Pr'rallCreature 9
Source Pathfinder Blog
Perception +18 (low-light vision)
Languages Amurrun, Common
Skills Acrobatics +16, Athletics +17, Lore +12, Medicine +14, Nature +14, Society +12, Lore +20, Survival +18
Str +5, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2
AC 28; Fort +19; Reflex +20; Will +16;
HP 138
Speed 30 feet
+1 Striking Temple Sword

+1 Temple Sword


Light Paws

Pr'rall can balance on his toes to step carefully over obstructions. He Strides and then Steps, or Steps and then Strides, ignoring difficult terrain during this movement.
Double Slice
Requirements You are wielding two melee weapons, each in a different hand.
Effect Pr'rall lashes out at a foe with both weapons. Make two Strikes, one with each of his two melee weapons, each using his current multiple attack penalty. Both Strikes must have the same target. If the second Strike is made with a weapon that doesn't have the agile trait, it takes a -2 penalty. If both attacks hit, combine their damage, and then add any other applicable effects from both weapons. Add any precision damage only once. Combine the damage from both Strikes and apply resistances and weaknesses only once. This counts as two attacks when calculating multiple attack penalty.
Dual-Weapon Blitz
Requirements Pr'rall is wielding two one-handed melee weapons, each in a different hand
Effect Pr'rall attacks as he dashes among foes. He Strides up to his Speed. At any point during this movement, he can Strike once with each of the two required weapons. These Strikes can be against the same or different targets, as he sees fit.
Flensing Slice
Requirements Pr'rall's last action was a Double Slice, and both attacks hit the target
Effect When Pr'rall hits with both attacks with Double Slice, he flenses the target, making it bleed and creating a weak spot. The target takes 2d8 Persistent Bleed Damage, becomes Flat-Footed, and its resistances to any physical damage types are reduced by 5; these two effects last until the beginning of Pr'rall's next turn.
A rules element with this trait is one-of-a-kind. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to creatures with this trait is increased by 10.
CatfolkA creature with this trait is a member of the catfolk ancestry.
HumanoidHumanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.