DerghodaemonCreature 12
Source Pathfinder Bestiary 2
Perception +24 (darkvision, scent (imprecise) 60 feet)
Languages Common, Daemonic, Telepathy 100 Feet
Skills Acrobatics +22, Athletics +25, Intimidation +24, Stealth +24
Str +7, Dex +6, Con +5, Int +1, Wis +6, Cha +6
AC 33; Fort +21; Reflex +24; Will +22; +1 status to all saves vs. magic
HP 240
Speed 35 feet
Immunities confusion, death effects, swarm attacks
Weaknesses Good 10

Swarm Spit

A monster with darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level Darkness spell, block normal darkvision. A monster with Greater Darkvision, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.
ScentScent involves sensing creatures or objects by smell, and is usually a vague sense. The range is listed in the ability, and it functions only if the creature or object being detected emits an aroma (for instance, incorporeal creatures usually do not exude an aroma).
If a creature emits a heavy aroma or is upwind, the GM can double or even triple the range of scent abilities used to detect that creature, and the GM can reduce the range if a creature is downwind.
Telepathy (aura, divination, magical)A monster with telepathy can communicate mentally with any creatures within the listed radius, as long as they share a language. This doesn't give any special access to their thoughts, and communicates no more information than normal speech would.
At-Will SpellsThe monster can cast its at-will spells any number of times without using up spell slots.
+1 Status to All Saves vs. MagicDerghodaemon's Stare
A non-evil target must succeed at a DC 32 will save or become Confused for 1 round, or 1 minute on a critical failure. It is temporarily immune for 10 minutes.
A Rend entry lists a Strike the monster has.
Requirements The monster hit the same enemy with two consecutive Strikes of the listed type in the same round.
Effect The monster automatically deals that Strike's damage again to the enemy.
Savage Assault
The derghodaemon makes up to five claw Strikes, each against a different target. These attacks count toward the derghodaemon's multiple attack penalty, but the penalty doesn't increase until after all the attacks.
Swarming Infestation
The derghodaemon spews a large swarm, making a swarm spit Strike against up to two adjacent targets within range. Whether or not the targets are hit, each must attempt a DC 31 reflex save (at a -2 circumstance penalty if it was actually hit by the swarm spit).
Persistent Piercing Damage caused by the swarming infestation ends as soon as the creature takes any amount of damage from an area effect.
The derghodaemon can't use this ability for 1d4 rounds.
Critical Success The swarm disperses as soon as it deals its swarm spit Strike damage.
Success The swarm clings to the target and infests it, dealing 1d6 Persistent Piercing Damage.
Failure The swarm clings to the target and infests it, dealing 2d6 Persistent Piercing Damage.
Critical Failure As failure, but the hissing sounds caused by the infestation also cause the target to become Confused for 1 round; this additional effect has the auditory, emotion, and mental traits.
Divine Innate Spells (DC 32, +22 to hit)
1st Level: Detect Alignment (At will) (Good only)
4th Level: Dimension Door (At will)
5th Level: Dimension Door
6th Level: Blade Barrier, Feeblemind
Derghodaemons represent death through unfathomable violence and being eaten alive. Whether in life a ravenous murderer hacked them to bits for stew, a werewolf tore them limb from limb, or they simply succumbed to the elements and became worm meat, derghodaemons seek to inflict the same twisted and bloody ends upon any they come across. Unlike some daemons, derghodaemons derive little pleasure from prolonged deaths-to these fiends, the quicker they can enact a gory demise, the sooner they can turn their attentions to their next victim and repeat the violent cycle.
Derghodaemons look like walking masses of razor-sharp insect claws connected to equally menacing chitinous limbs, but few linger on their appearance for long- the gaze of a derghodaemon is enough to cause others in the vicinity to experience severe visual warping. The derghodaemon's appearance becomes more and more twisted as those who stare at it experience vicious hallucinations and ravenous urges to inflict harm on and devour others. Perhaps the most horrific attack derghodaemons can unleash upon their victims, though, is their swarming infestation-the daemons cough up a crawling, buzzing cloud of ravenous insects that cling to those targeted and chew them to death, provided the mind-numbing, half-whispered threats made by the rasp of the insects' bodies don't drive them to violent fury first!
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.