Grandfather MantisCreature 15
Source Pathfinder #167: Ready? Fight!
Perception +27
Languages Arcadian, Telepathy 100 Feet
Skills Athletics +28, Occultism +25, Religion +25
Str +5, Dex +5, Con +3, Int +2, Wis +4, Cha +2
AC 36; Fort +26; Reflex +30; Will +25;
HP 300
Speed 35 feet (climb 35 feet)
Weaknesses Force 15, Positive 15

Mantis Ambush

Trigger A creature within Grandfather Mantis's reach is hit by an ally's melee attack
Effect Grandfather Mantis makes a claw Strike against the triggering creature.
Grandfather Mantis Strides, then Strikes.
Improved Grab
The monster can use Grab as a free action triggered by a hit with its initial attack. A monster with Improved Grab still needs to spend an action to extend the duration for creatures it already has Grabbed.
Innate Occult Spells (DC 35, +27 to hit)
4th Level: Fly
5th Level: Shadow Blast
A rules element with this trait is one-of-a-kind. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to creatures with this trait is increased by 10.
MinionMinions are creatures that directly serve another creature. A creature with this trait can use only 2 actions per turn, doesn't have reactions, and can't act when it's not your turn. Your minion acts on your turn in combat, once per turn, when you spend an action to issue it commands. For an animal companion, you Command an Animal; for a minion that's a spell or magic item effect, like a summoned minion, you Sustain a Spell or Sustain an Activation; if not otherwise specified, you issue a verbal command as a single action with the auditory and concentrate traits. If given no commands, minions use no actions except to defend themselves or to escape obvious harm. If left unattended for long enough, typically 1 minute, mindless minions usually don't act, animals follow their instincts, and sapient minions act how they please. A minion can't control other creatures.