Taljjae (The Wanderer)Creature 18
Source Pathfinder Lost Omens: Monsters of Myth
Perception +33 (darkvision, jelly sense 120 feet)
Languages Hwan, Senzar, (can't Speak Any Language)
Skills Acrobatics +35, Athletics +31, Performance +38, Society +31
Str +8, Dex +9, Con +7, Int +6, Wis +8, Cha +9
AC 43; Fort +27; Reflex +33; Will +30;
HP 400
Speed 50 feet (swim 30 feet)
Whirling Sash



A monster with darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level Darkness spell, block normal darkvision. A monster with Greater Darkvision, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.
Constant SpellsA constant spell affects the monster without the monster needing to cast it, and its duration is unlimited. If a constant spell gets counteracted, the monster can reactivate it by spending the normal spellcasting actions the spell requires.
Exit Stage
Trigger Taljjae is reduced to 0 Hit Points
Effect Taljjae retains 1 Hit Point and teleports to an empty space within 30 feet. One of its masks remains behind and is broken.
Jelly GluttonyIf Taljjae detects buckwheat jelly with its jelly sense, it becomes Fascinated by the food and the creature possessing it (if applicable) and Flat-Footed to all other creatures for 1d4 rounds, or until it uses an appropriate number of Interact actions to consume the jelly (generally 2: 1 to take the jelly, and another to eat it). If there's more than one helping of jelly, the condition ends once Taljjae consumes the jelly once.
Jelly SenseTaljjae has scent as a precise sense out to 120 feet, but only to detect buckwheat jelly, the only food Taljjae loves more than flesh.
Change Characters
Frequency once per round
Effect Taljjae removes its current mask and dons a new one. The change refreshes Taljjae, restoring 25 Hit Points. Once Taljjae has removed a mask, it can't Change Characters back to that mask until it has worn all of its unbroken masks at least once, after which the cycle starts again. Taljjae can't don a broken mask.
When Taljjae Changes Characters, it gains access to the listed abilities. Any items (such as weapons) associated with its previous mask immediately disappear and are replaced by fresh ones for its new mask, but the effects of any mask abilities it has active persist. Removing a mask and later reapplying it doesn't restore any limited-use abilities.
Circling the Kingdom
Taljjae Strides twice and makes two quarterstaff Strikes at any point along its movement.
Prop MasterTaljjae has access to the critical specialization effects of any weapons it wields from one of its masks.
Second Act
Trigger Taljjae's turn begins Requirements Taljjae has 200 or fewer Hit Points
Effect Taljjae's dance reaches a frantic climax, allowing it to change personas rapidly. Taljjae Changes Characters.
Sneak AttackTaljjae deals an additional 2d6 precision damage to Flat-Footed foes.
When the monster Strikes a creature that has the Flat-Footed condition with an agile or finesse melee weapon, an agile or finesse unarmed attack, or a ranged weapon attack, it also deals the listed precision damage. For a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, that weapon must also be an agile or finesse weapon.
WaypointsTaljjae leaves behind images of itself as it travels. Whenever it makes a Strike, it leaves behind a ghostly image of itself that lasts until the beginning of its next turn. These images block movement for Taljjae's enemies, and they provide flanking to Taljjae and its allies.
Innate Divine Spells (DC 37, +29 to hit)
3rd Level: Haste (Constant)
4th Level: Air Walk (Constant), Freedom of Movement (Constant)
The form of Taljjae's body can vary from visit to visit or even moment to moment, but it's easily recognized due to its signature cloak and masks. So long as Taljjae's mood is placid, it can be approached safely, but its mercurial temperament can be hard to predict.
The slightly upturned smile of this mask depicts a sense of joy and wonder at travel and new experiences.
A rules element with this trait is one-of-a-kind. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to creatures with this trait is increased by 10.
FeyCreatures of the First World are called the fey.