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SpellcutterWeapon 17

Source Pathfinder #173: Doorway to the Red Star
Damage 1d6 Slashing
Type Simple
Price 15,000 gp
Weight 1 bulk

The blade of this +2 greater striking adamantine longsword seems to absorb light from the air around it, giving the impression the wielder is standing in the shadow of a much larger creature.

While Spellcutter is a potent weapon for battling undead and constructs, an ancient restriction on the blade prevents it from harming living creatures; attacks against living beings deal no damage. This restriction doesn't apply to dhampirs or creatures with the Negative Healing ability who are otherwise living; the magic of the blade can't distinguish between such beings and undead.

Activate Reaction envision

Trigger You're targeted by a spell while wielding Spellcutter

Effect Spellcutter attempts to absorb the magic of the triggering spell, giving you a +4 status bonus to your AC and saves against the effect.

Activate One Action Interact

Effect Touching Spellcutter to any light source of 12th level or lower (including 6th-level spells with the light trait) instantly extinguishes the effect. If the source of the light is a large flame, such as a forest fire or bonfire, it only extinguishes the light source in a 5-foot radius burst from the point of contact.



A rules element with this trait is one-of-a-kind. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to creatures with this trait is increased by 10.