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Mindscape DoorRitual 3

Source Pathfinder Dark Archive
Cast 1 hour
Cost incense and focusing diagrams worth a total value of the target's level (minimum 1) × 1 gp, for each target
Secondary Casters 3
Primary Check Arcana or Occultism (expert)
Secondary Checks Arcana or Occultism, Deception or Diplomacy, Perception
Range touch
Target yourself and up to 5 willing creatures

You project the targets into an immersive mindscape or cause them to exit one. You must be aware the mindscape exists, though you don't need to know specifics. The casters must be in physical contact with one another in a circle for the duration of the casting and all targets must be selected from these casters. Your bodies typically remain behind in stasis when you enter a mindscape, though some mindscapes pull you entirely into them upon entrance. If you enter a mindscape, you can leave only by using another mindscape door ritual, finding an exit within the nature of the mindscape, or when the mindscape ceases to exist. When exiting a mindscape, you typically return to your bodies or to the location where you entered the mindscape. If the mindscape's creator wants to prevent anyone from entering or exiting, the DC of the primary check is the creator's Will DC if that would be higher than the ritual's normal DC.

Critical Success You transport the creatures as you intended and can leave a portal that lasts for an unlimited duration. It typically looks like an ordinary door or passage appropriate to the mindscape. Any target of the spell can enter or exit through this portal as they would an ordinary door. If you wish, you can make the door passable by anyone.

Success You transport the creatures as you intended.

Failure You fail to enter or exit the mindscape.

Critical Failure Something goes horribly wrong. The GM decides whether mental feedback deals 9d6 mental damage to all ritual casters (DC 26 basic will) or 1d4 casters are unwillingly pulled into the mindscape (or ejected from it).

Heightened (8th) The ritual targets up to 100 willing creatures, the critical failure damage increases to 20d6, and the critical failure save DC increases to 40.



Something of uncommon rarity requires special training or comes from a particular culture or part of the world. Some character choices give access to uncommon options, and the GM can choose to allow access for anyone. Less is known about uncommon creatures than common creatures. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creature is increased by 2.


Effects and magic items with this trait are associated with the illusion school of magic, typically involving false sensory stimuli.