GolgopoCreature 8
Source Pathfinder #171: Hurricane's Howl
Perception +16 (low-light vision)
Languages Cyclops
Skills Acrobatics +16, Occultism +20
Str +2, Dex +4, Con +5, Int +6, Wis +2, Cha -2
AC 26; Fort +18; Reflex +16; Will +14;
HP 130
Speed 15 feet (climb 15 feet)
Immunities bleed, death effects, disease, doomed, drained, fatigued, healing, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, paralyzed, poison, sickened, unconscious
Weaknesses Acid 5
Resistances Fire 6

Low-Light Vision
The monster can see in dim light as though it were bright light, so it ignores the Concealed condition due to dim light.
Ritual ConduitGolgopos were created to assist with complex rituals. The golgopo can always use Occultism to attempt secondary checks during rituals, regardless of the skill normally required.
If a golgopo would critically fail a secondary check, they fail instead.
Warning Call
Trigger A creature targets a Flat-Footed ally within 10 feet of the golgopo
Effect The golgopo has a premonition of the attack and shouts a warning to their ally. The ally gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against the triggering attack.
Portents of Doom
The golgopo unleashes a wailing cry that heralds impending disaster. Each creature within 30 feet must attempt a DC 26 will save.
Golgopos and cyclopes are immune to this effect.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected and temporarily immune for 1 minute.
Success The creature is unaffected.
Failure The creature is Frightened 1.
Critical Failure The creature is Frightened 2 and Confused for 1 round.
Innate Occult Spells (DC 26, +18 to hit)
1st Level: Ill Omen
2nd Level: Augury, Paranoia, Restore Senses
3rd Level: Locate, Nondetection
4th Level: Read Omens, Seal Fate
As their empire crumbled and fell into ruin, many cyclopes turned to increasingly depraved and vicious rituals to enhance their divinations and oracular powers. Some, especially those too fearful or suspicious of their fellow cyclopes to collaborate, constructed servants known as golgopos to aid in their rituals. These squat creatures are made from ancient bones dredged from fetid swamps and packed with mud to resemble a squat humanoid. Their heads are little more than the skull of whatever creature's bones were used in their creation with an extra eye socket punched in the forehead, glowing with eerie light.
Golgopos spend most of their time perched on the shoulder of a cyclops master, acting as secondary casters for foul rituals and casting spells to aid them as needed. Golgopos are generally not evil, however, and one whose master has abandoned them or been destroyed might be convinced to employ their knowledge of ritual magic in service of another.
Something of uncommon rarity requires special training or comes from a particular culture or part of the world. Some character choices give access to uncommon options, and the GM can choose to allow access for anyone. Less is known about uncommon creatures than common creatures. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creature is increased by 2.
ConstructA construct is an artificial creature empowered by a force other than necromancy. Constructs are often mindless; they are immune to bleed damage, death effects, disease, healing, necromancy, nonlethal attacks, poison, and the doomed, drained, fatigued, paralyzed, sickened, and unconscious conditions; and they may have Hardness based on the materials used to construct their bodies. Constructs are not living creatures, nor are they undead. When reduced to 0 Hit Points, a construct creature is destroyed.