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Monkey SwarmCreature 2

Source Pathfinder Bestiary 3
Perception +8
Languages none
Skills Acrobatics +8, Thievery +8
Str +0, Dex +4, Con +0, Int -4, Wis +2, Cha +0

AC 16; Fort +6; Reflex +10; Will +6;
HP 20
Speed 25 feet (climb 20 feet)
Immunities precision, swarm mind
Weaknesses Area Damage 3, Splash Damage 3
Resistances Piercing 3, Slashing 3

Cacophony (auditory, aura)

20 feet Aura

The monkeys' awful racket of screeches and howls drowns out other sounds. Any creature performing an auditory action in the area must yell over the din, requiring a successful DC 15 fortitude save or DC 15 performance check to project loudly enough; on a failure, the action is lost.

Ransack Two Actions

The swarm rummages through the possessions of a single creature within its space, attempting a thievery check against the creature's Reflex DC.

On a success, the monkeys take one random item of negligible Bulk that the creature is wearing but not closely guarding, such as an object in a loosely carried pouch.

Swarming Bites One Action

Each creature in the swarm's space takes 1d8 piercing damage (DC 18 basic reflex save).

A single monkey can cause mischief. A troop of monkeys, emboldened by their numbers, can cause utter chaos, attacking anyone and looting anything in sight before scattering away with whatever they can carry.

Monkeys vary greatly in size, color, and behavior. Some are distinguished by bright orange fur, others for black fur in sharp contrast with a white face. Some produce distinct noises, like howls that can be heard from a village away. Others vie for dominance within ever-changing social hierarchies. Their size and aptitude for climbing allow them to quickly escape threats; combined with being a little too clever for their own good, this allows them to get up to all sorts of mischief and usually escape to do it again.



Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.