BhutaCreature 11
Source Pathfinder Book of the Dead
Perception +22 (darkvision)
Languages Common, Necril, Speak With Animals
Skills Arcana +20, Deception +22, Nature +24, Survival +22
Str -5, Dex +7, Con +3, Int +5, Wis +5, Cha +7
AC 30; Fort +18; Reflex +24; Will +22;
HP 175 (negative healing)
Speed 0 feet (fly 30 feet)
Immunities death effects, disease, poison, precision, unconscious
Weaknesses Coldiron 5
Resistances All 10


A monster with darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level Darkness spell, block normal darkvision. A monster with Greater Darkvision, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.
BoundBhutas are bound to a natural area or feature where they died and must remain within 120 feet of that anchor. A bhuta can only leave if invited to travel with living companions, an invitation bhutas often seek to obtain via trickery. While traveling, the bhuta must remain within 120 feet of at least one of the living creatures who invited them. If all members of the group die, the bhuta must return to their bound area by midnight the same day or be destroyed.
ShadowlessA bhuta casts no shadow.
Negative HealingA creature with negative healing draws health from negative energy rather than positive energy. It is damaged by positive damage and is not healed by positive healing effects. It does not take negative damage, and it is healed by negative effects that heal undead.
Change Shape
The bhuta takes the form of a Large, Medium, or Small animal common to their bound area. This doesn't change the bhuta's Speed or attack and damage modifiers with their Strikes but might change the damage type their Strikes deal. No matter what form the bhuta takes, their feet remain backward and they cast no shadow. A bhuta in animal form is still incorporeal, though that isn't obvious just by looking at it.
The monster changes its shape indefinitely. It can use this action again to return to its natural shape or adopt a new shape. Unless otherwise noted, a monster cannot use Change Shape to appear as a specific individual. Using Change Shape counts as creating a disguise for the Impersonate use of Deception. The monster's transformation automatically defeats Perception DCs to determine whether the creature is a member of the ancestry or creature type into which it transformed, and it gains a +4 status bonus to its Deception DC to prevent others from seeing through its disguise. Change Shape abilities specify what shapes the monster can adopt. The monster doesn't gain any special abilities of the new shape, only its physical form. For example, in each shape, it replaces its normal Speeds and Strikes, and might potentially change its senses or size. Any changes are listed in its stat block.
Possess Animal
The bhuta attempts to possess an adjacent animal. They cast 9th-level heightened Possession with the following changes: since the bhuta has no physical body, they're unaffected by that restriction. On a critical failure, the duration extends to 1 full day. While possessed by a bhuta, the animal casts no shadow.
Primal CorruptionA bhuta corrupts wildlife near their bound area, worming their way into animals' minds. Animals who live within the bound area take a -4 circumstance penalty to saves against the bhuta's Possess Animal ability, the bhuta's Charm innate spell, and the bhuta's Command innate spell.
Primal Innate Spells (DC 30, +22 to hit)
Cantrips (6th Level): Daze, Tanglefoot
1st Level: Charm (Animals Only), Command (Animals Only), Summon Animal
2nd Level: Speak with Animals (Constant)
3rd Level: Animal Vision, Vampiric Touch
9th Level: Nature's Enmity (Only While Within the Area to Which the Bhuta is Bound)
When sapient creatures die violently in a natural setting or a location infused with primal magic, they sometimes rise as a ghostlike undead called a bhuta. Resembling a translucent version of their mortal form, only shadowless and with backward feet, a bhuta's lust for vengeance or unquenchable desire to complete an unfinished task poisons the natural world, turning animals into agents of the bhuta's corrupted will. However, a bhuta's connection to their mortal life is weak and vague, more a series of compulsions and triggers than the torturous recollections of a ghost. Thus, while a bhuta might start by hunting down and devouring those who slew their mortal form, they find no relief and soon turn to predation through their domain.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
IncorporealAn incorporeal creature or object has no physical form. It can pass through solid objects, including walls. When inside an object, an incorporeal creature can't perceive, attack, or interact with anything outside the object, and if it starts its turn in an object, it is slowed 1. Corporeal creatures can pass through an incorporeal creature, but they can't end their movement in its space. An incorporeal creature can't attempt Strength-based checks against physical creatures or objects-only against incorporeal ones-unless those objects have the ghost touch property rune. Likewise, a corporeal creature can't attempt Strength-based checks against incorporeal creatures or objects. Incorporeal creatures usually have immunity to effects or conditions that require a physical body, like disease, poison, and precision damage. They usually have resistance against all damage (except force damage and damage from Strikes with the ghost touch property rune), with double the resistance against non-magical damage.