Assassin VineCreature 3
Source Pathfinder Bestiary 2
Perception +10 (tremorsense 30 feet, low-light vision)
Languages none
Skills Athletics +9, Stealth +9
Str +4, Dex +0, Con +3, Int -5, Wis +3, Cha +0
AC 18; Fort +10; Reflex +7; Will +8;
HP 68
Speed 5 feet
Weaknesses Fire 5, Slashing 5

Low-Light Vision
The monster can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the Concealed condition due to dim light.
TremorsenseTremorsense allows a monster to feel the vibrations through a solid surface caused by movement. It is an imprecise sense with a limited range (listed in the ability). Tremorsense functions only if the monster is on the same surface as the subject, and only if the subject is moving along (or burrowing through) the surface.
CamouflageThe assassin vine can Hide in natural environments even if it doesn't have cover.
Grasping Foliage
Trigger The assassin vine detects a creature within 20 feet via Tremorsense
Effect The assassin vine causes vegetation within a 20-foot emanation to writhe for 1 round, turning this area into difficult terrain. When a creature starts its turn in this area, it must attempt a DC 20 reflex save. On a failure, it takes a -10-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds until it leaves the area, and on a critical failure it is also Immobilized for 1 round. A creature can attempt to Escape to remove these effects.
Assassin vines are immune to Grasping Foliage.
1d8+4 bludgeoning, DC 20 basic fortitude
The monster deals the listed amount of damage to any number of creatures Grabbed or Restrained by it. Each of those creatures can attempt a basic Fortitude save with the listed DC.
Requirements The monster's last action was a success with a Strike that lists Grab in its damage entry, or it has a creature grabbed using this action.
Effect The monster automatically Grabs the target until the end of the monster's next turn. The creature is Grabbed by whichever body part the monster attacked with, and that body part can't be used to Strike creatures until the grab is ended. Using Grab extends the duration of the monster's Grab until the end of its next turn for all creatures grabbed by it. A grabbed creature can use the Escape action to get out of the grab, and the Grab ends for a grabbed creatures if the monster moves away from it.
The assassin vine is a carnivorous plant with a voracious appetite. Rather than consuming creatures directly, it creates its own fertilizer by entangling prey and squeezing the life from it. Once the plant has killed a creature, it pulls the carcass over to its roots to feed from the decaying flesh. Although an assassin vine lacks eyes, it can detect and track prey through a combination of using its root systems to detect vibrations through topsoil and its leaves to detect heat changes in the vicinity. Although the assassin vine has no real intelligence, its learned behaviors mimic those of cunning ambush hunters.
As it is slow moving, the assassin vine typically remains rooted in a single area for as long as it has sufficient prey. Though most often found along woodland trails or swamps, these plants can also be encountered in more rural settlements, poorly tended fields, and vineyards. While assassin vines can't be trained in the classical sense, they can be used as defenses, and woodland-dwelling creatures like goblins and fey have been known to cultivate assassin vines as guardians for less-used routes into their lairs. In such cases, the tenders often seek to make the path more obvious than its disuse would otherwise suggest, while simultaneously working to ensure the bones of the vines' victims are removed to keep their presence a secret, resulting in what appears to be an easy approach to the den but is actually an organic ambush.
Mature assassin vines grow to 20 feet long and have smaller vines extending off the main trunk that reach from to 5 to 10 feet in length. The smallest of these vines sprout every 6 inches or so; they tend to grow clusters of full leaves and occasionally bear small berries. A recently fed assassin vine can have bunches of plump, blood-red berries that are juicy and tart but leave a slightly unpleasant iron aftertaste, as if from the faint taste of blood from a bitten lip.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
MindlessA mindless creature has either programmed or rudimentary mental attributes. Most, if not all, of their mental ability modifiers are -5. They are immune to all mental effects.
PlantVegetable creatures have the plant trait. They are distinct from normal plants. Magical effects with this trait manipulate or conjure plants or plant matter in some way. Those that manipulate plants have no effect in an area with no plants.