Convergent Kendley NathraelCreature 19
Source Pathfinder #156: The Apocalypse Prophet
Perception +35
Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan, Utopian, Convergent Link
Skills Athletics +32, Diplomacy +35, Intimidation +33, Survival +30
Str +5, Dex +0, Con +4, Int +3, Wis +3, Cha +6
AC 41; Fort +33; Reflex +29; Will +32;
HP 440
Speed 25 feet
Bastard Sword

Composite Longbow

Convergent Link
Creatures with this ability can communicate with each other by manifesting an aura of wispy Utopian runes.
This has the effects of Telepathy with a range of 300 feet, but requires line of sight.
At-Will SpellsThe monster can cast its at-will spells any number of times without using up spell slots.
Disrupted LinkWhile Kendley is Confused, Fascinated, or Frightened, she loses her innate spells and her convergent link and convergent tactics abilities.
Convergent CalmWhen Kendley casts Calm Emotions, creatures controlled by the Convergence Lattice automatically fail their saving throws against the effect, but they can still use hostile actions against creatures who aren't Controlled by the convergence lattice.
Each time she Sustains the Spell, creatures affected by the spell are exposed to the convergence lattice as though they had been in conversation with her.
Convergent TacticsKendley's attacks (including Telekinetic Projectile} deal an extra 4d8 damage to creatures within reach of one of her allies who has convergent tactics.
Divine Innate Spells (DC 39, +31 to hit)
Cantrips (10th Level): Shield, Telekinetic Projectile
2nd Level: Calm Emotions (At Will), Telekinetic Maneuver (At Will)
4th Level: Divine Wrath (Lawful Only)
A rules element with this trait is one-of-a-kind. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to creatures with this trait is increased by 10.
ElfA creature with this trait is a member of the elf ancestry. Elves are mysterious people with rich traditions of magic and scholarship who typically have low-light vision. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by elves. A weapon with this trait is created and used by elves.
HumanA creature with this trait is a member of the human ancestry. Humans are a diverse array of people known for their adaptability. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by humans.
HumanoidHumanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.