BinjiCreature -1
Source Pathfinder #169: Kindled Magic
Perception +6 (low-light vision)
Languages Common, Undercommon
Skills Crafting +5, Deception +2, Nature +4, Stealth +5, Thievery +5
Str +1, Dex +3, Con +3, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha -2
AC 15; Fort +5; Reflex +7; Will +4;
HP 9
Speed 10 feet (climb 20 feet, fly 20 feet)
Weaknesses Coldiron 2


Low-Light Vision
The monster can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the Concealed condition due to dim light.
So Many LiceWhenever a living creature touches or is touched by a Binji (including via a successful unarmed melee Strike), it must succeed at a DC 15 reflex save or become infested by gremlin lice.
While infested, the targeted creature is distracted by the itching sensation and is Stupefied 1, though it can use an Interact action to scratch at the itching lice to suppress the stupefied condition from the lice for 1d4 rounds.
The infestation ends after 24 hours or until the creature is submerged in water or exposed to a severe cold environment, whichever comes first.
Putrid Vomit
The binji spews a 30-foot line of vomit. Each creature in the line must succeed at a DC 16 fortitude save or become Sickened 1 (Sickened 2 on a critical failure).
The binji can't use Putrid Vomit again for 1d4 rounds.
Primal Innate Spells (DC 16, +6 to hit)
Cantrips (1st Level): Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1st Level: Grease
Gremlins arose long ago in the First World, living embodiments of nature's ability to wear away, erode, and decompose. On the Material Plane, their encounters with mortal civilizations twisted them into creatures devoted to chaos, sabotage, and traps, each variety specializing in a particular brand of mayhem.
Even more than most gremlins, grimples resent the trappings of civilization: inn common rooms with their rowdy singalongs, livery yards with their whinnying horses, church steeples with their clanging bells. Grimples live to spoil these conventions, dropping tavern signs on patrons, urinating in rain barrels, and opening stable doors. When all else fails, they literally vomit their disdain on passersby.
Grimples resemble humanoid, mange-ridden opossums, with boar-like tusks that aid them in rooting through garbage heaps for food. They are agile climbers who glide from eave to eave on the loose flaps of skin between their limbs. Savvy gremlin-hunters know to look for the skin flakes and fur grimples shed from their parasite-infested hides.
A rules element with this trait is one-of-a-kind. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to creatures with this trait is increased by 10.
FeyCreatures of the First World are called the fey.