ShimmernewtCreature 6
Source Pathfinder #183: Field of Maidens
Perception +14 (darkvision)
Languages none
Skills Acrobatics +12, Athletics +15
Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -4, Wis +0, Cha -2
AC 22; Fort +16; Reflex +14; Will +12;
HP 120
Speed 25 feet (swim 35 feet)


A monster with darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level Darkness spell, block normal darkvision. A monster with Greater Darkvision, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.
Gaping Chomp
The shimmernewt chews on a creature that it has Grabbed or Restrained. The target creature must attempt a DC 24 fortitude save.
Critical Success The creature takes no damage.
Success The creature takes 1d10 piercing damage.
Failure The creature takes 2d10 piercing damage and 1d6 Persistent bleed Damage.
Critical Failure The creature takes 4d10 piercing damage, 1d6 Persistent bleed Damage, and is Sickened 2 by the pain of the chomp.
Shimmer Step
The shimmernewt surges forward so quickly it slips through space, teleporting to a target for an unexpected attack. The shimmernewt teleports to an empty space adjacent to a creature it can see within 60 feet, then attempts a jaws Strike against the creature. The target creature is Flat-Footed against this Strike.
Requirements The monster's last action was a success with a Strike that lists Grab in its damage entry, or it has a creature grabbed using this action.
Effect The monster automatically Grabs the target until the end of the monster's next turn. The creature is Grabbed by whichever body part the monster attacked with, and that body part can't be used to Strike creatures until the grab is ended. Using Grab extends the duration of the monster's Grab until the end of its next turn for all creatures grabbed by it. A grabbed creature can use the Escape action to get out of the grab, and the Grab ends for a grabbed creatures if the monster moves away from it.
Native to the coastal provinces of eastern Holomog, these strange amphibians have frilled, iridescent gills that appear asymmetrically on either side of their bodies. Random arrays of spots, stripes, and other patterns decorate their flanks, and it's said no two shimmernewts have the same coloration. Originally, shimmernewts were ordinary (if oversized) amphibians, living their lives between brackish coastal lakes or tidal pools and the steamy jungles nearby. Over time, the ambient chaotic energies flowing through Holomog magically altered their evolution. The shimmernewts of today barely resemble their ancestors.
Their inherent chaotic nature has resulted in shimmernewts operating on different cycles from one another. Some are diurnal, some are nocturnal, but most are crepuscular. Shimmernewts that live close to peaceful humanoid settlements are often docile, but wild populations, whether deep in the jungle or in proximity to more violent settlements, can be quite aggressive. When provoked, all shimmernewts can inflate their gills in impressive displays to appear more attractive to mates or more intimidating to rivals. The capricious amphibians lack any natural predators, and conservation- minded locals are trying to prevent them from migrating further inland.
Some underground rings host shimmernewt fights, an unsavory form of entertainment made alluring by lucrative betting. Strolling down the docks of any port town in Holomog for a few minutes provokes whispered invitations to these fights. Though many locals decry these fights as inhumane, each time a ring is shut down, another group pops up sooner or later.
This rarity indicates that a rules element is very difficult to find in the game world. A rare feat, spell, item or the like is available to players only if the GM decides to include it in the game, typically through discovery during play. Creatures with this trait are rare. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creatures is increased by 5.
AmphibiousAn amphibious creature can breathe in water and in air, even outside of its preferred environment, usually indefinitely but at least for hours. These creatures often have a swim Speed. Their bludgeoning and slashing unarmed Strikes don't take the usual -2 penalty for being underwater.