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Nagaji SoldierCreature 2

Source Pathfinder Bestiary 3
Perception +8 (low-light vision)
Languages Common, Draconic
Skills Athletics +8, Intimidation +5, Nature +6
Str +4, Dex +1, Con +3, Int -1, Wis +2, Cha +1

AC 18; Fort +9; Reflex +7; Will +6;
HP 28
Speed 25 feet
Resistances Poison 2

Ranseur One Action +10 (+5, +0) to hit (disarm, reach 10) 1d10+4 Piercing
Longbow One Action +7 (+2, -3) to hit (deadly d10, range increment 100, volley 30) 1d8 Piercing

Low-Light Vision

The monster can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the Concealed condition due to dim light.

Attack of Opportunity Reaction

Trigger A creature within the monster's reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it's using.

Effect The monster attempts a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If the attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, the monster disrupts that action. This Strike doesn't count toward the monster's multiple attack penalty, and its multiple attack penalty doesn't apply to this Strike.

Slough Toxins One Action

Frequency once per round

Requirements The nagaji is afflicted with a poison

Effect The nagaji accelerates their metabolism. They roll a saving throw against the affliction with a +2 circumstance bonus. If they must attempt an ongoing save against the same poison at the end of their turn, they also get a +2 circumstance bonus to that save.

Nagaji are brawny bipeds with humanoid figures and serpentine heads. Their bodies are covered in tightly layered scales that range in color from green to brown, and almost all nagaji have a colorful ridge along their head and back. Ophidian eyes lend nagaji an imperious visage, with irises that span every color of the rainbow.

Nagaji physiology varies somewhat. Some possess vestigial tails, while others have sharp claws, and some even sport impressive fangs that can inject a simple venom. Like snakes, nagaji are cold-blooded and reproduce by laying eggs; as a result, nagaji territories rarely overlap with those of mammalian humanoids, since their environmental needs diverge so widely. They're a hardy and strong people, but their close ties to nagas mean many have the potential for powerful magic, as well.

Long ago, the naga goddess Nalinivati created the first nagaji as the backbone of a society that respected nagas. But the nagaji were never mindless vassals, and the goddess gifted them with free will. Many nagaji willingly serve nagas to this day, honoring some as outright divinities. While outsiders might regard nagaji initially as brainwashed servants, nagaji dispute this claim. Of course there are evil and unfair naga overlords, but there are just as many fair and just naga rulers, and nagaji history remembers various rebellions and revolutions when a matriarch overstepped her bounds to support a new naga's claims of rulership. Nagaji accurately note that their long history with nagas is no simple matter and claim that the partnership goes both ways: nagas rely as much on nagaji for the running of their empires as nagaji rely on nagas to lead their people to prosperity.

Although nagaji might be encountered in diverse cities and urban centers, their communities are concentrated in environments that suit their biology, namely jungles and tropical forests. Where many species would languish in the heat and humidity, nagaji bask in the warmth and thrive.



Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.


Humanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.


A traditionalist ancestry with reptilian features and serpentine heads.