GrinloweCreature 16
Source Pathfinder #161: Belly of the Black Whale
Perception +29 (darkvision)
Languages Aklo, Common, Jotun
Skills Acrobatics +28, Athletics +31, Deception +27, Occultism +29, Stealth +29
Str +9, Dex +6, Con +9, Int +5, Wis +6, Cha +5
AC 39; Fort +31; Reflex +28; Will +28;
HP 300
Speed 25 feet (swim 35 feet)
Weaknesses Coldiron 15

Planar Coven
As long as at least one other member of Myrna's coven is on the demiplane of Stormholt, the coven members add chain lightning, lightning bolt, plane shift, and punishing winds to their spells, each of which can be cast at up to 8th level.
Sea Hag's BargainThe sea hag can make a bargain with a willing creature, who must be of sound mind. The creature gives away a special or cherished quality-such as its courage, its beauty, or its voice-in exchange for a boon or a promise from the sea hag. As long as the sea hag keeps her end of the bargain, the only way to restore the lost quality is to defeat the sea hag or make another bargain for its return.
Dread Gaze
The hag gazes upon a creature, afflicting it with intense distress and a gnawing sense of impending doom, with a result depending on its Will save (DC 37). The target does not need to be able to see the sea hag.
Critical Success No effect.
Success Frightened 1.
Failure Frightened 1 and Slowed 1 for 1 round. If the target was dying, it remains unconscious for 1 day. At the end of the day, it must attempt a Fortitude save against the same DC; if it fails, it dies.
Critical Failure Frightened 2 and Slowed 1 for 1 minute. If the target was dying, it remains unconscious for 1 day. At the end of the day, it must attempt a Fortitude save against the same DC; if it fails, it dies.
Pull Under
Requirements A creature within 60 feet of Graem or Grinlowe is in contact with the waters of Stormholt
Effect The hag casts maze (DC 37) on the creature, magically pulling the creature beneath the water (regardless of its actual depth) into an extradimensional underwater maze of shipwrecks. Between the two of them, Graem and Grinlowe can have only one creature trapped in the maze, but either hag can use the Sustain a Spell action to sustain the effect.
Innate Occult Spells (DC 37, +29 to hit)
3rd Level: Lightning Bolt (Coven)
6th Level: Chain Lightning (Coven)
7th Level: Plane Shift (Coven)
8th Level: Punishing Winds (Coven)
A rules element with this trait is one-of-a-kind. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to creatures with this trait is increased by 10.
AmphibiousAn amphibious creature can breathe in water and in air, even outside of its preferred environment, usually indefinitely but at least for hours. These creatures often have a swim Speed. Their bludgeoning and slashing unarmed Strikes don't take the usual -2 penalty for being underwater.
HumanoidHumanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.