Suli Dune DancerCreature 1
Source Pathfinder Bestiary 2
Perception +5
Languages Aquan, Auran, Common, Ignan, Terran
Skills Acrobatics +5, Deception +6, Diplomacy +7, Occultism +4, Performance +7, Society +4
Str +2, Dex +2, Con +0, Int +1, Wis +0, Cha +4
AC 15; Fort +3; Reflex +5; Will +5;
HP 16
Speed 25 feet

Elemental Bulwark

Trigger An enemy is about to damage the dune dancer with cold, electricity, or fire, or with a spell that has the air, earth, fire, or water trait
Effect The dune dancer gain resistance 2 against the triggering damage
Elemental Assault
Elemental magic fills the dune dancer's body or weapon. The dune dancer chooses one element and makes a melee Strike. The Strike deals an additional 1d4 damage of the indicated type and has the trait corresponding to the element:
- Air electricity
- Earth bludgeoning
- Fire fire
- Water cold
Occult Spontaneous Spells (DC 17, +9 to hit)
Cantrips (1st Level): Detect Magic, Guidance, Inspire Courage, Mage Hand, Shield, Telekinetic Projectile
1st Level (2 slots): Color Spray, Soothe, True Strike
Because their genie forebears are native to the Material Plane, sulis are by and large the most common geniekin on the Material Plane. They are often artisans and peace brokers, compelled to try and bring harmony and balance in a world wrought with discord.
Sulis have a natural charm that often eludes other geniekin, but tend to layer on a level of boastful pride or even arrogance as a personal quirk or humorous facade. Few non-sulis realize that bragging is not simply the symptom of a puffed-up ego for sulis, but instead is a cultural institution easily comparable to human poetry. Sulis' boasts not only glorify themselves, but also secure their companions' and families' accomplishments in history, with the ultimate goal of spinning stories that will be retold for generations. This is especially true for sulis who have lived with other geniekin and have been seen as lesser for not having a strong connection to an Elemental Plane.
Suli dune dancers are but one way these geniekin seek to integrate with other humanoid societies. They work to hone their skills at boasting to an extent that their claims help to bolster those they travel with. Suli from regions other than deserts adjust their names to match their terrains, but regardless of whether they prefer forests, hills, or arctic plains, their boasts remain as compelling.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
HumanA creature with this trait is a member of the human ancestry. Humans are a diverse array of people known for their adaptability. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by humans.
HumanoidHumanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.
SuliSulis are planar scions descended from jann.