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Yellow Musk BruteCreature 2

Source Pathfinder Bestiary 2
Perception +4 (low-light vision)
Languages none
Skills Athletics +9
Str +5, Dex -3, Con +4, Int -5, Wis +0, Cha -2

AC 15; Fort +10; Reflex +3; Will +6;
HP 45
Speed 25 feet
Immunities mental
Weaknesses Fire 10

Fist One Action +11 (+6, +1) to hit (reach 10) 1d12+5 Bludgeoning

Low-Light Vision

The monster can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the Concealed condition due to dim light.


A yellow musk brute is permanently Slowed 1 and can't use reactions.

Entangling Tendrils (aura)

5 feet.

Grasping tendrils extend out from the brute. When the brute ends its movement next to a creature, or a creature ends its turn next to the brute, that creature must succeed at a DC 15 reflex save or be Grabbed by the tendrils.

Limb Extension Free Action

Trigger The yellow musk brute is reduced to 15 HP or fewer

Effect Creeper tendrils tear through the brute's limbs, causing its forearms to tear loose. The brute's melee reach increases by 5 feet.

Pollen Touch

When the brute strikes a creature, that creature is exposed to yellow musk creeper pollen, as Spray Pollen (DC 15). The creature is fascinated by the yellow musk creeper that spawned the brute, not by the brute itself. The affected creature must attempt a DC 15 will save.

Once a creature succeeds at any save against Spray Pollen, it becomes temporarily immune for 24 hours.

Success The creature is unaffected.

Failure The creature is Fascinated. For as long as it is fascinated, it must spend each of its actions to move closer to the yellow musk creeper that spawned the brute as expediently as possible, while avoiding obvious dangers. If the creature is adjacent to the yellow musk creeper, it stays still and doesn't act.

Critical Failure As failure, but the condition doesn't end automatically. The creature can attempt a new save at the end of each of its turns. On a success, the fascinated condition and other effects end.

Improved Push Free Action

The monster can use Push as a free action triggered by a hit with its initial attack.

A creature transformed by a yellow musk creeper's tendrils boring into its brain becomes a yellow musk thrall if it's Small or Medium, or a yellow musk brute if Large (a Small creature becomes a Small thrall rather than a Medium one). The transformation takes 1 hour. A yellow musk thrall takes only the most rudimentary of actions: bringing the yellow musk creeper water and new creatures to infest. After a few days (or if the creeper dies), the thrall wanders off into the wilderness and falls dead within 24 hours. The body of a deceased thrall sprouts a new yellow musk creeper within hours of its death, becoming a fully grown plant within 24 hours.



Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.


A mindless creature has either programmed or rudimentary mental attributes. Most, if not all, of their mental ability modifiers are -5. They are immune to all mental effects.


Vegetable creatures have the plant trait. They are distinct from normal plants. Magical effects with this trait manipulate or conjure plants or plant matter in some way. Those that manipulate plants have no effect in an area with no plants.