Abridan AshauCreature 10
Source Pathfinder Adventure: Shadows at Sundown
Perception +18
Languages Common, Requian, Shoanti, Varisian
Skills Deception +22, Diplomacy +18, Medicine +20, Religion +18, Society +17
Str +2, Dex +4, Con +2, Int +1, Wis +2, Cha +4
AC 28; Fort +13; Reflex +15; Will +18;
HP 190
Speed 25 feet

False Faith
Abridan is an ex-cleric. While he's lost the magical abilities that come from his connection to Pharasma, he can still use the major staff of healing or any of his scrolls by tricking the item. Since he can't cast spells, he can't recharge his staff, and uses its remaining charges only as a last resort.
Marked by Urgathoa
Trigger Abridan dies before he's had a chance to atone for his blasphemies or has become an actual cleric of Urgathoa
Effect Urgathoa watched Abridan's fall from grace, and if he dies before he finishes his conversion, her disappointment causes his body to decay as if he had been dead for a week. This process also causes all living creatures within 30 feet to take 11d6 negative damage (DC 33 basic fortitude). If steps are not thereafter taken to prevent his soul from returning (such as by casting Gentle Repose on the partially decayed corpse), Abridan rises as a Dybbuk on the site of his death a minute after the next sundown and seeks revenge on the PCs for killing him.
Trick Item
Abridan attempts to trick his staff or a scroll by attempting a Religion check against the item's Trick DC.
Success For the rest of his turn, Abridan can spend actions to activate the staff or scroll as if he could normally use it.
Failure Abridan can't use the item or try to trick it again this turn, but can try again on subsequent turns.
Critical Failure Abridan can't use the item, and can't try to trick it again until his next daily preparation at sunrise.
The trick DCs for Abridan's items are as follows:
- Major Staff of Healing DC 30 religion
- Scroll of Blindness DC 20 religion
- Scroll of Crisis of Faith DC 20 religion
- Scroll of Heal DC 26 religion
- Scroll of Flame Strike DC 26 religion
- Scroll of Sound Burst DC 23 religion
Divine Rituals
4th Level: Rest Eternal
5th Level: Call Spirit
A rules element with this trait is one-of-a-kind. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to creatures with this trait is increased by 10.
HumanA creature with this trait is a member of the human ancestry. Humans are a diverse array of people known for their adaptability. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by humans.
HumanoidHumanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.