Reginald VancaskerkinCreature 18
Source Pathfinder #161: Belly of the Black Whale
Perception +33
Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Common, Daemonic, Infernal
Skills Lore +31, Acrobatics +32, Deception +34, Diplomacy +34, Lore +31, Occultism +31, Religion +28, Thievery +29
Str +6, Dex +3, Con +0, Int +5, Wis +2, Cha +8
AC 42; Fort +26; Reflex +29; Will +28;
HP 350
Speed 25 feet
Weaknesses Electricity 15, Orichalcum 15
Resistances Physical 10
bronze fist

steel quill

Clockwork Reconstruction
Each time Reginald is reborn in his lair, his machines graft him with a new clockwork modification. He chooses one of his abilities with the clockwork trait. He gains access to this ability but can't use any of his other clockwork abilities. He can't choose the same ability twice in a row. He begins with Ink Blood active.
Ink Blood
Requirements Reginald's body is filled with toxic ink
Trigger An adjacent creature Strikes Reginald with a melee weapon or unarmed attack and deals damage
The creature is exposed to Reginald's poison ink.
Secret of Rebirth (necromancy, occult)If a creature with less than 5 Secret Knowledge points reduces Reginald to 0 HP (or dealt the last damage to him before he dies from using Overdrive Engine), Reginald's body dissipates into a puddle of ink and releases a black wave of psychic energy. Each creature within 30 feet is bathed in a torrent of forbidden secrets and gains 1 Secret Knowledge point. Reginald's body reforms 1d6 rounds later in his sanctum at full health at a location of his choosing (typically the Pool of Secrets, area L11). This ability activates automatically with no action necessary on Vancaskerkin's behalf.
Breath Weapon
Reginald's lungs are equipped with ink canisters, allowing him to spew a 60-foot line of ink that deals 9d6 poison damage (DC 39 basic reflex save; on a failure, the creature is also subjected to Reginald's poison ink).
Overdrive Enginefree-action (clockwork) Reginald is equipped with clockwork organs to power his body
Requirements Reginald has 175 Hit Points or fewer
Effect Reginald gains 200 temporary Hit Points, a +15-foot status bonus to Speed, and a +2 status bonus to melee attack rolls. His body begins to overheat, spewing steam that deals 9d6 fire damage at the beginning of his turn to all creatures within 30 feet (DC 40 basic reflex save). After 2 rounds, Reginald explodes, dealing 19d6 fire damage to all creatures within 60 feet (DC 40 basic reflex save). Reginald dies. For the purposes of his Secret of Rebirth ability, the last creature to damage Reginald counts as killing him.
Poison Ink (poison)Reginald is immune to the toxic ink that flows through his veins
Saving Throw DC 38 fortitude
Maximum Duration 10 rounds
Stage 1 3d6 poison and sickened 1 (1 round)
Stage 2 4d6 poison sickened 2 (1 round).
Quill Cannon
Reginald is equipped with a cannon and hundreds of steel quills. He makes two steel quill attacks against every creature in a 60-foot cone, ignoring the multiple attack penalty until after all attacks are made. He can't use Quill Cannon again for 1d4 rounds.
Reflective Plating
Reginald engages his defensive plating, which casts spell turning on him (counteract modifier +32).
SlitherWith his body composed of ink and gears, Reginald can move through tight spaces as if he were a Tiny creature, treating them as difficult terrain.
A rules element with this trait is one-of-a-kind. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to creatures with this trait is increased by 10.
HumanoidHumanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.