DaqqanoenyentCreature 9
Source Pathfinder Book of the Dead
Perception +17 (darkvision)
Languages Common, Necril, Plus Any One Language Spoken In Life, (can't Speak Any Language)
Skills Acrobatics +17, Athletics +21, Survival +17
Str +6, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +0
AC 28; Fort +21; Reflex +17; Will +15;
HP 170 (negative healing)
Speed 15 feet (fly 30 feet)
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious
Weaknesses Fire 10, Positive 5


A monster with darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level Darkness spell, block normal darkvision. A monster with Greater Darkvision, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.
Negative HealingA creature with negative healing draws health from negative energy rather than positive energy. It is damaged by positive damage and is not healed by positive healing effects. It does not take negative damage, and it is healed by negative effects that heal undead.
Baleful Gaze
The daqqanoenyent's face twists into an expression of unbridled rage. Each creature within 30 feet that can see the daqqanoenyent must attempt a DC 28 will save. The creature is then temporarily immune for 1 minute.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is Frightened 1.
Failure The creature is Frightened 2.
Critical Failure The creature is Frightened 3.
SnatchA daqqanoenyent can Fly at half Speed while they have a Medium or smaller creature Grabbed or Restrained in their talons, carrying that creature along with them.
Swallow Whole
Medium, 2d8+9 bludgeoning, Rupture 24
The monster attempts to swallow a creature of the listed size or smaller that it has grabbed in its jaws or mouth. If a swallowed creature is of the maximum size listed, the monster can't use Swallow Whole again. If the creature is smaller than the maximum, the monster can usually swallow more creatures; the GM determines the maximum. The monster attempts an Athletics check opposed by the grabbed creature's Reflex DC. If it succeeds, it swallows the creature. The monster's mouth or jaws no longer grab a creature it has swallowed, so the monster is free to use them to Strike or Grab once again. The monster can't attack creatures it has swallowed.
A swallowed creature is Grabbed, is Slowed 1, and has to hold its breath or start suffocating. The swallowed creature takes the listed amount of damage when first swallowed and at the end of each of its turns while it's swallowed. If the victim Escapes this ability's grabbed condition, it exits through the monster's mouth. This frees any other creature grabbed in the monster's mouth or jaws. A swallowed creature can attack the monster that has swallowed it, but only with unarmed attacks or with weapons of light Bulk or less. The swallowing creature is Flat-Footed against the attack. If the monster takes piercing or slashing damage equaling or exceeding the listed Rupture value from a single attack or spell, the swallowed creature cuts itself free. A creature that gets free by either Escaping or cutting itself free can immediately breathe and exits the swallowing monster's space.
If the monster dies, a swallowed creature can be freed by creatures adjacent to the corpse if they spend a combined total of 3 actions cutting the monster open with a weapon or unarmed attack that deals piercing or slashing damage.
Requirements The monster's last action was a success with a Strike that lists Grab in its damage entry, or it has a creature grabbed using this action.
Effect The monster automatically Grabs the target until the end of the monster's next turn. The creature is Grabbed by whichever body part the monster attacked with, and that body part can't be used to Strike creatures until the grab is ended. Using Grab extends the duration of the monster's Grab until the end of its next turn for all creatures grabbed by it. A grabbed creature can use the Escape action to get out of the grab, and the Grab ends for a grabbed creatures if the monster moves away from it.
A daqqanoenyent is a horrific monstrosity arising from a terrible crime against the dead, obsessed with exacting retribution. The creature manifests as an enormous, disembodied head, 10 feet in height and covered in coarse black hair, with bat-like wings and vicious fangs and talons. Daqqanoenyents are naturally conflicted creatures. As the product of the tortured wills of numerous victims, daqqanoenyents sometimes exhibit strange or contradictory behavior as various individual wills struggle for control. Their conflicting desires make daqqanoenyents relatively easy to trick or deceive, and the creatures are vulnerable to fire. One story of a daqqanoenyent encounter describes the creature attempting to eat an old woman, only to be tricked by the woman into devouring a live coal. Their mouth aflame, the daqqanoenyent fled into the wilderness, never to be seen again.
Beheaded are disembodied floating heads transformed into undead. They are natural candidates for a necromancer's "project minion," due to the inexpensive cost of creation and endlessly customizable nature. In any lair occupied for long by practicing necromancers, it isn't uncommon to find a handful of floating heads roaming about, each exhibiting completely different characteristics and even degrees of expertise in their creation.
This rarity indicates that a rules element is very difficult to find in the game world. A rare feat, spell, item or the like is available to players only if the GM decides to include it in the game, typically through discovery during play. Creatures with this trait are rare. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creatures is increased by 5.