The Oscillating Wave Feature 1
At the heart of all things is energy. Though it may change its form or resting place, it is eternal, fundamental, the purest of building blocks. Your powers let you shift energy-either concentrating it in a single point to explosive end or freezing objects by plundering it away-in an endless oscillation of temperature.
Granted Spells
- 1st: Burning Hands
- 2nd: Heat Metal
- 3rd: Fireball
- 4th: Fire Shield
- 5th: Cone of Cold
- 6th: Flame Vortex
- 7th: Fiery Body
- 8th: Polar Ray
- 9th: Meteor Swarm
Standard Psi Cantrips
Unique Psi Cantrips
- surface: Thermal Stasis
- deeper: Entropic Wheel
- deepest: Redistribute Potential
Conservation of Energy
Energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred or changed. Whenever you use your magic to add or remove energy, you must then balance it with the opposing force. The first time in an encounter that you cast a granted spell or standard psi cantrip from your conscious mind, decide whether you're adding energy or removing it. Once you add energy, you must remove energy the next time you cast one of these spells. When you Refocus, you restore yourself to a neutral state, allowing you to once again freely choose whether you add or remove energy on your next spell.
Adding Energy: The ability gains the fire trait, any damage it deals is fire damage, and any resistance it grants is to cold damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals.
Removing Energy: The ability gains the cold trait, any damage it deals is cold damage, and any resistance it grants is to fire damage. It loses any traits matching damage types it no longer deals. Fiery body grants ray of frost instead of produce flame when cast this way.
Mindshift: When you use an action that has the mindshift trait, you can choose to add or remove energy to it instead of making it mental. Alter it as normal for adding or removing energy and change any save it requires to a Reflex save.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
PsychicThis indicates abilities from the psychic class.