GreedspawnCreature 2
Source Pathfinder Bestiary
Perception +10 (darkvision, greed scent (imprecise) 30 feet)
Languages Aklo
Skills Acrobatics +9, Athletics +8, Stealth +9, Survival +6, Thievery +9
Str +4, Dex +3, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +1
AC 18; Fort +10; Reflex +9; Will +6; +1 status to all saves vs. magic, +4 status to all saves vs. mental
HP 30
Speed 30 feet
Immunities controlled
Resistances Mental 5



A monster with darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level Darkness spell, block normal darkvision. A monster with Greater Darkvision, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.
Sin Scent (Imprecise) 30 feetA sinspawn can smell creatures that reflect its sin, as the scent ability. The GM determines which creatures are appropriately sinful.
+1 Status to All Saves vs. Magic+4 Status to All Saves vs. MentalAttack of Opportunity
Trigger A creature within the monster's reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it's using.
Effect The monster attempts a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If the attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, the monster disrupts that action. This Strike doesn't count toward the monster's multiple attack penalty, and its multiple attack penalty doesn't apply to this Strike.
Sinful Bite (arcane, emotion, mental)A creature hit by the jaws of a sinspawn must attempt a DC 18 will save as it is assailed by sinful thoughts.
Critical Success Unaffected
Success Sickened 1
Failure Sickened 2
Critical Failure sickened 2 plus Clumsy 2 for 1 minute
Sinspawn were created by one of seven ancient wizards known collectively as runelords-each of whom embraced and embodied one of seven sins. The first sinspawn was created by the Runelord of Wrath, utilizing techniques that have since gone on to influence fleshwarping practices. It wasn't long before the technique used to create sinspawn fell into the hands of the other runelords, and while each tried their own hand at crafting variants of their own design, today sinspawn of wrath remain the most numerous and notorious of their kind. Bearing only a vague resemblance to the humanoids from whose flesh they were formed, sinspawn generally appear horrifically emaciated and have unnaturally long arms and digitigrade legs, each with a trio of stubby, taloned digits. Veins bulge across sinspawn's bodies in sanguine patterns that suspiciously resemble twisted runes, and their flesh is pale and hairless. Their heads are elongated, bearing only slits for a nose, red eyes, and disturbing lower jaws that split in half at the chin, revealing pedipalps that end in tiny, three-fingered hands and framing a long, lolling tongue. Sinspawn stand 6-1/2 feet tall and typically weigh as much as an emaciated human of their size. They behave in a manner consistent with their associated sin and have physical characteristics that hint at these qualities. For example, greedspawn's veins appear to run with gold while envyspawn appear even more wasted than the rest of their kin.
Greedspawn are the tallest of sinspawn, often 7 feet in height, and with gold-tinged veins.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.