Rapid AdaptationSpell 2
Source Pathfinder Secrets of Magic
Traditions Arcane, Primal

Range touch
Target your companion or eidolon
Duration 1 hour
You flood the target with energy from the terrain around it, compressing centuries of evolution into a single moment. The target gains one of the following natural adaptations based on the surrounding environment.
- Aquatic The target gains a swim Speed equal to its land Speed. If it already had a swim Speed, it gains a +10-foot status bonus to its swim Speed. Spell Effect: Rapid Adaptation (Aquatic Base Swim Speed) or Spell Effect: Rapid Adaptation (Aquatic Speed Bonus)
- Arctic The target isn't affected by severe or extreme cold, and when it rolls a success on an Acrobatics check to Balance on ice and snow, it gets a critical success instead. Spell Effect: Rapid Adaptation (Arctic)
- Desert The target isn't affected by severe or extreme heat, and when it rolls a success on an Acrobatics check to Balance on sand, it gets a critical success instead. Spell Effect: Rapid Adaptation (Desert)
- Forest The target gains scent as an imprecise sense with a range of 30 feet. Spell Effect: Rapid Adaptation (Forest)
- Mountain The target isn't Flat-Footed when Climbing, and when it rolls a success on an Acrobatics check to Balance on rubble, it gets a critical success instead. Spell Effect: Rapid Adaptation (Mountain)
- Plains The target gains a +10-foot status bonus to its land Speed. Spell Effect: Rapid Adaptation (Plains)
- Underground The target gains darkvision. Spell Effect: Rapid Adaptation (Underground)
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
TransmutationEffects and magic items with this trait are associated with the transmutation school of magic, typically changing something's form.