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Hit Points

At first level and every level thereafter, you increase your maximum hit points by 8 plus your constitution modifier.

Key Ability

At first level, you increase one of these ability scores by 2. Some of these options might be tied to subclasses (such as the rogue’s rackets).
Key Ability: Intelligence

Initial Proficiencies


Trained in Perception
Trained in Reflex Saves
Expert in Will Saves
Expert in Fortitude Saves


Trained in unarmed attacks
Trained in simple weapons
Trained in martial weapons
Trained in Inventor class DC


Trained in unarmored, light, and medium armor
Untrained in heavy armor


Trained in Crafting
Trained in a number of skills equal to 3 plus your intelligence modifier

Class Features

1Ancestry Feat, Class Feat, Explode, Overdrive, Innovation, Shield Block, Peerless Inventor
2Class Feat, Skill Feat
3General Feat, Skill Increase, Reconfigure, Expert Overdrive
4Class Feat, Skill Feat
5Ability Boost, Ancestry Feat, Skill Increase, Inventor Weapon Expertise
6Class Feat, Skill Feat
7General Feat, Skill Increase, Lightning Reflexes, Master Overdrive, Breakthrough Innovation, Weapon Specialization
8Class Feat, Skill Feat
9Ancestry Feat, Skill Increase, Inventive Expertise, Offensive Boost
10Ability Boost, Class Feat, Skill Feat
11General Feat, Skill Increase, Resolve, Medium Armor Expertise
12Class Feat, Skill Feat
13Ancestry Feat, Skill Increase, Complete Reconfiguration, Inventor Weapon Mastery, Alertness
14Class Feat, Skill Feat
15Ability Boost, General Feat, Skill Increase, Legendary Overdrive, Greater Weapon Specialization, Revolutionary Innovation
16Class Feat, Skill Feat
17Ancestry Feat, Skill Increase, Juggernaut, Inventive Mastery
18Class Feat, Skill Feat
19General Feat, Skill Increase, Medium Armor Mastery, Infinite Invention
20Ability Boost, Class Feat, Skill Feat

Explode Feature 1


Your innovation is a creation barely held together by your own engineering, always on the edge of completely falling apart. Though this adds risk, it also means you can coax it to perform far beyond its design specifications using special unstable actions. See the definition of the unstable trait and how it affects your innovation.

While inventors can learn various unstable actions over their career, all at least know how to make their innovation Explode.

Overdrive Feature 1


You have a bevy of smaller devices of your own invention, from muscle stimulants to concussive pistons. When it's necessary, you can throw them into Overdrive to assist you in combat.

Innovation Feature 1


While you're always creating inventions, there's one that represents your preeminent work, the one that you hope- with refinement-might change the world. Choose one of the below innovations. Your innovation's level is equal to your level. If your innovation is destroyed, you can spend 1 day of downtime and attempt a Crafting check with a high DC for your level; on a success, you rebuild it. An innovation only works due to your constant maintenance and tinkering, and therefore has no market Price.

Shield Block Feature 1


You gain the Shield Block general feat, a reaction that lets you reduce damage with your shield.

Peerless Inventor Feature 1


You are constantly inventing, and your skill at crafting is unimpeachable. You gain the Inventor skill feat, even if you don't meet its prerequisites.

Reconfigure Feature 3


You've become an expert in all crafts and are always adjusting your inventions. You can attempt to change the modifications on your innovation by spending 1 day of downtime tinkering with it and attempting a Crafting check, with a high DC for your level. On a success, you can change one modification you've chosen for your innovation to a different modification of the same kind (initial, breakthrough, or revolutionary).

If you have any modification feats, on a successful check you can choose to instead retrain a modification feat to a different modification feat. The new feat has to meet the standard restrictions for retraining.

Expert Overdrive Feature 3


You've increased your skill in crafting, and you can put your devices into a more powerful state of overdrive. You become an expert in Crafting, and on a successful use of Overdrive, you increase the additional damage by 1.

Inventor Weapon Expertise Feature 5


You develop tricks for using your weapons more effectively. Your proficiency ranks for simple and martial weapons and unarmed attacks increase to expert.

If you have a weapon Innovation, you gain access to the critical specialization effect with your innovation.

Lightning Reflexes Feature 3

Your reflexes are lightning fast. Your proficiency rank for Reflex saves increases to expert.

Master Overdrive Feature 7


Your mastery of invention and crafting enhances your Overdrive even further. You become a master in Crafting, and on a successful Overdrive, you increase the additional damage by a total of 2, replacing the increase from expert overdrive.

Breakthrough Innovation Feature 7


You've made a breakthrough in your field of study and discovered a powerful new way to enhance your innovation. Choose a breakthrough modification of your innovation's type to apply to your innovation. You can choose an initial modification of your innovation's type instead if you prefer.

Breakthrough Armor Modifications

Breakthrough Construct Modifications

Breakthrough Weapon Modifications

Weapon Specialization Feature 7

Champion, Fighter, Gunslinger, Inventor, Investigator, Magus, Monk, Ranger, Rogue, Swashbuckler: You've learned how to inflict greater injuries with the weapons you know best. You deal 2 additional damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you are an expert. This damage increases to 3 if you're a master, and to 4 if you're legendary.

Alchemist, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Oracle, Psychic, Sorcerer, Summoner, Witch, Wizard You've learned how to inflict grave wounds with your most practiced weapons. You deal 2 additional damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you are an expert. This damage increases to 3 if you're a master, and to 4 if you're legendary.

Barbarian: Your rage helps you hit harder. You deal an additional 2 damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you have expert proficiency. This damage increases to 3 if you're a master, and 4 if you're legendary.

You gain your instinct's specialization ability. See specific instincts for more information.

Inventive Expertise Feature 9


Through innovation and experimentation, you've made your inventions more effective and reliable. Your proficiency rank for your inventor class DC increases to expert.

Offensive Boost Feature 9


You've made additions to your innovation to upgrade your offensive capabilities. Your improvements make any Strikes that rely on your innovation deal an additional 1d6 damage, with a type determined by the boost you choose. If your innovation is armor, the boost applies to your melee unarmed Strikes and to your melee Strikes with one weapon you choose during daily preparations; if your innovation is a construct, the boost applies to your construct companion's Strikes; and if your innovation is a weapon, the boost applies to your Strikes with your innovation. You can spend downtime to switch to a different boost in the same way as switching your modification. Choose one of the following boosts, with the damage type in parentheses.

Resolve Feature 7

You've steeled your mind with resolve. Your proficiency rank for Will saves increases to master. When you roll a success on a Will save, you get a critical success instead.

Medium Armor Expertise (Inventor) Feature 11

You've learned to defend yourself better against attacks. Your proficiency ranks for light armor, medium armor, and unarmored defense increase to expert.

If you have a medium or heavy armor innovation, you gain access to the critical specialization effect with your armor innovation.

Complete Reconfiguration Feature 13


When it comes to crafting and tinkering, you've become incredibly adept at changing your modifications to adjust your innovation's functionality. When you spend downtime to reconfigure your innovation and succeed at your Crafting check, you can swap any number of modifications, swap your offensive boost, or retrain any number of modification feats, rather than one. You still must swap a modification only with one of the same type (initial, breakthrough, or revolutionary).

Inventor Weapon Mastery Feature 13


You fully understand your weapons. Your proficiency ranks for simple and martial weapons and unarmed attacks increase to master.

Alertness Feature 3

Experience has made you increasingly aware of threats around you, and you react more quickly to danger. Your proficiency rank for Perception increases to expert.

Legendary Overdrive Feature 15


Your peerless inventing and Crafting ability has supercharged your Overdrives. You become legendary in Crafting, and on a successful Overdrive, you increase the additional damage by a total of 3, replacing the increase from master overdrive.

Greater Weapon Specialization Feature 15


The weapons you've mastered become truly fearsome in your hands. Your damage from weapon specialization increases to 4 with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you're an expert, 6 if you're a master, and 8 if you're legendary.

Revolutionary Innovation Feature 15


You are an unparalleled genius and have discovered a technique that will revolutionize your chosen field-or at least for the time being, your innovation! Choose a revolutionary modification to apply to your innovation. You can also choose an initial or breakthrough modification of the same type instead, if you prefer.

Revolutionary Armor Modifications

Revolutionary Construct Modifications

Revoluitionary Weapon Modifications

Juggernaut Feature 7

Barbarian, Champion, Fighter, Inventor, Ranger Your body is accustomed to physical hardship and resistant to ailments. Your proficiency rank for Fortitude saves increases to master. When you roll a success on a Fortitude save, you get a critical success instead.

Alchemist Your body has become accustomed to physical hazards and resistant to pathogens and ailments. Your proficiency rank for Fortitude saves increases to master. When you roll a success on a Fortitude save, you get a critical success instead.

Magus Your body is accustomed to physical hardship and resistant to a wide range of ailments. Your proficiency rank for Fortitude saves increases to master. When you roll a success on a Fortitude save, you get a critical success instead.

Gunslinger Your body has become accustomed to physical hazards and resistant to ailments. Your proficiency rank for Fortitude saves increases to master. When you roll a success on a Fortitude save, you get a critical success instead.

Inventive Mastery Feature 17


Your inventions are incredibly effective. Your proficiency rank for your inventor class DC increases to master.

Medium Armor Mastery Feature 17

Your skill with light and medium armor improves, increasing your ability to avoid blows. Your proficiency ranks for light and medium armor, as well as for unarmed defense, increase to master.

Infinite Invention Feature 19


Your ability to adjust your innovation has reached impossible heights, and you can use these skills to make major adjustments in your spare time. During your daily preparations, you automatically fix your innovation if it's destroyed or broken, and you can change to a different innovation (armor, construct, weapon, or other type you have access to) and change your modifications and offensive boost.

If you have any feats that had your previous innovation as a prerequisite, you can't use them until you retrain the feats as normal. However, it takes you only 1 day of downtime to retrain such a feat into a feat that has your new innovation as a prerequisite, instead of 1 week.