Requirements You have at least one free hand or have your target grappled or restrained. Your target isn't more than one size larger than you.
You attempt to grab a creature or object with your free hand. Attempt an Athletics check against the target's Fortitude DC. You can Grapple a target you already have grabbed or restrained without having a hand free.
Critical Success Your target is Restrained until the end of your next turn unless you move or your target Escapes.
Success Your target is Grabbed until the end of your next turn unless you move or your target Escapes.
Failure You fail to grab your target. If you already had the target grabbed or restrained, it breaks free.
Critical Failure If you already had the target grabbed or restrained, it breaks free. Your target can either grab you, as if it succeeded at using the Grapple action against you, or force you to fall and land Prone.