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Animal VisionSpell 3

Source Pathfinder Core Rulebook
Traditions Primal
Cast 1 minute (material, somatic, verbal)
Range 120 feet
Target 1 animal
Duration 1 hour

You tap into the target's senses, allowing you to see, hear, and otherwise sense whatever it senses for the spell's duration. If the target wishes to prevent you from doing so, it can attempt a Will save, negating the spell on a success, but most animals don't bother to do so. While tapping into the target's senses, you can't use your own body's senses, but you can change back and forth from your body's senses to the target's senses using a single action, which has the concentrate trait.



Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.


The divination school of magic typically involves obtaining or transferring information, or predicting events.


A mental effect can alter the target's mind. It has no effect on an object or a mindless creature.