen by you when you cast the spell. |
Worm's Repast  | RareNecromancy | Gnawing worms materialize within the flesh of the target creature, dealing 4d6 piercing damage and 1d6 Persistent Piercing Damage. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Aberrant Whispers to  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryMentalSorcerer | You utter phrases in an unknown tongue, assaulting the minds of those nearby. |
Access Lore  | UncommonDivinationCurseboundFortuneOracle | You sift through the multiverse's divine knowledge, seeking out tidbits related to a particular subject. |
Agonizing Despair  | EnchantmentEmotionFearMental | Your target's mind tumbles down a deep well of dread, dwelling so intently on deep-seated fears that it's painful. |
Ancestral Defense  | UncommonAbjurationCurseboundFortuneMentalOracle | Your ancestor protects you against those who would bend your will. |
Angelic Wings  | UncommonEvocationLightSorcerer | Wings of pure light spread out from your back, granting you a fly Speed equal to your Speed. |
Animal Vision | DivinationMental | You tap into the target's senses, allowing you to see, hear, and otherwise sense whatever it senses for the spell's duration. |
Aqueous Orb  | ConjurationWater | A sphere of water 10 feet in diameter forms in an unoccupied space in range, either on the ground or on the surface of a liquid. |
Arcane Weaving | UncommonDivination | You and the secondary casters weave together spells (and, if anadis, silk) in a complex ritual that combines magical learning with art, allowing all the participants to share spells they know with one another. |
Armor of Bones  | UncommonNecromancyCurseboundOracle | You ossify your physical form, mimicking the durability of bone. |
Ashen Wind  | UncommonConjurationCurseboundOracle | You conjure a swirling wind of ashes that blows through the area. |
Awaken Portal | RareConjuration | You attempt to reactivate a dormant gate, portal, or Teleportation Circle by infusing it with magical energies. |
Battlefield Persistence  | UncommonDivinationCurseboundOracle | You're difficult to remove from battle. |
Beastmaster Trance  | UncommonDivinationArchetypeConcentrateMental | You enter a magical trance that allows you to perceive through the senses of the target companion. |
Behold the Weave  | DivinationIncapacitationPrediction | You behold the many timelines that weave around a creature, and in so doing, you make one more likely to occur. |
Bind Undead  | Necromancy | With a word of necromantic power, you seize control of the target. |
Blazing Dive  | EvocationAirFire | Superheated air collects under you, buoying you high into the sky before you plummet back down in a fiery comet. |
Blinding Beauty  | UncommonEnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationSorcererVisual | You channel the allure of your nymph bloodline into a terribly beautiful glance. |
Blindness  | NecromancyIncapacitation | You blind the target. |
Bottomless Stomach  | ConjurationExtradimensional | You create a shimmering extradimensional space accessible from the target's mouth. |
Bracing Tendrils  | EvocationForce | Visible tendrils of force anchor your body to the ground, preventing unwanted movement. |
Cascade Countermeasure  | UncommonAbjurationMagus | You quickly adjust your Arcane Cascade to offer magical protection. |
Caster's Imposition  | UncommonAbjurationCurse | A magical interference prevents the target from contributing to any form of cooperative spellcasting. |
Chilling Darkness  | EvocationAttackColdDarknessEvil | You shoot an utterly cold ray of darkness tinged with unholy energy. |
Circle of Protection  | UncommonAbjuration | You ward a creature and those nearby against a specified alignment. |
Claim Curse  | Necromancy | By burning threads of fate around a target and then retying them to yourself instead, you temporarily draw their curse to you and offer them brief succor from the worst of its effects. |
Clairaudience | DivinationScrying | You create an Invisible floating ear at a location within range (even if it's outside your line of sight or line of effect). |
Combustion  | UncommonEvocationFire | You ignite a creature in lasting flames. |
Consecrate Flesh  | UncommonTransmutationGood | Through the strength of your faith, your body becomes infused with holy energy. |
Contact Friends | UncommonDivination | You meditate for a quiet moment before your mind seeks out others whom you have befriended, as well as friends of any of the secondary casters. |
Cozy Cabin | Conjuration | You shape a cabin 20 feet on each side and 10 feet high. |
Crashing Wave  | EvocationWater | You summon a crashing wave that sweeps away from you. |
Crisis of Faith  | EnchantmentMental | You assault the target's faith, riddling the creature with doubt and mental turmoil that deal 6d6 mental damage, or 6d8 mental damage if it can cast divine spells. |
Cup of Dust  | NecromancyCurse | You curse the target with a thirst no drink can quench. |
Curse Of Lost Time  | TransmutationCurseNegative | You curse the target with rapid aging or erosion. |
Day's Weight  | Transmutation | You fast-forward time for a single creature, burdening it with the aches and pain of an entire day and making it temporarily tired and weak. |
Deceiver's Cloak  | UncommonIllusionHexWitch | You wrap yourself in a cloak of illusion, appearing as another creature of the same body shape with roughly similar height and weight as yourself. |
Delay Affliction  | UncommonNecromancyCurseboundHealingOraclePositive | With a surge of healing energy, you push back against an affliction threatening the target and grant a small amount of healing. |
Distracting Chatter  | IllusionAuditory | You bombard a target with distracting auditory illusions, surrounding them with a tumultuous cacophony of overlapping speech, whispers, screams, and muttering. |
Dividing Trench  | UncommonTransmutationEarth | You dig an earthen trench across the surrounding terrain, which must be soil, clay, sand, or other soft earth, but not flooring or stone. |
Dragon Breath  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 damage. |
Dragon Breath (Black, Brine or Copper)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 acid damage in a 60-foot line. |
Dragon Breath (Blue or Bronze)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 electricity damage in a 60-foot line. |
Dragon Breath (Brass)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 fire damage in a 60-foot line. |
Dragon Breath (Cloud)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 electricity damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Crystal or Forest)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 piercing damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Gold, Magma or Red)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 fire damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Green)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 poison damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Sea)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 bludgeoning damage in a 10-foot burst within 30 feet. |
Dragon Breath (Silver or White)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 cold damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Sky)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 electricity damage in a 10-foot burst within 30 feet. |
Dragon Breath (Sovereign)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 mental damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Umbral)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 negative damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Underworld)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 fire damage in a 10-foot burst within 30 feet. |
Drain Life  | UncommonNecromancyNegativeSorcerer | You close your hand and pull life energy from another creature into yourself. |
Dream Message | EnchantmentMental | You send a message to your target's dream. |
Earthbind  | Transmutation | Using the weight of earth, you hamper a target's flight, with effects based on its Fortitude save. |
Eidolon's Wrath  | UncommonEvocationEidolonSummoner | Your eidolon releases a powerful energy attack that deals 5d6 damage of the type you chose when you took the Eidolon's Wrath feat, with a basic Reflex save. |
Electrified Crystal Ward  | RareEvocationElectricity | You create an Electric Latch Rune hazard on the target, creating a special crystalline lock on the object. |
Elemental Absorption  | Abjuration | You absorb elemental energy, which you can release as a powerful counterattack. |
Elemental Annihilation Wave | EvocationAirEarthFireWater | You draw elemental power from your surroundings, and combining it with your own magical energy, unleash a wave of utter destruction and swirling colors that deals 1d6 fire damage and 3d6 bludgeoning damage with a basic Reflex save. |
Elemental Motion  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You call upon your element to propel you, improving your Speed depending on your element. |
Embrace the Pit  | UncommonTransmutationEvilMorphSorcerer | Devil horns grow from your skull, and your skin takes on features of the devil responsible for your diabolic bloodline. |
Enthrall  | EnchantmentAuditoryEmotion | Your words fascinate your targets. |
Envenom Companion  | NecromancyPoison | You envenom your companion or eidolon's attacks, which drip with highly toxic venom for the spell's duration. |
Ephemeral Tracking  | UncommonDivinationRanger | You can look at currents in the air and water and see tracks that you can follow just as you would on land. |
Excise Lexicon  | UncommonDivinationLinguisticMental | You reach into a creature's mind and extract its knowledge of a word. |
Extend Spell  | UncommonDivinationMetamagicSorcerer | You call upon your blood's knowledge of the ancients to extend your magic. |
Eyes of the Dead  | UncommonDivinationMental | You enter a magical trance that allows you to perceive through the senses of the target creature. |
Familiar's Face  | DivinationScrying | The target becomes a scrying sensor, allowing you to see through its eyes, smell what it smells, and similarly use its other senses. |
Far Sight  | UncommonDivinationVisual | You can see distant objects as if they were closer. |
Feet to Fins  | TransmutationMorph | The target's feet transform into fins, improving mobility in the water but reducing it on land. |
Fey Disappearance  | UncommonEnchantmentSorcerer | You become Invisible and ignore natural difficult terrain (such as underbrush). |
Fireball  | EvocationFire | A roaring blast of fire appears at a spot you designate, dealing 6d6 fire damage. |
Focusing Hum  | Divination | You infuse the air around you with a sustained hum that allows creatures within it to resist distractions. |
Gasping Marsh  | UncommonEvocationPoison | With a rattling hiss, you create a quickly evaporating mist of invisible poisonous marsh gas to smother creatures in the area. |
Geas | UncommonEnchantmentCurseMental | You enforce a magic rule on a willing target, forcing it to either perform or refrain from carrying out a certain act. |
Ghostly Weapon  | Transmutation | The target weapon becomes translucent and ghostly, and it can affect material and incorporeal creatures and objects. |
Glyph of Warding | Abjuration | You craft a trap by binding a hostile spell into a symbol. |
Gravity Well  | Evocation | You create a sphere of altered gravity. |
Guardian's Aegis | UncommonAbjuration | The guardian's aegis is a ritual used across numerous cultures to bind a chosen guardian and ward together so that they can complete a quest of great import. |
Haste  | Transmutation | Magic empowers the target to act faster. |
Heart's Desire  | UncommonIllusionEmotionMentalSorcerer | You surround your target with wondrous illusions of their greatest desires, which distract them from reality. |
Heroism  | EnchantmentMental | You tap into the target's inner heroism, granting it a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, Perception checks, saving throws, and skill checks. |
Horrific Visage  | UncommonIllusionEmotionFearMentalSorcererVisual | You briefly transform your features into the horrific visage of a hag, striking fear into your enemies. |
Hypercognition  | Divination | You rapidly catalog and collate information relevant to your current situation. |
Hypnotic Pattern  | IllusionVisual | You create a pattern of shifting colors that hovers in the air in a geometric cloud. |
Impending Doom  | DivinationEmotionFearIncapacitationMentalPrediction | You sift through myriad potential futures, seize upon one potential moment in which the target meets a particularly gruesome and fatal end, and then show it a vision of its impending demise. |
Incendiary Ashes  | UncommonEvocationCurseboundFireOracle | A cloud of magical ashes descends upon creatures in the area. |
Infectious Ennui  | RareEnchantmentEmotionMental | With a wave of your hand and a short invocation, you cause feelings of ennui and impending doom to well up in the mind of the targeted creature, who must attempt a Will save. |
Inscrutable Mask  | UncommonIllusionShadow | You shroud your form and features in an impenetrable mask of shadow. |
Insect Form  | TransmutationPolymorph | You envision a simple bug and transform into a Medium animal battle form. |
Interstellar Void  | UncommonEvocationColdCurseboundOracle | You call upon the frigid depths of outer space to bring a terrible chill to your enemy. |
Invisibility Sphere  | Illusion | You and all targets are Invisible except to each other as long as you remain within the spell's area. |
Ki Blast to  | UncommonEvocationForceMonk | You unleash your ki as a powerful blast of force that deals 2d6 force damage. |
Levitate  | Evocation | You defy gravity and levitate the target 5 feet off the ground. |
Life Connection | NecromancyContingency | When you cast this spell, you place a failsafe deep within the life force of the target. |
Life Pact | UncommonNecromancyHealing | Using your life force or spirit as a conduit, you bind the targets in a mystical pact. |
Lightning Bolt  | EvocationElectricity | A bolt of lightning strikes outward from your hand, dealing 4d12 electricity damage. |
Litany against Wrath  | UncommonEvocationChampionGoodLitany | Your litany rails against the sin of wrath, punishing the target for attacking good creatures. |
Locate | UncommonDivinationDetection | You learn the direction to the target (if you picked a specific object, such as "my mother's sword") or the nearest target (if you picked a type of object, such as "swords"). |
Mad Monkeys  | Conjuration | Magical monkey spirits fill the area as they pile and climb on top of one another. |
Magical Fetters  | UncommonConjurationIncapacitation | Ghostly manacles launch from your outstretched hand and clasp around the target's limbs, impeding its movements. |
Magnetic Acceleration  | EvocationAttack | You magnetize a small metal object, such as a nail or coin, and launch it away from you at massive speed. |
Malicious Shadow  | UncommonEvocationHexShadowWitch | You reshape the target's shadow into a deadly form, such as strangling hands, a dangerous weapon, harrying runes, or the like, and command it to attack the target. |
Martyr's Intervention  | UncommonNecromancyHealing | You shield a creature in dire need with your own life force, taking the harm upon yourself to save their life. |
Meld into Stone  | TransmutationEarth | You merge with an adjacent block of stone with enough volume to fit you and your worn and held possessions. |
Mind Reading  | UncommonDivinationDetectionMental | With a cursory mental touch, you attempt to read the target's mind. |
Mind of Menace | EnchantmentContingencyEmotionFearMental | This spell wards against those who attempt to subvert your mind and turns mental magic back on them. |
Mindscape Door | UncommonIllusion | You project the targets into an immersive mindscape or cause them to exit one. |
Moonlight Ray  | UncommonEvocationAttackColdGoodLight | You unleash a holy beam of freezing moonlight. |
Moth's Supper  | Necromancy | You sigh, and your breath transforms into delicate, black‑winged butterflies and huge death's-head hawkmoths. |
Mystic Carriage | UncommonConjuration | This ritual allows you and the other casters to conjure a magical carriage that transports you to a destination of your choice. |
Neutralize Poison  | NecromancyHealing | You pour healing magic through the target in an attempt to cure one poison afflicting it. |
Nondetection | UncommonAbjuration | You erect protective wards that make the target difficult to detect via magic. |
Oneiric Mire  | IllusionMentalVisual | You shroud an area in illusory dreamstuff, making the ground look and feel like a deep mire or quicksand. |
Ooze Form  | TransmutationPolymorph | You invoke all things that seep and ooze, your body dissolving into a thick slurry and then reconstituting itself into a Medium ooze battle form. |
Organsight  | DivinationRevelation | You see the target as though it's dissected and arrayed before you. |
Owb Pact | UncommonConjuration | You call upon an owb to assist you in a goal. |
Painted Scout  | UncommonDivinationScrying | You press your hand to the stone, causing hand-drawn scouts to spread out from your fingers. |
Paralyze  | EnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You block the target's motor impulses before they can leave its mind, threatening to freeze the target in place. |
Perseis's Precautions  | UncommonDivinationFortunePrediction | Leaving nothing to chance, you weave divinatory precautions against an ambush, alerting the target to danger. |
Personal Blizzard  | UncommonConjurationHexWitch | You summon an isolated blizzard of obscuring, scouring ice to follow your target. |
Phantom Prison  | IllusionIncapacitationMentalVisual | You completely surround a Large or smaller creature in immobile illusory walls, trapping it inside a false prison it can't escape. |
Pillar of Water  | UncommonEvocationWater | You create a large, self-contained cylinder of still fresh water. |
Positive Attunement  | NecromancyHealingPositive | You attune a creature to the Positive Energy Plane, connecting its life force without fully transporting it. |
Powerful Inhalation  | UncommonEvocationAir | You rapidly draw the air from your surroundings, hoarding it for yourself. |
Pulverizing Cascade  | UncommonEvocationWater | You raise a pair of towering waves and slam them into each other, crushing creatures caught between them. |
Pyrotechnics  | UncommonTransmutationFire | You turn a fire into either a burst of blinding fireworks or a thick cloud of choking smoke, chosen when you Cast the Spell. |
Rally Point  | UncommonConjurationTeleportation | You mark the area touched as a rally point. |
Ranger's Bramble  | UncommonTransmutationPlantRanger | You cause plants in the area to entangle your foes, with the effects of Entangle. |
Reincarnate | UncommonNecromancy | You call forth the target's soul and attempt to incarnate it into a brand-new body. |
Remove Disease | NecromancyHealing | Healing magic purges disease from a creature's body. |
Return the Favor | RareNecromancyHexWitch | You're unable to leave any debts unpaid. |
Roaring Applause  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | Your flamboyant flourish invokes such powerful feelings in your audience that you incite cheers and applause. |
Rouse Skeletons  | Necromancy | Misshapen skeletal forms erupt from a solid surface, such as a stone floor, and fill the burst. |
Safe Passage  | Abjuration | You repel dangers from all around you, making passage through the chosen area safe for a brief amount of time. |
Sanctified Ground | AbjurationConsecration | You sanctify the area, sprinkling it with holy water and warding it against your foes. |
Sculpt Sound  | Illusion | You change the sounds made by a creature or object. |
Sea of Thought  | Conjuration | You cover the area in a sloshing torrent of semi-solidified thought, roughly ankle high. |
Searing Light  | EvocationAttackFireGoodLight | You shoot a blazing ray of light tinged with holy energy. |
Secret Page | IllusionVisual | You change the target's text to different text entirely. |
Shadow Projectile  | IllusionShadowVisual | You create an illusory duplicate of your ally's ranged attack to confuse your opponents. |
Shadow Spy | Necromancy | You mix blood, soil, and shadow together to form a half-real homunculus in the shape of a crow, sparrow, or other bird. |
Shift Blame  | EnchantmentMental | You alter the target's memories of the triggering event as they form. |
Shifting Sand  | TransmutationEarth | You cause the surface to heave. |
Show the Way | DivinationDetection | You and affected allies gain preternatural knowledge of the path ahead, allowing you to intuit the best way forward and avoid potential obstacles such as difficult or confusing terrain. |
Shrink Item | TransmutationPolymorph | You shrink the target to roughly the size of a coin. |
Shroud of Flame  | UncommonEvocationFireSorcerer | You encircle yourself in an aura of protective flames. |
Sign of Conviction  | UncommonConjuration | You conjure the religious symbol of your deity into the air above you in the same space you stand in, wielding the power of your faith to smite your foes. |
Slow  | Transmutation | You dilate the flow of time around the target, slowing its actions. |
Soothing Blossoms  | ConjurationPlant | Blossoms grow from the ground in a small area, soothing away afflictions and persistent pains and harm. |
Spirit Veil  | UncommonIllusionSorcerer | You draw an occluding veil of spirits around yourself, blocking yourself especially well from undead eyes. |
Steal Shadow  | UncommonNecromancyShadowSorcerer | You steal a creature's shadow, leaving it weakened and vulnerable. |
Stinking Cloud  | ConjurationPoison | You create a cloud of putrid mist in the area. |
Stone Lance  | UncommonEvocationAttackEarth | You conjure a jagged lance of stone and then launch it at a foe. |
Subjugate Undead  | UncommonNecromancyMental | You attempt to seize control of the target. |
Sudden Recollection  | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You place a bit of knowledge deep in a creature's subconscious or make a willing creature forget some information until a specific trigger occurs. |
Sun's Fury  | UncommonEvocationFireGood | The target weapon becomes wreathed in a glowing flame. |
Swamp of Sloth to  | UncommonConjurationOlfactorySorcerer | Ground in the area turns swampy and fetid. |
Tattoo Whispers | RareDivinationAuditoryLinguisticMental | You carefully tattoo the same design upon each secondary caster. |
Temporal Twin  | UncommonConjuration | You pull a fleeting duplicate of your ally from the recent past. |
Threefold Aspect | TransmutationPolymorph | This spell allows you to change between three versions of yourself of different ages: a maiden (young adult), a mother (adult), or a matriarch (elderly). |
Thunderburst  | UncommonEvocationAirCurseboundOracleSonic | You create a powerful blast of air and a loud peal of thunder, dealing 2d6 bludgeoning damage and 2d6 sonic damage. |
Time Jump  | Transmutation | You leap forward a few seconds in time, appearing across the battlefield in the blink of an eye. |
Time Pocket | Transmutation | You fling the target item forward in time and link it to the future of the creature holding it. |
Time Skip  | UncommonTransmutationCurseboundOracle | You manipulate time around your ally, pushing them forward a few moments in time. |
Transcribe Conflict | RareDivination | You cause a sheet of paper to appear in your hand, and a moment later a detailed description of a combat you experienced within the last hour is recorded on that sheet of paper in a language that you know of your choice. |
Unblinking Flame Revelation  | UncommonAbjuration | You light your foe with revealing flame. |
Unbreaking Wave Advance  | UncommonEvocationWater | You unleash a mighty wave from your hand that buffets back your foes. |
Unfolding Wind Rush  | UncommonEvocation | You travel on a rushing wind. |
Unseasonable Squall  | UncommonEvocationAir | You issue a blast of sudden wind that ripples outward from the center of the burst. |
Unseen Custodians | UncommonConjuration | You create a site-bound, long-lasting Unseen Servant spell effect, forming entities of pure force to carry out basic tasks at a fixed location. |
Untwisting Iron Buffer  | UncommonAbjuration | You send currents of protective ki to the surface of your body that protect you from harm, at least until your enemies dissipate them. |
Vampiric Touch  | NecromancyDeathNegative | Your touch leeches the lifeblood out of a target to empower yourself. |
Wall of Radiance  | UncommonEvocationLight | You form a wall of brilliant light that obscures creatures. |
Wall of Shadow  | UncommonEvocationDarkness | You form a wall of pure darkness in a straight line up to 60 feet long and 10 feet high. |
Wall of Thorns  | ConjurationPlant | Over the course of a minute, you cause a thick wall of thorny brambles to grow from the ground. |
Wall of Virtue  | UncommonEvocationLight | You create a translucent wall of light, which draws power from the celestial realms. |
Wall of Water  | ConjurationWater | Raising your hand in the air, you call a massive wave onto the battlefield. |
Wall of Wind  | EvocationAir | You create a barrier of gusting winds that hinders anything moving through it. |
Wanderer's Guide | Divination | You call upon the beyond to guide your route. |
Warding Aggression  | Abjuration | You channel a magical ward through your attack and attempt to plant it on a foe. |
Web of Eyes  | DivinationScrying | You place an Invisible scrying sensor on each target just above their eyes. |
Whirling Flames  | UncommonEvocationCurseboundFireOracle | You call forth a storm of whirling flames, engulfing all creatures in that area and dealing 5d6 fire damage with a basic Reflex save. |
Whirling Scarves  | AbjurationForce | You surround yourself in a vortex of whirling colorful scarves of force that obfuscate you and disorient your foes. |
Zone of Truth  | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You designate an area in which creatures are compelled to speak only truth. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Abundant Step  | UncommonConjurationMonkTeleportation | You move so fast you blur across planar boundaries. |
Achaekek's Clutch  | RareNecromancyCurseDeath | You mark the holy symbol of Achaekek in a visible location on the target's body. |
Adaptive Ablation  | AbjurationCleric | You shift yourself to adapt to the mystical wavelengths of the energy damage, protecting yourself from further harm. |
Aerial Form  | TransmutationPolymorph | You harness your mastery of primal forces to reshape your body into a Medium flying animal battle form. |
Air Walk  | TransmutationAir | The target can walk on air as if it were solid ground. |
Anathematic Reprisal  | EnchantmentMental | You punish a creature that transgresses against your deity, drawing upon the anguish you feel upon seeing one of your deity's anathema committed. |
Aromatic Lure  | RareEnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationMental | You override a target's olfactory senses, luring them to a specific location through tantalizing false scents. |
Artistic Flourish  | UncommonTransmutationCleric | You transform the target to make it match your artisanal and artistic vision. |
Asterism  | EvocationClericLight | Lines of burning starlight form a constellation around you. |
Atone | UncommonAbjuration | You attempt to help a truly penitent creature atone for its misdeeds, typically actions contrary to your deity's alignment or anathema to your deity. |
Bestial Curse  | TransmutationCursePolymorph | You tap into the target's inner being and curse it to become a bestial version of itself. |
Blight | UncommonNecromancyNegativePlant | You twist and stunt plants in the area, causing them to wither. |
Blink  | ConjurationTeleportation | You blink quickly between the Material Plane and the Ethereal Plane. |
Bloodspray Curse  | NecromancyCurse | You inflict a curse upon the target that causes any wound to gush blood. |
Bottle the Storm  | EvocationClericElectricity | When lightning is turned at you, you store the charge safely within yourself, unleashing it when the time is right. |
Call The Blood  | UncommonNecromancyDeathNegative | With a word and gesture, you cause streams of blood to erupt from the target's mouth, nostrils, ears, or other facial openings and come rushing into your mouth. |
Captivating Adoration  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMentalVisual | You become intensely entrancing, and creatures are distracted by you as long as they remain within the area. |
Chroma Leach  | Necromancy | Your hand glows with impossible colors from beyond the stars, and your touch saps both color and vitality from the living. |
Chromatic Armor or  | AbjurationLight | You wrap the target in armor made of sheets of colored light. |
Chromatic Ray  | EvocationAttackLight | You send out a ray of colored light streaming toward your enemy, with a magical effect depending on the ray's color. |
Clairvoyance | DivinationScrying | You create an Invisible floating eye at a location within range (even if it's outside your line of sight or line of effect). |
Clinging Shadows Stance  | UncommonEvocationMonkShadowStance | You adopt the stance of clinging shadows. |
Cloak of Light  | UncommonNecromancyHealingLightPositive | You surround yourself in holy light that restores the living and rebuffs undead. |
Clownish Curse  | UncommonEnchantmentAttackCurseMentalMisfortune | You afflict the target with a curse that causes it to emit ridiculous noises as it moves. |
Commanding Lash  | UncommonEnchantmentClericIncapacitationMental | With the threat of more pain, you compel a creature you've recently harmed. |
Community Repair | RareTransmutationEmotion | You lead your community in repairing a public work, such as a bridge, well, or mural, through the power of memory and art. |
Compel True Name  | RareEnchantmentAuditoryIncapacitationLinguisticMentalTrueName | You instruct the target to do something, compelling obedience by calling it by its true name. |
Competitive Edge  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | Your competitiveness drives you to prove yourself against the opposition. |
Concealment's Curtain | UncommonDivinationCurseMental | At twilight for 5 days, you line the fruit in front of the mirror, chanting the name of the target, and envisioning its eyes in your mind. |
Confront Selves  | UncommonIllusionMental | You show the target the spiraling web of actions and consequences that is their life and the changes wrought by these decisions upon themselves and those around them. |
Confusion  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You befuddle your target with strange impulses, causing it to act randomly. |
Coral Eruption  | Conjuration | Razor sharp coral growths erupt from the ground, transforming the landscape into a dangerous coral reef. |
Countless Eyes  | Divination | Eyes form across the touched creature's body, allowing it to see in all directions at once. |
Creation | Conjuration | You conjure a temporary object from eldritch energy. |
Darkened Eyes  | UncommonTransmutationClericDarkness | You infuse a creature's vision with darkness. |
Dawnflower's Light  | RareDivinationGoodLight | The object glows with soft golden light that lays bare the truth, reveals hidden objects, and shines supernatural light on false orders. |
Daydreamer's Curse  | UncommonEnchantmentAttackCurseMentalMisfortune | You impose a curse upon the target that renders it easily distracted and unable to focus its thoughts on tasks that demand insight or discernment. |
Debilitating Dichotomy  | UncommonEvocationCurseboundMentalOracle | You reveal a glimpse of the impossible conflicts between the divine anathema behind your curse, forcing you to reckon with another's conflicts as well. |
Delusional Pride  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | You make the target overconfident, leading it to ascribe failure to external factors. |
Destructive Aura  | UncommonEvocationAuraCleric | Swirling sands of divine devastation surround you, weakening the defenses of all they touch. |
Detect Creator | RareDivinationDetection | You examine the remains or spiritual residue of a destroyed undead creature to locate that undead's creator, perhaps a necromancer or vampire. |
Detect Scrying  | UncommonDivinationDetection | By tapping into trace divinatory auras, you detect the presence of scrying effects in the area. |
Diamond Dust  | EvocationClericCold | You supercool the nearby air, forming a cloud of dancing ice crystals in an emanation around you. |
Dimension Door  | ConjurationTeleportation | Opening a door that bypasses normal space, you instantly transport yourself and any items you're wearing and holding from your current space to a clear space within range you can see. |
Dimensional Anchor  | Abjuration | You interfere with the target's ability to teleport and travel between dimensions. |
Dimensional Steps  | UncommonConjurationTeleportationWizard | You teleport to a location up to 20 feet away within your line of sight. |
Dinosaur Form  | TransmutationPolymorph | You channel the primal forces of nature to transform into a Large animal battle form, specifically that of a powerful and terrifying dinosaur. |
Dirge of Remembrance  | UncommonNecromancySonic | You sing a funereal dirge to force restless spirits to fully manifest in the Material Plane. |
Discern Lies  | UncommonDivinationMentalRevelation | Falsehoods ring in your ears like discordant notes. |
Disperse into Air  | UncommonTransmutationAirClericPolymorph | After taking the triggering damage, you transform into air. |
Divine Wrath  | Evocation | You can channel the fury of your deity against foes of opposed alignment. |
Door to Beyond  | ConjurationCleric | Striking at thin air, you create hairline cracks in an unoccupied adjacent space that lead somewhere outside reality. |
Downpour  | UncommonEvocationClericWater | You call forth a torrential downpour, which extinguishes nonmagical flames. |
Draw the Lightning  | EvocationElectricity | Calling out to the skies, you summon a bolt of lightning to strike through a foe above you and down into your weapon or your body, charging it with electrical power. |
Dread Aura  | UncommonEnchantmentAuraEmotionFearMentalWizard | You emit an aura of terror. |
Dreamer's Call  | UncommonEnchantmentClericIncapacitationMental | The target becomes distracted and suggestible, inundated by vivid daydreams. |
Dull Ambition  | EnchantmentCurseMentalMisfortune | You curse the target to fail in all avenues of its life that require drive and ambition, as it inadvertently undermines its own goals at every turn. |
Dust Storm  | ConjurationAirClericNonlethal | You call forth a swirling storm of dust. |
Dutiful Challenge  | AbjurationCleric | As you challenge an enemy, you take some of its attention away from your allies. |
Ectoplasmic Interstice  | NecromancyCleric | You force the Material and Ethereal Planes to partially overlap, creating a zone that causes incorporeal and spiritual entities to take on many of the aspects of corporeal creatures. |
Elemental Gift  | Transmutation | An elemental force fills your target, granting the target the swiftness of air, the ruggedness of earth, the sting of fire, or the flexibility of water, depending on which element you choose. |
Elemental Tempest  | UncommonEvocationMetamagicWizard | Your spellcasting surrounds you in a storm of elemental energy. |
Elephant Form  | UncommonTransmutationPolymorph | You channel the primal forces of nature to transform into a Large battle form, specifically that of a powerful and terrifying elephant or similar creature, such as a mammoth, mastodon, or anancus. |
Enduring Might  | UncommonAbjurationCleric | Your own might mingles with divine power to protect you. |
Energy Absorption  | UncommonAbjurationWizard | You gain resistance 15 to acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage from the triggering effect (one type of your choice). |
Enervation  | NecromancyNegative | Extending a finger, you fire a beam of negative energy that weakens the life force of any creature it touches. |
Enhance Senses  | UncommonDivination | You enhance the target's senses. |
Enlarge Companion  | UncommonTransmutationPolymorphRanger | Your animal companion grows much larger, towering over its foes in battle. |
Ephemeral Hazards  | IllusionMentalVisual | You create illusory hazards, such as spinning blades or a puddle of acid, in four 10-foot-by-10-foot spaces within range. |
Eradicate Undeath  | UncommonNecromancyClericPositive | A massive deluge of life energy causes the undead to fall apart. |
Euphoric Renewal  | RareNecromancyCleric | You view death not as an ending but a beginning, and you delight in dancing on its edge. |
Extract Brain | RareNecromancy | You perform a complex magical operation on a willing or Restrained creature or a corpse, delicately cutting into the skull and removing the creature's brain without damaging the organ. |
Fallow Field  | NecromancyClericNegative | A sickly yellow light fills the area as entropic forces prevent healing. |
False Nature  | UncommonIllusion | You create an illusion that makes an object seem to be something entirely different. |
Familiar Form  | UncommonTransmutationPolymorph | You transform into a Tiny animal that commonly serves as a spellcaster's familiar. |
Favorable Review  | UncommonEnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You enchant a creature to ensure they have only good things to say about your show. |
Fearful Feast | UncommonNecromancyFearMental | You open your mouth wide and inhale sharply; you draw in the bravery, self-confidence, and hope to which the frightened target clings and then strip away the target's false assumption that these fragile emotions can save them from the oblivion of terror. |
Fey Form  | TransmutationPolymorph | Channeling the mischievous fey, you transform into a fey battle form, which is Medium unless stated otherwise. |
Fire Shield  | EvocationFire | You wreathe yourself in ghostly flames, gaining cold resistance 5. |
Flame Barrier  | UncommonAbjurationCleric | You swiftly deflect incoming flames. |
Fly  | Transmutation | The target can soar through the air, gaining a fly Speed equal to its Speed or 20 feet, whichever is greater. |
Font of Serenity  | AbjurationClericEmotionMental | A divine beacon radiates serenity, soothing nearby allies. |
Forgotten Lines  | RareDivination | Members of the Lacunafex and other allies use this spell to restore material that Thrune agents have redacted from historical or otherwise valuable texts. |
Foul Miasma  | NecromancyClericDisease | You multiply the disease within a creature, drawing it into an infectious mist outside their body where it can spread to other creatures. |
Freedom of Movement  | Abjuration | You repel effects that would hinder a creature or slow its movement. |
Garden of Death | UncommonNecromancyConsecrationPlantPoison | Typically associated with the less friendly fey or druids, this ritual calls all the poisonous, toxic, and venomous plants and animals of an area to congregate in a certain place, creating a beautiful but extravagantly deadly garden. |
Gaseous Form  | TransmutationPolymorph | The target transforms into a vaporous state. |
Ghostly Tragedy | UncommonDivination | This spell compels local spirits to reenact a violent event of the recent past that you're aware of and name as you Cast the Spell. |
Ghostly Transcription  | IllusionClericVisual | Glowing letters assemble in the air, providing a transcription of the target's speech in all languages you speak. |
Girzanje's March  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryLinguisticMental | You sing a prayer for war, inspiring valor in allies who hear your song. |
Glibness  | UncommonEnchantmentMental | Falsehoods pass your lips as smoothly as silk. |
Glimpse the Truth  | UncommonDivinationClericRevelation | Divine insight lets you see things as they truly are. |
Globe of Invulnerability  | UncommonAbjuration | You create an immobile globe around yourself that attempts to counteract any spell from outside the globe whose area or targets enter into the globe, as if the globe were a Dispel Magic spell 1 level lower than its actual spell level. |
Hallucinatory Terrain | UncommonIllusion | You create an illusion that causes natural terrain to look, sound, feel, and smell like a different kind of terrain. |
Holy Cascade  | EvocationGoodPositiveWater | You call upon sacred energy to amplify a vial of holy water, tossing it an incredible distance. |
Hydraulic Torrent  | EvocationWater | A swirling torrent of water manifests along a straight line, battering creatures and unattended objects in its path and possibly pushing them away from you. |
Ice Storm  | EvocationCold | You create a gray storm cloud that pelts creatures with an icy deluge. |
Implement of Destruction  | EnchantmentEmotionFearMental | You solemnly declare that the target weapon will bring death to a foe, implanting an irrational fear of the weapon into the target enemy. |
Inevitable Destination  | RareConjurationCleric | You twist the paths of the target, ensuring that each one leads to you. |
Infectious Melody  | EnchantmentAuditoryMental | You call forth the chords of a tune so catchy that foes hearing it can't help but sing along, making it harder for them to communicate. |
Inspire Heroics  | UncommonEnchantmentBardMetamagic | You call upon your muse to greatly increase the benefits you provide with your Inspire Courage or Inspire Defense composition. |
Internal Insurrection  | RareNecromancyDisease | You afflict the target with the supernatural disease known as internal insurrection, causing portions of their body to rebel against the whole, leading to painful agonies and, in time, death. |
Invisibility Cloak  | UncommonIllusionWizard | You become Invisible, with the same restrictions as the 2nd-level Invisibility spell. |
Invisibility Curtain  | Illusion | You create a transparent invisible wall that makes any creatures on one side of the wall invisible to those on the other side. |
Isolation  | RareIllusionCleric | You summon a tangible manifestation of loneliness to cloak the target from view as surely as if it were wreathed in darkness. |
Know the Enemy  | UncommonDivinationClericFortune | You quickly remind yourself of useful information. |
Life Siphon  | UncommonNecromancyHealingWizard | You use some of the spell's magic to heal yourself, regaining 1d8 Hit Points per level of the spell. |
Localized Quake  | UncommonTransmutationClericEarth | You shake the earth, toppling nearby creatures. |
Lucky Break  | UncommonDivinationClericFortune | Reroll the saving throw and use the better result. |
Magic Mailbox | UncommonConjurationTeleportation | You create an interdimensional link between two containers, both of which must be capable of being closed in such a way that their contents aren't visible. |
Malignant Sustenance  | UncommonNecromancyClericNegative | You embed a seed of negative energy in an undead creature, restoring its unnatural vigor. |
Mantis Form  | UncommonTransmutationPolymorph | You become a mantis. |
Mirror's Misfortune  | Illusion | You split into your real self and a mirrored version of yourself that curses would-be attackers with misfortune on their next attacks. |
Modify Memory  | UncommonDivinationMental | You alter the target's memories, either erasing a memory, enhancing a memory's clarity, altering a memory, or adding a false memory. |
Morass of Ages  | TransmutationAura | You surround yourself in temporal eddies that draw out time for those around you, making every step feel like an eternity endured. |
Murderous Vine  | ConjurationAttackPlant | You summon a slithering, thorny vine that attempts to constrict and crush a foe against a wall or other surface. |
Mystic Beacon  | UncommonEvocationCleric | The next damaging or healing spell the target casts before the start of your next turn deals damage or restores Hit Points as if the spell were heightened 1 level higher than its actual level. |
Nature's Bounty  | UncommonConjurationClericPlantPositive | A palm-sized raw fruit or vegetable appears in your open hand. |
Necrotic Radiation  | UncommonNecromancyNegative | You imbue the touched object or space with slow-acting necrotic radiation. |
Nightmare | IllusionMental | You send disturbing nightmares to your target. |
Ocular Overload | IllusionContingencyIncapacitationVisual | Just as a creature is about to attack you, you assault them with jarring illusions, completely surrounding their eyes with blinding flashes of motion and color. |
Ordained Purpose  | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You call upon the authority of cosmic forces of order, overwhelming creatures with remorse and agony for acting outside of their station and purpose. |
Outcast's Curse  | EnchantmentCurseMentalMisfortune | You afflict the target with a curse that makes its presence abrasive and off-putting. |
Overflowing Sorrow  | EnchantmentClericEmotionIncapacitationMental | Sadness flows out of you into nearby creatures, blotting out any other thoughts they had. |
Painful Vibrations  | EvocationSonic | You send powerful sound waves through an opponent's body, vibrating its bones and internal organs painfully. |
Path of Least Resistance  | UncommonDivination | You trace several possible routes, quickly resetting the timeline until you find the safest one. |
Perfected Form  | UncommonAbjurationClericFortune | Reroll the saving throw and use the better result. |
Pernicious Poltergeist  | Necromancy | You create an echo of a powerful poltergeist, temporarily anchoring it to the area to terrorize and harm any opponents foolish enough to remain in the area. |
Petal Storm  | ConjurationAirPlant | You bring forth a cloud of razor-sharp flower petals that thrash violently in the wind. |
Phantasmal Killer  | IllusionDeathEmotionFearMental | You create a phantasmal image of the most fearsome creature imaginable to the target. |
Phantasmal Protagonist  | RareIllusionMental | You create a phantasmal incarnation of a significant character from a novel, historical work, or religious parable. |
Plant Growth | UncommonNecromancyPlantPositive | You cause the plants within the area to be healthier and more fruitful. |
Positive Luminance  | UncommonNecromancyClericLightPositive | Drawing life force into yourself, you become a beacon of positive energy. |
Precious Metals  | UncommonTransmutationCleric | Your deity blesses base metals to transform them into precious materials. |
Private Sanctum | UncommonAbjuration | From outside, the area looks like a bank of impenetrable black fog. |
Procyal Philosophy  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryGood | The racoon-like visage of a sagacious procyal appears, dispensing helpful advice. |
Protector's Sphere  | UncommonAbjurationAuraCleric | A protective aura emanates out from you, safeguarding you and your allies. |
Pulse of the City  | UncommonDivinationClericScrying | You tap into the zeitgeist of the nearest settlement in range (if any). |
Purifying Veil  | RareEvocationClericGoodWater | Drawing on the purifying powers of water, you call forth a veil of fine water droplets suffused with holy energy. |
Radiant Beam  | UncommonEvocationGoodLight | You fire a beam of blinding light from your outstretched hands. |
Radiant Heart of Devotion  | UncommonConjurationLight | You speak a fervent prayer for the heavens to assist you and your righteous allies. |
Ravenous Portal  | Abjuration | You place a ward upon the door that triggers when a creature attempts to open, unlock, or destroy the door. |
Read Omens | UncommonDivinationPrediction | You peek into the future. |
Rebounding Barrier | RareAbjuration | You swiftly raise a reflective barrier, reducing physical damage and rebounding it onto your attacker. |
Rebuke Death to  | UncommonNecromancyClericHealingPositive | You snatch creatures from the jaws of death. |
Recall Past Life | RareNecromancy | You and the secondary casters spend 2 days drawing sigils on one another. |
Reflective Scales  | Abjuration | You grow a set of colored glowing scales or scaled armor that stores energy before releasing it in a final burst. |
Remember the Lost  | DivinationClericMental | You call upon the lost and forgotten, assailing your foes' minds with the memories of those who died with a grievance toward them. |
Remove Curse | NecromancyHealing | Your touch grants a reprieve to a cursed creature. |
Replicate  | IllusionShadow | You create an illusory magical double that physically looks and behaves very similarly to the target. |
Resilient Sphere  | AbjurationForce | You create an immobile sphere of force to either trap or protect the target, blocking anything that would pass through the sphere. |
Rest Eternal | UncommonNecromancy | You call upon gods, spirits, and stranger beings to bar a creature's spirit from ever returning. |
Retributive Pain  | UncommonAbjurationClericMentalNonlethal | You vengefully reflect your pain upon your tormentor. |
Roar of the Wyrm  | EnchantmentAuditoryClericEmotionMental | You channel the might of dragons into your voice, letting out a roar that engenders respect in dragonkind but that instills fear in most other creatures. |
Rope Trick | UncommonConjurationExtradimensional | You cause the target rope to rise vertically into the air. |
Runic Impression  | UncommonEvocationMagus | Your unarmed attacks or weapon gain the benefits of a weapon rune you choose when you cast this spell: corrosive, flaming, frost, ghost touch, returning, shock, or thundering. |
Rusting Grasp  | Transmutation | You cause the target to rapidly rust. |
Safeguard Secret | UncommonAbjurationClericMental | You ensure a secret remains safe from prying spies. |
Sanguine Mist  | NecromancyDeathNegative | You unleash a cloud of foul, blood-sucking fog that drains the vitality from the living to bolster your own. |
Savant's Curse  | UncommonEnchantmentAttackCurseMentalMisfortune | You afflict the target with a curse that fills its mind with distracting and hyperspecialized minutiae, causing it to second-guess even simple facts. |
Seal Fate  | NecromancyCurseDeath | You utter a curse that a creature will meet a certain end-a death by freezing, stabbing, or another means you devise. |
Shaken Confidence | RareEnchantmentClericEmotionMentalMisfortune | You mock the target for all its failings, twisting its self-confidence into doubt. |
Shape Stone  | TransmutationEarth | You shape the stone into a rough shape of your choice. |
Shared Nightmare  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionIncapacitationMental | Merging minds with the target, you swap disorienting visions from one another's nightmares. |
Shifting Form  | UncommonTransmutationMorphWizard | You gain one of the following abilities of your choice. |
Simulacrum | RareIllusion | You create an illusory duplicate of the target creature by animating ice or snow sculpted in its shape. |
Soft Landing  | Abjuration | You create a magical field that buoys any creature or object falling into the area, providing a harmless landing from any height. |
Solid Fog  | ConjurationWater | You conjure a bank of fog so thick it impedes movement as well as sight. |
Soothing Spring | NecromancyHealingPositiveWater | Steam wisps into the air as a stone-lined pool appears in the ground and fills with hot water that bubbles up from the earth. |
Speak with Plants  | DivinationPlant | You can ask questions of and receive answers from plants, but the spell doesn't make them more friendly or intelligent than normal. |
Spell Immunity  | Abjuration | You ward a creature against the effects of a single spell. |
Spike Stones  | ConjurationEarth | Long, sharp spikes of solid rock thrust up from the ground in the area. |
Spiritual Anamnesis  | UncommonNecromancyMental | Memories of a past life that seem incredibly real (and may even be) overwhelm the target's mind. |
Spiritual Attunement  | UncommonAbjuration | You attune yourself to a spiritual plane of the Outer Sphere, connecting your spirit without fully transporting to it. |
Stasis  | TransmutationClericIncapacitation | The flow of time congeals around an object or creature, holding it in place. |
Steal Voice  | UncommonNecromancyCurseIncapacitation | You steal a creature's voice, rendering them mute. |
Stoneskin  | AbjurationEarth | The target's skin hardens like stone. |
Stormwind Flight  | UncommonTransmutationAirDruid | Powerful winds carry you smoothly through the air, giving you a fly Speed equal to your Speed. |
Suggestion  | EnchantmentIncapacitationLinguisticMental | Your honeyed words are difficult for creatures to resist. |
Swarm Form  | TransmutationClericPolymorph | You discorporate into a swarm of Tiny creatures. |
Swarming Wasp Stings  | UncommonNecromancyPoison | You manifest a swarm of disembodied wasp stingers that stab creatures in the area, possibly poisoning them. |
Take its Course  | UncommonNecromancyCleric | When someone has overindulged, you can hasten them past the worst of their affliction or intensify their misery. |
Talking Corpse | UncommonNecromancy | You grant the target corpse a semblance of life, which it uses to speak the answers to three questions posed to it. |
Telepathy  | DivinationLinguisticMental | You can communicate telepathically with creatures within 30 feet. |
Tempt Fate  | UncommonDivinationClericFortune | You twist the forces of fate to make a moment dire or uneventful, with no in-between. |
Tireless Worker  | NecromancyClericHealing | You suppress your choice of one of the following conditions that's affecting the target: Clumsy, Encumbered, Enfeebled, or Fatigued. |
Tortoise and the Hare  | Transmutation | You prove that slow and steady doesn't always win the race by turning a foe into a proverbial tortoise and yourself or an ally into a hare, siphoning some of the foe's speed and granting it to the other target. |
Touch of the Moon  | UncommonEnchantmentClericLight | When you touch the target, a symbol of the moon appears on its forehead, glowing with soft moonlight. |
Transcribe Moment  | UncommonEvocation | You instantly create a small, permanent scroll that contains a magically precise written description of your current surroundings in every direction. |
Traveler's Transit  | UncommonEvocationCleric | You add power to your muscles, allowing you to swim or climb walls with ease. |
Trickster's Twin  | UncommonIllusionClericVisual | You rarely settle for being in just one place. |
Umbral Graft  | IllusionShadow | You reflect a spell into a shadowy version of itself, in the process depleting the power of the initial spell. |
Unity  | UncommonAbjurationClericFortune | You put up a united defense. |
Vampiric Maiden  | NecromancyNegative | A ghostly iron maiden snaps shut on the target and drains its vitality for your gain. |
Variable Gravity  | Transmutation | You can adjust how strongly gravity grips you, changing between low gravity, normal gravity, and high gravity with ease. |
Veil  | IllusionVisual | You disguise the targets as other creatures of the same body shape and roughly similar height (within 6 inches) and weight (within 50 pounds). |
Vigilant Eye  | UncommonDivinationWizard | You create an Invisible eye sensor, as Clairvoyance. |
Vision of Beauty  | RareIllusionEmotionIncapacitationMental | You create a phantasmal image of the most beautiful creature imaginable to the target at a location somewhere within the spell's range. |
Vital Beacon | NecromancyHealingPositive | Vitality radiates outward from you, allowing others to supplicate and receive healing. |
Waking Dream  | EnchantmentMental | You cloud the target's mind with vivid, dreamlike imagery, so they have difficulty distinguishing real threats from imagined ones. |
Wall of Fire  | EvocationFire | You raise a blazing wall that burns creatures passing through it. |
Weapon Storm  | Evocation | You swing a weapon you're holding, and the weapon magically multiplies into duplicates that swipe at all creatures in either a 30-foot cone or an 10-foot emanation. |
Weaponize Secret  | RareDivinationClericMental | You understand that holding a secret is in itself a kind of power. |
Web of Influence | UncommonDivinationDetection | You learn the location of the nearest creature to whom the target is connected in a magical manner. |
Wild Winds Stance  | UncommonEvocationAirMonkStance | You take on the stance of the flowing winds, sending out waves of energy at a distance. |
Wind Whispers | RareEnchantmentClericLinguisticMental | You call forth numerous breezes in which you weave gossip, whispering subtly into the ears of those around. |
Winning Streak  | Divination | The target is energized by its good fortune as it spreads to others-as long as they keep winning. |
Word of Freedom  | UncommonEnchantmentClericMental | You utter a liberating word of power that frees a creature. |
Wordsmith  | RareTransmutationCleric | You're a devotee of knowledge with an unmatched command of the language used to spread that knowledge, and you can reshape the written word into a form more understandable to your audience. |
Zeal for Battle  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionFortuneMental | You stoke the righteous anger within yourself and an ally. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Aberrant Form  | TransmutationPolymorph | Harnessing the power of vile entities, you transform yourself into a Large aberration. |
Abyssal Plague  | NecromancyChaoticDiseaseEvil | Your touch afflicts the target with Abyssal plague, which siphons fragments of their soul away to empower the Abyss. |
Abyssal Wrath  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You evoke the energy of an Abyssal realm. |
Acid Storm  | EvocationAcid | You evoke a storm of acid rain that pelts the area for the spell's duration. |
Arcane Countermeasure  | UncommonAbjurationSorcerer | You undermine the target spell, making it easier to defend against. |
Aspirational State | RareAbjurationAbjurationIncorporealPrimalTransmutation | The primary caster takes an ethereal form composed of the combined drive of every caster to exorcise a malevolent spirit. |
Astral Projection | UncommonDivination | You project the targets' spiritual essences into the Astral Plane, leaving their inanimate physical forms behind. |
Bandit's Doom | AbjurationCurse | You ward the target item against those who would steal it. |
Banishment  | AbjurationIncapacitation | You send the target back to its home plane. |
Black Tentacles  | Conjuration | Oily black tentacles rise up and attempt to capture creatures in the area. |
Blackfinger's Blades  | UncommonTransmutationPoison | You pray for swift and painful death to your enemies and find your and your allies' weapons blessed to deliver just that. |
Blazing Fissure  | EvocationEarthFire | A thin crack rips through the earth, erupting with magma, then swiftly seals up. |
Blessing of Defiance to  | Abjuration | Channeling forth the power to persevere in the face of adversity, you grant the target the means to deny danger and avoid dire harm. |
Blind Eye | UncommonIllusion | You enchant a single object, preventing it from being used for magical observation. |
Blink Charge  | ConjurationForceTeleportation | You propel yourself through the fabric of space to deal a blow carrying the momentum of your teleportation. |
Blister  | Necromancy | You point at a target in range, and its skin grows searing blisters filled with caustic fluid. |
Blood Feast  | UncommonNecromancy | Your head splits vertically into an enormous maw, which feasts upon the target's blood, dealing 12d6 piercing damage, depending on your spell attack roll. |
Breath of Life  | NecromancyHealingPositive | Your blessing revives a creature at the moment of its death. |
Call Spirit | UncommonNecromancy | You tear the veil to the afterlife and call a spirit from its final resting place. |
Celestial Brand  | UncommonNecromancyCurseSorcerer | A blazing symbol appears on the target, cursing it to face divine justice. |
Chameleon Coat  | Illusion | You shift the colors of the targets' outermost layer of clothing and gear to be closer to their environment when they remain still. |
Chromatic Wall  | Abjuration | You create an opaque wall of light in a single vibrant color. |
Cleansing Flames  | UncommonNecromancyFireHealingSorcerer | You wrap the target in purifying flames. |
Cloak of Colors  | IllusionVisual | A cloak of swirling colors shrouds the target. |
Cloudkill  | NecromancyDeathPoison | You conjure a poisonous fog. |
Cone of Cold  | EvocationCold | Icy cold rushes forth from your hands. |
Construct Mindscape | RareIllusion | You create an entirely mental environment called an immersive mindscape. |
Consuming Darkness  | UncommonEvocationShadowSorcerer | Your shadow wriggles before spreading out from you, forming a gateway of clinging, consuming shadow through which the horrors of another plane can barely be seen. |
Control Water  | EvocationWater | By imposing your will upon the water, you can raise or lower the level of water in the chosen area by 10 feet. |
Crushing Despair  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You inflict despair on creatures in the area. |
Curse of Death  | UncommonNecromancyCurseDeathHexWitch | You focus your malevolent gaze on a target, causing their heart to seize in dread. |
Dance of Darkness  | UncommonEvocationDarkness | You dance, Striding up to half your Speed. |
Death Ward  | Abjuration | You shield a creature from the ravages of negative energy. |
Desperate Repair  | UncommonTransmutation | You hold a shield together with the power of your magic, forcing wood and steel to fuse back together. |
Dragon Wings  | UncommonTransmutationMorphSorcerer | Leathery wings sprout from your back, giving you a fly Speed of 60 feet or your Speed, whichever is faster. |
Dread Ambience | UncommonEnchantmentConsecrationEmotionFearMental | In some places, it always feels like something is observing you, as if the very land doesn't want you there. |
Dreaming Potential | EnchantmentMental | You draw the target into a lucid dream where it can explore the endless possibilities of its own potential within the ever-changing backdrop of its dreamscape. |
Drop Dead  | UncommonIllusionVisual | The target appears to fall down dead, though it actually turns Invisible. |
Ectoplasmic Expulsion  | UncommonNecromancyMental | You call upon tendrils of ephemeral ectoplasm to pass through the target and carry away a harmful psychic affliction. |
Elemental Blast  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You gather elemental energy and blast your foes in one of the various listed shapes of your choosing, dealing 8d6 bludgeoning damage (or fire damage if your element is fire). |
Elemental Form  | TransmutationPolymorph | You call upon the power of the planes to transform into a Medium elemental battle form. |
Establish Nexus | RareTransmutationConsecration | You focus the power of the node's intersecting ley lines into a powerful confluent point known as a ley line nexus. |
Establish Ward  | UncommonAbjurationSorcerer | You bind a part of your essence to your surroundings, creating a warded area that grants you power within it, but drains you outside of it. |
Etheric Shards  | EvocationForce | You reach out and sow glittering splinters of force throughout the area, otherworldly caltrops of will and ectoplasm. |
False Vision | UncommonIllusion | You create a false image that fools any attempts to scry on an area. |
Fey Glamour  | UncommonIllusionSorcerer | You call upon fey glamours to cloak an area or the targets in illusion. |
Flame Strike  | EvocationFire | You call a rain of divine fire that plummets down from above, dealing 8d6 fire damage. |
Flammable Fumes  | ConjurationPoison | Sending magic deep underground, you conjure a cloud of toxic gases that swiftly degenerate into volatile fumes. |
Flowing Strike  | EvocationWater | A wave of flowing water rushes behind you like an elegant river, pushing you across the battlefield with fluid grace. |
Forceful Hand  | EvocationForce | A Medium floating, disembodied hand made of magical force appears in an unoccupied space adjacent to you, following you across the battlefield to shield you against your foes' attacks. |
Geyser  | EvocationFireWater | A powerful geyser blasts up from the ground, potentially pushing creatures on top of it into the air. |
Glacial Heart  | RareEvocationHexWitch | Ice and bone-deep cold assail the target, freezing it from the inside out. |
Glimmer of Charm  | EnchantmentAuraEmotionIncapacitationMental | You're bathed in a smooth, almost glittering aura that improves the attitude of those near you. |
Grasping Grave  | UncommonNecromancySorcerer | Hundreds of skeletal arms erupt from the ground in the area, clawing at creatures within and attempting to hold them in place. |
Grisly Growths  | Transmutation | This gruesome spell causes the target to grow excess limbs and organs, whether it be fingers multiplying until hands resemble bushes, eyes popping open in bizarre places, legs sprouting from the side of the body, or some other result. |
Hallucination  | IllusionIncapacitationMental | The target consistently detects one thing as another, can't detect something that's there, or detects something that's not there, though it doesn't alter their beliefs. |
Healing Well  | NecromancyHealingPositive | You call forth a well of healing that you and your allies can draw from later. |
Hellfire Plume  | UncommonEvocationEvilFireSorcerer | You call forth a plume of hellfire that erupts from below, dealing 4d6 fire damage and 4d6 evil damage. |
Heroes' Feast | UncommonConjuration | You conjure otherworldly beings to serve you and your companions a feast with restorative properties. |
Hunter's Vision  | UncommonDivinationRanger | Your target glows with a magical aura visible only to you and those who follow your lead. |
Illusory Scene | IllusionAuditoryOlfactoryVisual | You form an imaginary scene that includes up to 10 discrete creatures or objects of various sizes, all of which must be within the spell's area. |
Impaling Spike  | Conjuration | You conjure a spike that thrusts up from the earth beneath a target creature, potentially impaling it. |
Incarnate Ancestry | RareTransmutation | You attempt to reach back through time to make brief contact with one of the many past lives of the willing creature, then transform their current body to incarnate elements of that past life's ancestry into the present. |
Incendiary Fog  | RareConjurationFire | You summon a cloud of flammable black dust. |
Inevitable Disaster  | DivinationCursePrediction | You briefly glimpse cause and effect, putting into motion a chain of events that will visit doom on your enemy at some point in the future, though you're not quite sure when or how the doom will occur. |
Infectious Comedy  | UncommonEnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationMental | You tell a magical joke and infect a target with laughter that spreads to those nearby. |
Invoke Spirits  | NecromancyEmotionFearMental | Ragged apparitions of the dead rise to stalk the living. |
Lightning Storm  | EvocationElectricity | You create a black, rumbling storm cloud and call down one lightning bolt within the spell's area. |
Litany against Sloth  | UncommonEvocationChampionGoodLitany | Your litany rails against the sin of sloth, interfering with the target's ability to react. |
Litany of Self-Interest  | UncommonEnchantmentChampionEvilLitanyMental | You give a speech that fills your target with a drive to improve themself to the exclusion of assisting others. |
Mantle of the Frozen Heart  | TransmutationColdMorph | You surround yourself in a mantle of frigid ice magic, and your skin and armor morph into cold blue ice. |
Mantle of the Magma Heart  | TransmutationFireMorph | You surround yourself in a mantle of blazing fire magic, and your skin and anything you're wearing morphs into burning hot lava. |
Mariner's Curse  | NecromancyCurse | You afflict the target with the curse of the roiling, unforgiving sea. |
Mind Probe | UncommonDivinationLinguisticMental | You cast your thoughts through a creature's mind, sifting for information. |
Mind Swap | RareNecromancyMentalPossession | This ritual allows two subjects to exchange minds, fully inhabiting one another's bodies. |
Mirecloak  | UncommonDivinationMental | You wrap the targeted creatures in thin, sickly green shrouds that sap information from attackers. |
Mirror Malefactors  | IllusionMentalVisual | You completely surround a Large or smaller creature in a shimmering ring of illusory mirrors that follows it as it moves, even when the creature moves outside the range of the spell. |
Moon Frenzy  | TransmutationMorph | A feral aspect overcomes the targets, making them tough and savage. |
Mosquito Blight | RareConjurationDiseaseNecromancy | You infest the area with tenacious, biting insects that disease and drain life from creatures in the area. |
Mother's Blessing | RareNecromancyBeastConsecrationPositive | You attempt to purify and stabilize the life inside of Ulgrem-Axaan's last remaining clutch of eggs. |
Oblivious Expulsion | UncommonEnchantmentMental | Severing ties with a member of a cult courts danger and threatens to undermine the secrecy of the group, whether that secrecy protects its worshippers or enables them to operate in the shadows. |
Ode to Ouroboros  | UncommonNecromancyBardComposition | Your ode temporarily staves off death. |
Over the Coals  | RareNecromancyHexMentalWitch | You accuse the target of breaking its word to you and invoke the wrath of your patron to claim what's due, demanding the target pay you in currency, fulfill an order, or stand down. |
Passwall  | UncommonConjurationEarth | You create a visible tunnel through the wall in the chosen area, replacing the area with empty space. |
Pillars of Sand  | UncommonConjurationEarth | You raise one or more pillars of solid sand from the earth. |
Planar Ally | UncommonConjuration | You call upon your deity to grant you aid in the form of a divine servitor of your deity's choice of a level no greater than double planar ally's spell level. |
Plant Form  | TransmutationPlantPolymorph | Taking inspiration from verdant creatures, you transform into a Large plant battle form. |
Portrait of Spite | UncommonNecromancyCurse | Using the blood, you compose a portrait of the target in perfect health. |
Portrait of the Artist | IllusionVisual | You change your appearance to look like a well-known artist talented at a particular craft or performance, such as a painter, singer, or orator, with the effects of illusory disguise. |
Prying Eye | DivinationScrying | You create an Invisible, floating eye, 1 inch in diameter, at a location you can see within 500 feet. |
Quicken Time  | Transmutation | You speed up the time stream in an area, stretching and pulling it until time flows swift and wild. |
Ravening Maw  | UncommonNecromancyEvilHealing | You evoke Zevgavizeb's unceasing hunger and inflict it upon your target. |
Repelling Pulse  | EvocationForce | You unleash a powerful pulse of telekinetic power, and the pulse violently hurls creatures away from you. |
Restorative Moment  | UncommonNecromancyHexWitch | You manipulate the threads of time around the target, giving them some of the benefits of a day's passage. |
Resurrect | UncommonNecromancyHealing | You attempt to call forth the target's soul and return it to its body. |
Return Beacon | UncommonConjurationTeleportation | You create a unique planar beacon somewhere within the spell's range that remains in place. |
Rewinding Step | Transmutation | You anchor your location in time so that you can swiftly retrace your steps later with complex chronomancy. |
Rip the Spirit to  | NecromancyDeathNegative | You supernaturally rip the spirit from a living creature's body, dooming the target to pain and death. |
Ritual Obstruction | UncommonAbjurationCurse | You establish a zone of magical feedback that makes it impossible to succeed at rituals of this spell's level or lower in the area. |
Scouring Pulse  | UncommonEvocationLightPositive | You inundate the area with concentrated positive energy, which scours away the stain of undeath. |
Secret Chest | Conjuration | You banish a container and its contents to the Ethereal Plane, where you can retrieve it from later. |
Sending  | DivinationMental | You send the creature a mental message of 25 words or fewer, and it can respond immediately with its own message of 25 words or fewer. |
Shadow Blast  | EvocationShadow | You shape the quasi-real substance of the Shadow Plane into a blast. |
Shadow Jump  | UncommonConjurationShadowTeleportation | You instantly transport yourself from one shadow to another. |
Shadow Siphon  | IllusionShadow | Exchanging material energy with that of the Shadow Plane, you transform the triggering spell into a partially illusory version of itself. |
Shadow Walk | UncommonConjurationShadowTeleportation | You access the Shadow Plane, using its warped nature to spread your travels. |
Shall not Falter, Shall not Rout  | RareNecromancyHealing | Calling out the fifth line of the Crimson Oath, you seal your most grievous injuries with a stroke of your blade. |
Shepherd of Souls  | UncommonNecromancyHealingSorcerer | You stay the hand of fate for one not yet destined to die, sacrificing some of your own vitality to heal them. |
Soulshelter Vessel  | UncommonNecromancyGoodHealing | You connect the spirit of the target creature with the target object, giving their spirit a durable vessel that protects and empowers their body. |
Spellmaster's Ward to  | UncommonAbjuration | You create one or more glowing protective runes that revolve around you. |
Spiritual Guardian  | AbjurationForce | A Medium guardian made of magical force appears and attacks foes you designate within range. |
Spiritual Torrent  | UncommonNecromancy | You release your spiritual essence in a torrential blast of energy, dealing 10d6 damage. |
Stagnate Time  | Transmutation | You examine the time stream in a particular area, then proceed to stick a few metaphorical pins into it, thickening and slowing down the flow of time until it rumbles along like a river of molasses. |
Steal the Sky | UncommonEvocationAir | You deny a flying creature the support of the air. |
Stormburst  | UncommonEvocationElectricity | Your voice projects like cracking thunder as you summon a localized storm, creating a fearsome surge of lightning and wind that deals 6d6 electricity damage. |
Strange Geometry  | Illusion | You cause the areas to appear to swell, bend, and break, twisting together in a bizarre spatial geometry. |
Subconscious Suggestion  | EnchantmentIncapacitationLinguisticMental | You implant a subconscious suggestion deep within the target's mind for them to follow when a trigger you specify occurs. |
Summerland Spell | UniqueAbjuration | The Summerland Spell is an extension of a unique ritual developed by Brogan the Grasswalker. |
Summon Anarch  | Conjuration | You conjure a chaotic celestial, monitor, or fiend to fight on your behalf. |
Summon Axiom  | Conjuration | You conjure a lawful celestial, monitor, or fiend to fight on your behalf. |
Summon Celestial  | Conjuration | You conjure a celestial to fight on your behalf. |
Summon Dragon  | Conjuration | You conjure a dragon to fight for you. |
Summon Entity  | Conjuration | You conjure an aberration to fight for you. |
Summon Fiend  | Conjuration | You conjure a fiend to fight on your behalf. |
Summon Giant  | Conjuration | You conjure a giant to fight for you. |
Summon Healing Servitor  | UncommonNecromancyHealingIncarnatePositive | You call forth a servitor forged from raw positive energy to heal and bolster your allies. |
Symphony of the Unfettered Heart  | UncommonAbjurationBardComposition | Your symphony lifts listeners from their worldly concerns. |
Synaptic Pulse  | EnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You emit a pulsating mental blast that penetrates the minds of all enemies in the area. |
Synesthesia  | DivinationMental | The target's senses are suddenly rewired in unexpected ways, causing them to process noises as bursts of color, smells as sounds, and so on. |
Telekinetic Haul  | Evocation | You move the target up to 20 feet, potentially suspending it in midair. |
Telepathic Bond | UncommonDivinationMental | The targets can communicate telepathically with any or all of the other targets from any point on the same planet. |
Temporary Glyph  | Abjuration | You temporarily bind a hostile spell into a symbol. |
Terrain Transposition  | UncommonConjurationRangerTeleportation | You mystically transpose your current location with another. |
The World's a Stage | UncommonDivinationFortune | This famous ritual is a sophisticated example of symbolic magic, binding fate and fortune to follow a prepared script. |
Tongues  | UncommonDivination | The target can understand all words regardless of language and also speak the languages of other creatures. |
Transmute Rock And Mud  | TransmutationEarth | You warp the structure of earthen material, turning rock into mud or mud into rock. |
Tree Stride | UncommonConjurationPlantTeleportation | You step into a living tree with a trunk big enough for you to fit inside it and instantly teleport to any tree of the same species within 5 miles that also has a sufficiently large trunk. |
Unblinking Flame Aura  | UncommonDivinationFireHealing | You focus your sight inside and call on your inner fire to grant you warmth, steady your vision, and soothe your body. |
Unbreaking Wave Vapor  | UncommonAbjurationWater | You're Concealed against the triggering attack and gain a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against it. |
Unfolding Wind Buffet  | UncommonEvocationAir | You surround your unarmed attacks with the speed and force of air. |
Untwisting Iron Roots  | UncommonTransmutationEarth | You manipulate the earth beneath your feet to throw your enemies off balance, leaving chunks of rock and rubble behind. |
Unusual Anatomy  | UncommonTransmutationPolymorphSorcerer | You transform your flesh and organs into a bizarre amalgam of glistening skin, rough scales, tufts of hair, and tumorous protuberances. |
Wall of Flesh  | Necromancy | You craft a 20-foot-tall wall of living flesh in a straight line up to 30 feet long. |
Wall of Ice  | EvocationColdWater | You sculpt an ice barrier that blocks sight and, once shattered, freezes foes. |
Wall of Stone  | ConjurationEarth | You shape a wall of solid stone. |
Waters of Prediction | RareDivination | You and the secondary casters peer into the still waters of a natural pool or lake to divine your collective future. |
Wind Jump  | UncommonTransmutationAirMonk | You gain a fly Speed equal to your Speed. |
Wish-Twisted Form  | UncommonTransmutationSorcerer | You focus your magic upon an enemy, wishing for their defenses to fail and turning their strengths into weaknesses. |
Wronged Monk's Wrath to  | UncommonEvocationElectricityForceMonk | You unleash your ki as a powerful storm of force and lightning, dealing 2d6 force damage and 2d12 electricity damage to creatures in the area. |
Wyvern Sting  | UncommonNecromancyPoison | You duplicate the venomous sting of a wyvern. |
You're Mine  | UncommonEnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationMentalSorcerer | You manipulate the target's emotions, potentially allowing you to control it for a brief instant. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Ancestral Form  | UncommonTransmutationCurseboundOracle | You take the form of your ancestral spirits, becoming Invisible and quasi‑corporeal. |
Ash Form  | UncommonTransmutationCurseboundOracle | You take the form of a cloud of minuscule ash particles. |
Asmodean Wager | RareDivinationLinguistic | You facilitate a magically binding agreement between yourself and one or more additional secondary casters, wherein each participant (hereafter referred to as the bettors) stakes something of value on the outcome of an event that has yet to be determined. |
Aura of the Unremarkable  | UncommonIllusionMental | You and allies in the area appear to be completely innocuous to other creatures within the spell's area, regardless of the actions you're committing. |
Awaken Animal | UncommonDivinationMental | You grant intelligence to the target, transforming it into a beast. |
Awaken Entropy  | Necromancy | All things age, all things die, and at the end of days even the universe will grow quiet and still. |
Awaken Object | UncommonDivinationMental | You imbue a single Small or smaller object with rudimentary awareness and consciousness, and it gains mental ability modifiers depending on the results of the ritual. |
Bacchanalia | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You hold an elaborate feast and stoke the celebratory spirit, causing it to spread to other people nearby; you buoy them with hope and good cheer as they revel into the night. |
Baleful Polymorph  | TransmutationIncapacitationPolymorph | You transform the target creature into a harmless animal appropriate to the area, with effects based on its Fortitude save. |
Blade Barrier  | EvocationForce | Blades of force form a churning wall. |
Blanket Of Stars  | Illusion | A flowing cloak of utter darkness drapes over you, filled with pinpricks of light like distant stars. |
Blinding Fury  | EnchantmentCurseEmotionIncapacitationMental | You curse the target with your outrage at being attacked. |
Bound in Death  | UncommonNecromancyCurse | You tether another creature's spirit to your own, shunting part of the damage dealt to you onto one of your foes. |
Cast into Time  | Divination | You release a wave of temporal energy that sends creatures violently tumbling through time, scarring their thoughts with the information flowing around them. |
Catch Your Name | RareDivination | You learn a private name (but not the true name) of the creature who spoke your name, as well as their precise location, unless they succeed at a Will save to negate the effect. |
Chain Lightning  | EvocationElectricity | You discharge a powerful bolt of lightning at the target, dealing 8d12 electricity damage. |
Champion's Sacrifice  | UncommonAbjurationChampion | You form a link with an ally, allowing you to take harm in their stead. |
Chromatic Image  | IllusionVisual | You call forth three illusory images of yourself, and each of the four of you takes on a different color, your colors all shifting each time someone attacks you. |
Claim Undead  | UncommonNecromancyCurseboundIncapacitationOracle | You attempt to wrest control of a target undead or force it to recognize you as its master. |
Collective Transposition  | ConjurationTeleportation | You teleport the targets to new positions within the area. |
Commune | UncommonDivinationPrediction | You call upon an unknown planar entity to answer questions; this is a servitor of your deity if you have one and use Religion. |
Commune with Nature | UncommonDivinationPrediction | As Commune, except you contact the primal spirits of nature, which know about animals, beasts, fey, plants, topography, and natural resources within a 3-mile radius of the ritual's location. |
Create Skinstitch | UncommonTransmutation | You transform the target into a skinstitch, a hideous construct covered in the flesh of sentient humanoids. |
Daemon Form  | TransmutationEvilPolymorph | You infuse yourself with the corrupting death and pure malevolence of Abaddon, transforming into a Large daemon battle form. |
Demon Form  | TransmutationChaoticEvilPolymorph | You corrupt yourself with the sin of the Abyss, transforming into a Medium demon battle form. |
Devil Form  | TransmutationEvilLawfulPolymorph | You bind yourself to the power of Hell, transforming into a Medium devil battle form. |
Disintegrate  | EvocationAttack | You fire a green ray at your target. |
Dominate  | UncommonEnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You take command of the target, forcing it to obey your orders. |
Dragon Form  | TransmutationPolymorph | Calling upon powerful transformative magic, you gain a Large dragon battle form. |
Dread Secret  | UncommonDivinationCurseboundEmotionFearMentalOracle | You utter a powerful secret at odds with the fundamental nature of the target creatures. |
Elemental Confluence  | ConjurationAirEarthFireWater | You conjure four types of elementals who combine forces to form into a chaotic storm. |
Feeblemind  | EnchantmentCurseIncapacitationMental | You drastically reduce the target's mental faculties. |
Field of Life  | NecromancyHealingPositive | A field of positive energy fills the area, exuding warmth and rejuvenating those within. |
Fire Seeds  | EvocationFirePlant | Four acorns grow in your hand, their shells streaked with pulsing red and orange patterns. |
Flame Vortex  | EvocationAirFire | You combine a blazing inferno and air currents into a fiery vortex. |
Flaming Fusillade  | UncommonEvocationCurseboundFireOracle | You call upon an endless barrage of flames, producing miniature fireballs in your hands to hurl at foes. |
Flesh to Stone  | Transmutation | You try to turn the target's flesh into stone. |
For Love, For Lightning  | UncommonEvocationElectricity | When you Cast the Spell, you plunge the required weapon into the ground, where it crackles with crimson lightning. |
Form of the Sandpoint Devil | RareTransmutationEvilPolymorph | You infuse yourself with incredible amounts of pure evil, subsuming your consciousness into malevolence and giving yourself a monstrous form resembling that of the Sandpoint Devil. |
Gray Shadow  | UncommonNecromancyShadow | You pray over a dying creature, drawing its shadow into your service as long as its owner is stooped at death's door. |
Hag's Fruit | UncommonTransmutationCurseIncapacitationNecromancySleep | You imbue a single piece of fruit with a curse that leaves its victims in a magical sleep. |
Halcyon Infusion | RareDivinationMental | You infuse magical energy into your target, opening up their mind to the pathways of magic and granting them the ability to use magic to affect the world around them. |
Heroic Feat or  | UncommonDivinationCurseboundMentalOracle | You gain the ability to perform a specialized combat technique from the vast wealth of martial knowledge your mystery provides. |
Ideal Mimicry | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You craft a doll with care and quiet meditation on the target, inserting the fingernails into the body, tying the lock of hair around the neck of the doll, or emptying the vial of blood into the stuffing and allowing it to be absorbed. |
Life-Giving Form  | UncommonNecromancyCurseboundHealingLightOraclePositive | You transcend your physical form, becoming a beacon of healing energy. |
Lure Dream  | RareConjurationDream | You reach out to the dream realm, beckoning an animate dream to your side. |
Manifold Lives  | UncommonDivinationCurseboundEmotionMentalOracle | You cast a creature's mind back through time, forcing them to take other paths and make other choices, experiencing countless alternate lives in an instant. |
Mantle of Heaven's Slopes  | UncommonTransmutationGoodLawfulMorph | You surround yourself in a mantle of heavenly power, invoking the power of the layers of the celestial mountain above. |
Mislead  | Illusion | You turn yourself Invisible and create an illusory duplicate of yourself. |
Moonlight Bridge  | UncommonConjurationCurseboundLightOracle | You summon a bridge of radiant, shimmering moonlight. |
Nature's Reprisal  | TransmutationPlantPoison | The plant life within the area begins to writhe and lash out against your enemies as you call upon nature to impede your foes. |
Necrotize  | NecromancyNegative | You necrotize part of a creature's body, harming it and debilitating it as its body putrefies, mimicking the natural process of decay. |
Phantasmal Calamity  | IllusionMental | A vision of apocalyptic destruction fills the mind of each creature in the area. |
Planar Binding | UncommonAbjuration | You call forth an extraplanar creature of a level no greater than double that of the planar binding ritual's level and attempt to bargain with it. |
Poltergeist's Fury  | Evocation | Your fury spills over in a telekinetic storm of terrifying proportions. |
Primal Call | UncommonAbjuration | This functions as Planar Ally except you craft a faerie circle and call an animal, beast, fey, fungus, or plant from within 100 miles. |
Primal Summons  | UncommonConjurationDruid | You enhance a summoned creature with the power of the elements. |
Purple Worm Sting  | NecromancyPoison | You replicate the attack of a deadly purple worm. |
Raise Dead | UncommonNecromancyHealing | You attempt to call forth the dead creature's soul, requiring the creature's body to be present and relatively intact. |
Ravenous Darkness  | UncommonNecromancyDarkness | You create a shroud of magical darkness that feeds on those inside it. |
Repulsion  | AbjurationAuraMental | You manifest an aura that prevents creatures from approaching you. |
Righteous Might  | TransmutationPolymorph | You focus all your divine energy and transform yourself into a Medium battle form, similar to your normal form but armed with powerful divine armaments granted by your deity. |
Scintillating Safeguard  | Abjuration | A sparkling magical barrier envelops each target, shielding them against the triggering effect. |
Scrying | UncommonDivinationScrying | You magically spy on a creature of your choice. |
Shadow Illusion  | UncommonIllusionAuditoryShadowVisual | You create a shadowy illusion of a creature or a stationary object, but the illusion can exist only in an area of dim light or darkness. |
Shambling Horror  | UncommonNecromancyEvil | You reanimate the corpse of a fallen creature as an undead minion under your control. |
Speaking Sky  | UncommonDivinationAir | The air speaks to you. |
Spellwrack  | AbjurationCurseForce | You cause any spells cast on the target to spill out their energy in harmful surges. |
Spirit Blast  | NecromancyForce | You concentrate ethereal energy and attack a creature's spirit, dealing 16d6 force damage. |
Statuette | RareTransmutationPolymorph | This ritual is a variant of the shrink item spell that allows for the transformation of significantly larger items. |
Stone Tell  | UncommonEvocationEarth | You can ask questions of and receive answers from natural or worked stone. |
Stone to Flesh  | TransmutationEarth | Manipulating the fundamental particles of matter, you convert stone into flesh and blood. |
Suffocate  | UncommonEvocationIncapacitationNonlethal | You forcefully and cruelly draw the living breath from a creature's lungs, dealing 4d8 bludgeoning damage. |
Suspended Retribution  | DivinationCurseMentalPrediction | All life dances one step from the precipice, one heartbeat from disaster. |
Tangling Creepers  | ConjurationPlant | Dense, twitching creepers sprout from every surface and fill any bodies of water in the area. |
Teleport | UncommonConjurationTeleportation | You and the targets are instantly transported to any location within range, as long as you can identify the location precisely both by its position relative to your starting position and by its appearance (or other identifying features). |
Tempest Form  | UncommonTransmutationCurseboundOraclePolymorph | Your body becomes fluid to better suit your surroundings. |
Temporal Ward  | RareAbjuration | You ward a target doorway or container with a temporal trap that rewinds the personal timeline of creatures trying to open it. |
Terminate Bloodline | UncommonNecromancy | Mighty drow noble houses, including House Shraen, use this ritual to stamp out fledgling noble houses before they rise to power. |
True Seeing  | DivinationRevelation | You see things within 60 feet as they actually are. |
Unexpected Transposition  | ConjurationTeleportation | When attacked, you attempt to quickly swap your own position with that of another creature. |
Vampiric Exsanguination  | NecromancyDeathNegative | You draw in the blood and life force of other creatures through your outstretched arms. |
Vibrant Pattern  | IllusionIncapacitationVisual | You create a pattern of lights that pulses with intensity. |
Wall of Force  | EvocationForce | You form an Invisible wall of pure magical force up to 50 feet long and up to 20 feet high. |
Ward Domain | UncommonAbjuration | This ritual has long been used to guard the private sanctums of powerful rulers, spellcasters, and other figures of import. |
Word of Revision  | RareDivinationFortune | As all good writers know, you shouldn't kill off your protagonist before their story is complete. |
Zealous Conviction  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You bypass your targets' rational minds, instilling them with unshakable conviction and zeal. |
Zero Gravity  | UncommonEvocation | You negate gravity's effects in the area. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Angel Form  | TransmutationGoodPolymorph | Invoking the celestial realms, you transform into a Medium angel battle form. |
Blightburn Blast  | UncommonEvocationDisease | You channel a blast of powerful blightburn radiation from your hands. |
Contingency | Abjuration | You prepare a spell that will trigger later. |
Control Sand  | UncommonEvocationEarth | You whip up a small sandstorm around your body. |
Corrosive Body  | TransmutationAcidPolymorph | You exhale corrosive gas, and acidic secretions coat your skin as you transform into a being of living acid. |
Cosmic Form  | TransmutationPolymorph | You recreate your form entirely out of cosmic energy, transforming into a Large battle form. |
Curse of the Spirit Orchestra  | UncommonConjurationCurseMisfortune | You summon an Invisible, insubstantial group of extraplanar musicians who follow the target and play distracting music to hinder its actions. |
Darklight  | UncommonEvocationDarknessShadow | Shadows pour forth from your eyes, creating a field of darkness that prevents light from emanating within the area. |
Deity's Strike  | EvocationForce | A manifested version of your deity's favored weapon appears in the air above and attacks the target, using your spell attack roll. |
Dimensional Lock  | UncommonAbjuration | You create a shimmering barrier that attempts to counteract teleportation effects and planar travel into or out of the area, including items that allow access to extradimensional spaces (such as a bag of holding). |
Divine Decree  | Evocation | You utter a potent litany from your faith, a mandate that harms those who oppose your ideals. |
Divine Vessel  | TransmutationMorph | You accept otherworldly energies into your body; while you are still recognizably yourself, you gain the features of one of your deity's servitors. |
Duplicate Foe  | Conjuration | You try to create a temporary duplicate of an enemy to fight on your behalf. |
Eclipse Burst  | NecromancyColdDarknessNegative | A globe of freezing darkness explodes in the area, dealing 8d10 cold damage to creatures in the area, plus 8d4 additional negative damage to living creatures. |
Empower Ley Line | RareEvocation | You draw upon surrounding magical energy to empower a ley line, enhancing both its positive and negative effects. |
Energy Aegis | Abjuration | You protect the target with a powerful, long-lasting energy barrier. |
Entrancing Eyes  | UncommonEnchantmentMentalVisual | Your eyes glow with an entrancing radiance that captivates those who meet your gaze. |
Ethereal Jaunt  | UncommonConjurationTeleportation | You travel to the Ethereal Plane, which overlaps the Material Plane. |
Fiery Body  | TransmutationFirePolymorph | You become living flame, giving you fire immunity, resistance 10 to precision damage, and weakness 5 to cold and to water. |
Finger of Death  | NecromancyDeath | You point your finger toward the target and speak a word of slaying. |
Force Cage  | EvocationForce | You create an immobile, invisible prison of sheer force. |
Frigid Flurry  | EvocationColdWater | You place a palm to your lips and exhale a cold breath, whipping up a gust of wind that freezes the air's ambient moisture into a flurry of jagged shards. |
Hasted Assault  | UncommonTransmutationMagus | You call upon your magic to speed up your attacks. |
Inexhaustible Cynicism  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You inflict your targets with a crushing doubt about everyone and everything around them. |
Legend Lore | UncommonDivination | You attempt to learn useful legends about a particular subject, which must be an important person, place, or thing. |
Leng Sting  | UncommonNecromancyPoison | You use the power of nightmares to magically replicate the venomous attack of the aberrant and cunning Leng spiders. |
Litany of Depravity  | UncommonEvocationChampionEvilLitany | Your litany calls into question the morals your foe claims to hold dear. |
Litany of Righteousness  | UncommonEvocationChampionGoodLitany | Your litany denounces an evildoer, rendering it susceptible to the powers of good. |
Magnificent Mansion | UncommonConjurationExtradimensional | You conjure an extradimensional demiplane consisting of a spacious dwelling with a single entrance. |
Mask of Terror  | IllusionEmotionFearMentalVisual | The target appears to be a gruesome and terrifying creature. |
Maze of Locked Doors  | UncommonConjurationExtradimensionalIncapacitationTeleportation | The target of your spell is drawn into a long, twisting, extradimensional hallway blocked at 30-foot intervals with high-grade darkwood doors (Hardness 20, HP 80, BT 40, DC 30 athletics to Force Open) secured with Lock (Average) (DC 25 thievery, 4 successful checks required). |
Momentary Recovery  | ConjurationTeleportation | You instantly teleport yourself and any items you're wearing or holding from your current space to a clear space within range that you can see. |
Moonburst  | UncommonEvocationColdLightPositive | A powerful globe of chilling moonlight explodes in the area, dealing 8d10 cold damage to creatures and objects in the area, plus 8d10 additional positive damage to undead creatures. |
Plane Shift | UncommonConjurationTeleportation | You and your allies traverse the barriers between planes of existence. |
Possession  | UncommonNecromancyIncapacitationMentalPossession | You send your mind and soul into the target's body, attempting to take control. |
Power Word Blind  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryMental | You utter an arcane word of power that can make the target Blinded upon hearing it. |
Prismatic Armor  | Abjuration | You wrap the target in armor made of multicolored light. |
Prismatic Spray  | EvocationLight | A spray of rainbow light beams cascades from your open hand. |
Project Image  | IllusionMental | You project an illusory image of yourself. |
Ravenous Reanimation | RareNecromancyEvil | You destroy the gathered treasures with your breath weapon or other powerful magic, then invoke necromantic energies before you feed upon the charred and melted remains. |
Regenerate  | NecromancyHealingPositive | An infusion of positive energy grants a creature continuous healing. |
Retrocognition | Divination | Opening your mind to occult echoes, you gain impressions from past events that occurred in your current location. |
Return To Essence  | RareAbjuration | You unravel the magic of a spell that affects a container, door, or lock, converting it into energy you can repurpose to power your own spells. |
Reverse Gravity  | UncommonEvocation | You reverse gravity in the area. |
Shadow Raid  | IllusionShadow | You spin illusions of flying shadows throughout the area. |
Shadow's Web  | UncommonEvocationMonk | Grasping darkness surges from you, dealing 14d4 negative damage. |
Soothing Ballad  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCompositionEmotionHealingMental | You draw upon your muse to soothe your allies. |
Spell Turning  | UncommonAbjuration | This abjuration reflects spells cast at you back at their caster. |
Sunburst  | EvocationFireLightPositive | A powerful globe of searing sunlight explodes in the area, dealing 8d10 fire damage to all creatures in the area, plus 8d10 additional positive damage to undead creatures. |
Supreme Connection | UncommonDivination | In a show of power, you call forth a powerful entity in front of a crowd of onlookers, forcing the entity to manifest and answer your questions. |
Telekinetic Bombardment  | Evocation | You grasp a piece of the landscape-such as a tree, carriage, or piece of masonry-and lob it in your foe's direction. |
Teleportation Circle | UncommonConjurationTeleportation | You create a 10-foot-diameter circle on the ground, which acts as a portal to a destination determined at the time of the ritual. |
Tempest of Shades  | NecromancyIncarnate | You channel the forces of undeath to briefly call forth an amalgam of the vengeful dead slain by your enemies and allies alike. |
Time Beacon  | Divination | You create a beacon in time, intending to return to it if things go wrong. |
True Target  | DivinationFortunePrediction | You delve into the possible futures of the next few seconds to understand all the ways your foe might avoid harm, then cast out a vision of that future to those around you. |
Unblinking Flame Emblem  | UncommonDivinationFire | You emblazon the target with a fiery sigil that projects your sight and your flame onto them, allowing you and your allies to track their movements and making it easier to hit them. |
Unbreaking Wave Barrier  | UncommonAbjurationWater | You create a protective circle around yourself that repels your foes. |
Unfettered Pack  | Abjuration | You free those who travel alongside you from environmental hindrances. |
Unfolding Wind Blitz  | UncommonTransmutationAir | You blitz forward so quickly that you soar through the air, and nothing can react to you. |
Untwisting Iron Augmentation  | UncommonTransmutationEarth | Your unarmed attacks are treated as cold iron and silver, they gain the earth trait, and they gain a +1 status bonus to damage rolls per damage die. |
Visions of Danger  | IllusionAuditoryVisual | An illusion of horrific creatures fills the spell's area. |
Volcanic Eruption  | EvocationFire | The ground opens up, spraying a column of lava high into the air in a vertical cylinder, dealing 14d6 fire damage to creatures in the area. |
Warp Mind  | EnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationMental | You scramble a creature's mental faculties and sensory input. |
Word of Recall | RareConjurationTeleportation | You bind yourself and your allies to the specific safe location where you perform the ritual. |