Kelda HalrigCreature 8
Source Pathfinder #148: Fires of the Haunted City
Perception +22 (darkvision)
Languages Common, Dwarven, Undercommon
Skills Athletics +22, Crafting +27, Diplomacy +23, Lore +25, Society +21
Str +4, Dex +2, Con +3, Int +5, Wis +4, Cha +3
AC 24; Fort +19; Reflex +13; Will +16;
HP 135
Speed 20 feet

Light Hammer

A monster with darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level Darkness spell, block normal darkvision. A monster with Greater Darkvision, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.
Master SmithAs the most skillful blacksmith in Kovlar, Kelda's abilities far surpass those of typical smiths. She can Craft items as if she were 16th level. Additionally, she knows how to make a vast catalog of items, including numerous uncommon formulas and several rare formulas. The exact formulas she knows can be tailored to fit the needs of each particular group of PCs, but most are for weapons, armor, and other items that could reasonably be made in a forge.
A rules element with this trait is one-of-a-kind. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to creatures with this trait is increased by 10.
DwarfA creature with this trait is a member of the dwarf ancestry. Dwarves are stout folk who often live underground and typically have darkvision. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by dwarves. An item with this trait is created and used by dwarves.
HumanoidHumanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.