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Soulspark CandleEquipment 0

Weight negligible

This thick, white pillar candle has flecks of ash and bone mixed amid the wax. When lit, the candle sheds bright light for 20 feet and dim light for a further 20 feet. The candle can't be snuffed by weather, water, or accident but can be purposefully snuffed through ritual prayer. The candle doesn't release heat and can't be used to start a fire. The candle is never exhausted, regardless of how long it burns.

The area within the candle's light is a consecrated space. Worshippers of Pharasma within this area gain a +3 status bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, saving throws, and Perception checks. Undead creatures and worshippers of Urgathoa within this area take a –3 status penalty to those checks.

Effect: Soulspark Candle

When an undead creature or a haunt comes within the light of a soulspark candle, the candle's flame turns from red to black, makes a loud crackling sound, and releases a flash of bright sparks. The candle continues to burn black and crackle for as long as a haunt or undead remains in the area.

Activate One Action Interact

Effect You light the candle.

Activate One Action command

Requirements The candle is lit

Effect You put out the candle with ritual prayers to Pharasma.

Activate Two Actions command (evocation, light)

Requirements The candle is lit, and an undead is within the light's area

Effect You command the candle to illuminate the dead. All undead creatures in the area are limned in blue, heatless fire for as long as they remain in the area, plus 1 minute after they leave the area or the light goes out. Visible undead can't be Concealed while limned in these flames. Invisible undead are concealed while limned in these flames, rather than being undetected. Haunts are unaffected by this light.

Activate Three Actions command (divine, evocation, fire)

Requirements The candle is lit, and an undead or haunt is within the light's area

Effect You command the candle to destroy the undead. The candle's flame erupts into a mass of fire that burns away undead and haunts. Any undead within the candle's light takes 20d8 fire damage (DC 45 basic fortitude). Pharasma empowers these flames, allowing them to ignore fire resistance or immunity. Any haunts in the area are instead subject to Pharasma's banishing light. The candle attempts a check to disable each haunt with a +35 modifier. This check applies to any skills applicable to disable the haunt and always has legendary proficiency. Once the candle is Activated in this way, its light immediately goes out, and the candle can't be relit for 1 hour.

Destruction If a soulspark candle is lit by an undead of at least 20th level that worships Urgathoa, the candle burns down as if it were a normal candle over the course of 48 hours. At the end of this time, if the candle is still burning, it burns away completely and is destroyed.



This rarity indicates that a rules element is very difficult to find in the game world. A rare feat, spell, item or the like is available to players only if the GM decides to include it in the game, typically through discovery during play. Creatures with this trait are rare. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creatures is increased by 5.


A consecration spell enhances an area for an extended period of time. A given area can have only a single consecration effect at a time. The new effect attempts to counteract any existing one in areas of overlap.ation


The divination school of magic typically involves obtaining or transferring information, or predicting events.


This magic comes from the divine tradition, drawing power from deities or similar sources. Anything with this trait is magical.