Summon Ancient FleshforgedSpell 9
Source Pathfinder Lost Omens: Impossible Lands
Traditions Arcane, Occult

Range 250 feet
Duration until the end of your next turn
You summon an ancient Fleshforged, one of Nex's personal weaponized monstrosities unleashed in the first wars against Geb. It squeezes itself into its war form from time long forgotten, unleashing its wrath upon your foes. The Fleshforged occupies the space noted in the spell description. When you Cast this Spell, choose one of the Fleshforged below to summon.
- Bone Breaker Size Gargantuan, Speed 40 feet, climb 100 feet
Arrive Skull Breaking Hum (evocation, sonic) The Bone Breaker appears in a shower of bone fragments. Its form is that of an immense titan of flesh and metal with long, muscular, twisted arms. The Bone Breaker releases a hum at a harmonic frequency that weakens bones in creatures' bodies. Each foe within an 80‑foot emanation must attempt a Fortitude save. On a critical success, they're unaffected; on a success, they're Enfeebled 2 for 1 round; on a failure they're Enfeebled 3 for 1 minute; and on a critical failure, they're Enfeebled 4 for 10 minutes. A skeleton or other undead foe made almost entirely of bones treats their result as one degree of success worse than they rolled.
Depart Bruising Departure The Bone Breaker pounds its long arms into the ground, creating a long shockwave. Each foe within a 100‑foot‑long, 10‑foot‑wide line takes 8d12 bludgeoning damage, with a basic Fortitude save.
- Thorn Caller Size Gargantuan, Speed 100 feet
Arrive (evocation, light) Thorn's Guidance The Thorn Caller appears in a burst of light. The Thorn Caller's body is an ornate armored sphere with black panther masks surrounding a glowing light. The ball floats in the air due to six glowing, thornlike wings. Two clusters of bird heads emerge from both sides of the body with long necks that twirl together like tentacles. The Thorn Caller's burst of light illuminates all foes within 200 feet. The foes become Dazzled and flat‑footed, and if they were Invisible, they become Concealed instead. These effects last until the Thorn Caller departs.
Depart Thorn-Burst The Thorn Caller launches its thorned wings at various targets. Attempt spell attack rolls against up to 6 different targets within 300 feet. On a hit, the target takes 10d8 piercing damage, double on a critical hit, half on a failure, and none on a critical failure.
- The Thousand Size Medium (see below), Speed 30 feet
Arrive (emotion, enchantment, fear, mental) Disconcerting Arrival Select five spaces in range and summon a Medium‑sized polyp of The Thousand in each of these spaces. The Thousand is an entity whose full scope is 1,000 polyps of oozing flesh, each physically separate but mentally part of a single creature. Not all 1,000 polyps have survived, and the spell summons five of them. Each creature within 10 feet of any of the polyps must attempt a Will Save. On a critical success, they're unaffected; on a success, they're Frightened 1; on a failure, they're Frightened 3; and on a critical failure, they're Frightened 4 and Fleeing for 1 round
Depart (illusion, mental) Violent Omen Each frightened foe within a 60‑foot emanation of any of the five polyps takes 10d8 mental damage, with a basic Will save.
- Scion of Desiccation Size Gargantuan, Speed 100 feet, fly 100 feet
Arrive (necromancy, negative) Ashes to Ashes The Scion of Desiccation appears in a swirl of screaming wind, a gargantuan form of twisted flesh that's constantly flensed by gritty ash and dust, and just as constantly regenerating itself. Each foe within a 40‑foot emanation takes 10d10 negative energy damage, with a basic Fortitude save
Depart (necromancy, negative) Dust to Dust Each foe within a 60‑foot emanation must attempt a Fortitude save; they're Drained 2 on a failure or Drained 4 on a critical failure.
This rarity indicates that a rules element is very difficult to find in the game world. A rare feat, spell, item or the like is available to players only if the GM decides to include it in the game, typically through discovery during play. Creatures with this trait are rare. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creatures is increased by 5.
ConjurationEffects and magic items with this trait are associated with the conjuration school of magic, typically involving summoning, creation, teleportation, or moving things from place to place.
IncarnateA spell with the incarnate trait is similar in theme to spells that summon creatures, but it doesn't conjure a minion with the summoned trait. Instead, when summoned, the incarnate creature takes its Arrive action when you finish Casting the Spell. At the end of your next turn, the incarnate creature can either Step, Stride, or take the action for another movement type it has (such as Climb or Burrow), and then takes its Depart action. The spell then ends. The names of specific Arrive and Depart actions are listed in italics after the word “Arrive” or “Depart” respectively, along with any traits. A creature summoned by an incarnate spell acts in your interests, directs its effects away from you and your allies as much as possible, and might listen to your requests, but ultimately makes its own decisions. If the spell indicates that the incarnate makes a decision, the GM determines what the incarnate would do. It might even become more inclined to do precisely as you wish over multiple summonings. The incarnate is not fully a creature. It can't take any other actions, nor can it be targeted or harmed by Strikes, spells, or other effects unless they would be able to target or end a spell effect (such as dispel magic). It has a size for the purposes of determining its placement for effects, but it doesn't block movement. If applicable, its effects use your spell DCs and spell attack roll modifier.