JabberwockCreature 23
Source Pathfinder Bestiary 2
Perception +40 (darkvision, scent 120 feet, true seeing)
Languages Aklo, Common, Draconic, Gnomish, Sylvan
Skills Acrobatics +40, Athletics +44, Intimidation +41, Nature +38, Survival +40
Str +11, Dex +7, Con +10, Int +4, Wis +9, Cha +8
AC 49; Fort +39; Reflex +37; Will +40;
HP 500 (regeneration 25 (deactivated by vorpal weapons)
Speed 35 feet (fly 60 feet)
Immunities paralyzed, sleep
Weaknesses Vorpal 20
Resistances Fire 20




Eyes Of Flame

A monster with darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level Darkness spell, block normal darkvision. A monster with Greater Darkvision, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.
ScentScent involves sensing creatures or objects by smell, and is usually a vague sense. The range is listed in the ability, and it functions only if the creature or object being detected emits an aroma (for instance, incorporeal creatures usually do not exude an aroma).
If a creature emits a heavy aroma or is upwind, the GM can double or even triple the range of scent abilities used to detect that creature, and the GM can reduce the range if a creature is downwind.
Planar AcclimationThe jabberwock always treats the plane it is currently located on as its home plane.
Constant SpellsA constant spell affects the monster without the monster needing to cast it, and its duration is unlimited. If a constant spell gets counteracted, the monster can reactivate it by spending the normal spellcasting actions the spell requires.
Regeneration 25 (deactivated by vorpal weapons)This monster regains the listed number of Hit Points each round at the beginning of its turn. Its Dying condition never increases beyond Dying 3 as long as its regeneration is active. However, if it takes damage of a type listed in the regeneration entry, its regeneration deactivates until the end of its next turn. Deactivate the regeneration before applying any damage of a listed type, since that damage might kill the monster by bringing it to Dying 4.
Claws That Catch
Trigger A creature within the jabberwock's reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, leaves a square during a move action, makes a ranged attack, or uses a concentrate action
Effect The jabberwock makes a claw Strike against the triggering creature. If the Strike hits, the jabberwock disrupts the triggering action.
Frightful Presence (aura, emotion, fear, mental)100 feet Aura DC 43 will
A creature that first enters the area must attempt a Will save.
Regardless of the result of the saving throw, the creature is temporarily immune to this monster's Frightful Presence for 1 minute.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected by the presence.
Success The creature is Frightened 1.
Failure The creature is Frightened 2.
Critical Failure The creature is Frightened 4.
Vorpal FearA jabberwock damaged by a vorpal weapon becomes Frightened 2 (or Frightened 4 on a critical hit).
The jabberwock creates a blast of strange noises and shouted nonsense in the various languages it knows (and invariably some languages it doesn't know), creating one of two effects.
The jabberwock can't Burble again for 1d4 rounds.
- Confusion 60 feet. Each creature in the emanation must succeed at a DC 46 will save or become Confused for 1d4 rounds.
- Sonic Beam The jabberwock focuses its Burbling into a 60 foot line of sonic energy that deals 24d6 sonic damage to creatures in the area (DC 46 basic reflex save).
If the jabberwock makes a jaws attack and rolls a natural 19 on the d20 roll, the attack is a critical hit. This has no effect if the 19 would be a failure.
Trigger The jabberwock Flies or makes a wing Strike
Effect The jabberwock's wings whiffle, creating severe winds within a 30-foot emanation. These winds move outward from the jabberwock, and they persist until the start of the jabberwock's next turn. During this time, flight of any kind in the emanation requires a successful Acrobatics check to Maneuver in Flight, and creatures flying toward the jabberwock are moving through greater difficult terrain. Creatures on the ground in the emanation must succeed at a DC 43 athletics check to approach the jabberwock.
Improved Grab
The monster can use Grab as a free action triggered by a hit with its initial attack. A monster with Improved Grab still needs to spend an action to extend the duration for creatures it already has Grabbed.
Improved Knockdown
The monster can use Knockdown as a free action triggered by a hit with its initial attack.
Primal Innate Spells (DC 43, +33 to hit)
10th Level: True Seeing (Constant)
Few beasts have inspired as many legends, poems, songs, and myths in as many cultures, as this bizarre draconic creature. The jabberwock hails from the fey realm of the First World and is part of a group of powerful First World creatures known collectively as the Tane.
Like all members of the Tane, jabberwocks are living creatures that age, eat, drink, and sleep, but do not reproduce normally. Instead, they are created directly by the godlike Eldest who rule the First World, and they serve at the pleasure of these capricious and mysterious entities. Believed to be the most powerful of all the Tane, jabberwocks are typically only ever created with one purpose: to wreak destruction and havoc upon the Material Plane. One of the Eldest might send a jabberwock to devastate a country, continent, or even entire world in order to get revenge for some slight made against them by a single mortal. Sometimes, no specific insult or injury is required, as some of the Eldest resent the very existence of the Material Plane and periodically create jabberwocks simply to express the wrath of the First World against its younger and less chaotic sibling.
Once a jabberwock arrives on the Material Plane, its first order of business is to seek out a lair. It prefers dwelling in remote forest locations about a day's flight from civilization-the more dangerous the woodland is to those who might eventually come hunting it, the better!
The relationship between jabberwocks and vorpal weapons is the subject of much debate and speculation among scholars, and the various poems, songs, and legends about the jabberwock do little to clarify the issue, conflicting and diverging on this point. Some believe that vorpal weapons were first created specifically to combat jabberwocks, but others take the story one step further. They cite evidence in certain ancient myths that there may once have been only a single, unique jabberwock, so powerful that nothing could so much as scratch it-nothing, that is, except for the first vorpal sword, crafted for that very purpose. So epic was the resulting battle that it created strange echoes throughout reality, and as a result, these echoes, in the form of vorpal weapons, can now be found on many worlds. Those who subscribe to this belief claim that the jabberwocks seen today are but pale imitations of this proto-jabberwock, and they speculate that only the combined efforts of several Eldest would be sufficient to create such a creature again.
Variant JabberwocksThe Eldest have sometimes altered certain aspects of the jabberwocks they create. Some of the more notorious or legendary variant jabberwocks include the following.
Frumious Jabberwock: Frumious jabberwocks have two heads. They are level 24 and gain an extra action on each of their turns they can use only to make a jaws Strike.
Mimsy Jabberwock: Typically hailing from wintry regions of the First World, mimsy jabberwocks have glowing blue-white scales, resist cold instead of fire, and have eyes that burn with blue flames that deal cold damage instead of fire damage.
Slithy Jabberwock: Wreaking destruction beneath the waves, these sinuous and slimy jabberwocks are amphibious, have a swim Speed of 80 feet instead of the normal fly Speed, and do not have a wing Strike. A slithy jabberwock's whiffling aura is activated whenever it swims, makes a tail Strike, or Burbles.
This rarity indicates that a rules element is very difficult to find in the game world. A rare feat, spell, item or the like is available to players only if the GM decides to include it in the game, typically through discovery during play. Creatures with this trait are rare. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creatures is increased by 5.