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Holy Steam Ball RefillConsumable 2

Source Pathfinder Guns & Gears
Price 2 gp
Weight negligible

Refill for a Holy Steam Ball



Something of uncommon rarity requires special training or comes from a particular culture or part of the world. Some character choices give access to uncommon options, and the GM can choose to allow access for anyone. Less is known about uncommon creatures than common creatures. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creature is increased by 2.


This magic comes from the divine tradition, drawing power from deities or similar sources. Anything with this trait is magical.


Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the enchantment school of magic, typically involving mind control, emotion alteration, and other mental effects.


Good effects often manipulate energy from good-aligned Outer Planes and are antithetical to evil divine servants or divine servants of evil deities. A creature with this trait is good in alignment. An ability with this trait can be selected or used only by good creatures.


A mental effect can alter the target's mind. It has no effect on an object or a mindless creature.