Sleepless Sun VeteranCreature 6
Source Pathfinder #160: Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven
Perception +17 (wary)
Languages Common
Skills Athletics +16, Deception +11, Diplomacy +13, Intimidation +13, Lore +10, Society +12
Str +4, Dex +2, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +1
AC 24; Fort +16; Reflex +11; Will +14;
HP 120
Speed 25 feet
temple sword


composite shortbow

Attack of Opportunity

Trigger A creature within the monster's reach uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action it's using.
Effect The monster attempts a melee Strike against the triggering creature. If the attack is a critical hit and the trigger was a manipulate action, the monster disrupts that action. This Strike doesn't count toward the monster's multiple attack penalty, and its multiple attack penalty doesn't apply to this Strike.
WaryThe veteran isn't flat-footed to hidden creatures and always gains a +4 circumstance bonus to their Perception DC against creatures attempting to Create a Diversion or Lie to the veteran.
Power Attack
The veteran makes a melee Strike that counts as two attacks when calculating their multiple attack penalty. If this strike hits, it deals an extra die of weapon damage.
The veteran makes a melee Strike and compares the attack roll result to the AC of up to two foes, each of whom must be within their melee reach and adjacent to each other. Roll damage only once and apply it to each creature hit. A Swipe counts as two attacks for the veteran's multiple attack penalty.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
HumanoidHumanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.
HumanA creature with this trait is a member of the human ancestry. Humans are a diverse array of people known for their adaptability. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by humans.