LloronaCreature 12
Source Pathfinder Book of the Dead
Perception +20 (darkvision)
Languages Common
Skills Athletics +23, Deception +25, Intimidation +23, Stealth +23
Str -5, Dex +7, Con +1, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha +5
AC 32; Fort +19; Reflex +23; Will +20;
HP 165 (negative healing, rejuvenation)
Speed 0 feet (fly 60 feet)
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, precision, unconscious
Resistances All 10
Ghostly Hand

A monster with darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level Darkness spell, block normal darkvision. A monster with Greater Darkvision, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.
Negative HealingA creature with negative healing draws health from negative energy rather than positive energy. It is damaged by positive damage and is not healed by positive healing effects. It does not take negative damage, and it is healed by negative effects that heal undead.
Rejuvenation (divine, necromancy)When a llorona is destroyed, they re-form after 1d6 days at the site of their death. Resolving the injustice that led to a llorona's death puts them to rest permanently. Alternatively, successfully performing a Consecrate ritual at the site prevents them from re-forming.
2d6+12 negative DC 31 basic fortitude
The monster deals the listed amount of damage to any number of creatures Grabbed or Restrained by it. Each of those creatures can attempt a basic Fortitude save with the listed DC.
Funereal TouchA creature touched by a llorona must attempt a DC 29 fortitude save. On a failure, the creature becomes Drained 1 (drained 2 on a critical failure) or increases their drained value by 1 (2 on a critical failure), up to a maximum of drained 4. Every time a creature becomes drained in this way, the llorona gains 10 temporary Hit Points for 1 hour.
Ghostly GraspA llorona can Grapple corporeal creatures despite being incorporeal. The llorona uses their Athletics check to Grapple as normal but can't use Athletics for other actions that require corporeal contact, like Force Open or Trip.
The llorona unleashes a somber wail. Each living creature within emanation120 feet must attempt a DC 31 will save. Regardless of its result, the creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature is Stunned 1.
Failure The creature is Fascinated with the nearest body of water and compelled to move toward the water and drown itself. If there's no nearby body of water, the creature instead remains still. The creature can attempt another DC 31 will save at the end of each of its turns. On a success, the creature is no longer fascinated. Once the fascinated condition ends, the creature becomes stunned 1.
Critical Failure As failure, except the creature receives another Will save only at the end of a round in which it's submerged in water.
Requirements The monster's last action was a success with a Strike that lists Grab in its damage entry, or it has a creature grabbed using this action.
Effect The monster automatically Grabs the target until the end of the monster's next turn. The creature is Grabbed by whichever body part the monster attacked with, and that body part can't be used to Strike creatures until the grab is ended. Using Grab extends the duration of the monster's Grab until the end of its next turn for all creatures grabbed by it. A grabbed creature can use the Escape action to get out of the grab, and the Grab ends for a grabbed creatures if the monster moves away from it.
Vengeful spirits called lloronas arise from people who died overcome with the grief and shame that comes with the tragic drowning of a child. In life, a llorona may have contributed to the child's death or simply lost the child to a horrible accident. In death, a llorona's pain manifests as a malevolent desire to drown others, imparting the same grief that they share with the person's loved ones. To this end, lloronas remain along riversides and other bodies of water in hopes of drawing their next victim and compelling them to drown themselves.
Lloronas look much like they did in life, except they wear elegant funeral attire in undeath. Though stories typically describe lloronas as women, reports from seasoned adventurers include accounts of lloronas appearing as different genders and with a variety of appearances.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
IncorporealAn incorporeal creature or object has no physical form. It can pass through solid objects, including walls. When inside an object, an incorporeal creature can't perceive, attack, or interact with anything outside the object, and if it starts its turn in an object, it is slowed 1. Corporeal creatures can pass through an incorporeal creature, but they can't end their movement in its space. An incorporeal creature can't attempt Strength-based checks against physical creatures or objects-only against incorporeal ones-unless those objects have the ghost touch property rune. Likewise, a corporeal creature can't attempt Strength-based checks against incorporeal creatures or objects. Incorporeal creatures usually have immunity to effects or conditions that require a physical body, like disease, poison, and precision damage. They usually have resistance against all damage (except force damage and damage from Strikes with the ghost touch property rune), with double the resistance against non-magical damage.