Dmiri YoltoshaCreature 4
Source Pathfinder #145: Hellknight Hill
Perception +14 (darkvision)
Languages Common, Goblin
Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +9, Deception +5, Nature +7, Stealth +10, Survival +7, Thievery +10
Str +3, Dex +4, Con +1, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha -1
AC 22; Fort +10; Reflex +12; Will +9;
HP 52
Speed 25 feet


Composite Shortbow


A monster with darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level Darkness spell, block normal darkvision. A monster with Greater Darkvision, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.
FlurryDmiri's multiple attack penalty against her hunted prey is -3 (-2 with an agile weapon) on her second attack and -6 (-4 with an agile weapon) on her third or subsequent attacks.
Hunt Prey
Dmiri designates a single creature as her prey and focuses her attacks against that creature. Dmiri must be able to see or hear the prey, or she must be tracking the prey during exploration.
Dmiri gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Perception checks when she Seeks her prey and a +2 circumstance bonus to Survival checks when she Tracks her prey. Dmiri also ignores the penalty for making ranged attacks within her second range increment against the prey she is hunting.
Dmiri can have only one creature designated as prey at a time. If she uses Hunt Prey against a creature when she already has a creature designated, the prior creature loses the designation and the new prey gains the designation. Dmiri's designation lasts until her next daily preparations.
Hunter's Aim
When Dmiri focuses on aiming, her attack becomes particularly accurate. Make a ranged weapon Strike against her hunted prey. On this Strike, Dmiri gains a +2 circumstance bonus to the attack roll and ignores her prey's Concealed condition.
Twin Parry
Requirements Dmiri is wielding two melee weapons, one in each hand
Dmiri uses her two weapons to parry attacks. Dmiri gains a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until the start of her next turn, or a +2 circumstance bonus if either weapon has the parry trait. Dmiri loses this circumstance bonus if she no longer meet this ability's requirement.
Effect: Twin Parry
Effect: Twin Parry (Parry Trait)
Twin Takedown
Frequency once per round
Requirement Dmiri is wielding two melee weapons, each in a different hand
Dmiri swiftly attacks her hunted prey with both weapons. Make two Strikes against Dmiri 's hunted prey, one with each of the required weapons. If both hit the same hunted prey, combine their damage for the purpose of its resistances and weaknesses. Apply Dmiri 's multiple attack penalty to each Strike normally.
A rules element with this trait is one-of-a-kind. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to creatures with this trait is increased by 10.
GoblinA creature with this trait can come from multiple tribes of creatures, including goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears. Goblins tend to have darkvision. An ability with this trait can be used or chosen only by goblins. A weapon with this trait is created and used by goblins.
HumanoidHumanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.