Name | Traits | Description |
Approximate  | DivinationCantripDetection | Your magic quickly flows over an area to help you count and catalog. |
Detect Magic  | DivinationCantripDetection | You send out a pulse that registers the presence of magic. |
Discern Secrets  | UncommonDivinationCantripHexWitch | You call upon your patron's power to better uncover secrets. |
Foresee the Path  | UncommonDivinationCantripPsychic | You see just a split second into the future and glean how an enemy will move, making it easier for your allies to strike it mid-action. |
Glimpse Weakness  | UncommonDivinationCantripPsychic | You glimpse a loose scale, a seam in a foe's armor, or a similar weakness, aiding your allies in landing a precise hit. |
Guidance  | DivinationCantrip | You ask for divine guidance, granting the target a +1 status bonus to one attack roll, Perception check, saving throw, or skill check the target attempts before the duration ends. |
Join Pasts  | UncommonDivinationCantripMental | With touches to the targets' foreheads, you bring them into mental communion. |
Know Direction  | DivinationCantripDetection | In your mind's eye, you see a path northward. |
Nudge Fate  | UncommonDivinationCantripHexWitch | You read slightly into the future and give fate a tiny push to achieve the result you desire. |
Omnidirectional Scan  | UncommonDivinationCantripPsychicScrying | 30-foot emanation . |
Read Aura | DivinationCantripDetection | You focus on the target object, opening your mind to perceive magical auras. |
Read the Air  | DivinationCantrip | You take a deep breath as you survey a social situation, showing courtesy to all around you as your intuition swiftly picks up clues about social contexts and unspoken assumptions of behavior. |
Time Sense  | DivinationCantrip | When you Cast the Spell, you gain a perfect sense of time. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Ancestral Memories  | UncommonDivinationSorcerer | The memories of long-dead spellcasters grant you knowledge in a specific skill. |
Anticipate Peril  | Divination | You grant the target brief foresight. |
Bit of Luck  | UncommonDivinationClericFortune | You tilt the scales of luck slightly to protect a creature from disaster. |
Cinder Gaze | RareDivinationClericPrediction | You've learned to read the future in the patterns of flames and smoke. |
Detect Alignment  | UncommonDivinationDetection | Your eyes glow as you sense aligned auras. |
Detect Poison  | UncommonDivinationDetection | You detect whether a creature is venomous or poisonous, or if an object is poison or has been poisoned. |
Diviner's Sight  | UncommonDivinationConcentrateFortuneWizard | You glimpse into the target's future. |
Extend Boost  | UncommonDivinationMetamagicSummoner | You focus on the intricacies of the magic binding you to your eidolon to extend the duration of your boost eidolon or reinforce eidolon spell. |
Hyperfocus  | DivinationCleric | You sharpen a creature's senses, though more distant objects become hazy, indistinct, or muted to it. |
Ill Omen  | DivinationCurseMisfortune | The target is struck with misfortune, which throws them off balance. |
Imprint Message  | Divination | You project psychic vibrations onto the target object, imprinting it with a short message or emotional theme of your design. |
Loremaster's Etude  | UncommonDivinationBardFortune | |
Message Rune | DivinationLinguisticMental | You record a message up to 5 minutes long and inscribe a special rune on any flat unattended surface within reach. |
Mindlink  | DivinationMental | You link your mind to the target's mind and mentally impart to that target an amount of information in an instant that could otherwise be communicated in 10 minutes. |
Nudge the Odds  | UncommonDivination | You bestow yourself supernaturally good luck at cards, dice, and other games of chance. |
Object Memory  | DivinationCleric | By touching an object, you draw forth the experience of those who created and used it. |
Object Reading  | Divination | You place a hand on an object to learn a piece of information about an emotional event that occurred involving the object within the past week, determined by the GM. |
Pocket Library  | DivinationExtradimensional | You collect information from the world's libraries about a particular subject and store it in an extradimensional library. |
Practice Makes Perfect  | UncommonDivinationCleric | The target gains a +2 status bonus to the triggering check, or a +3 bonus if the target has master or better proficiency in the skill. |
Read Fate | UncommonDivinationClericPrediction | You attempt to learn more about the target's fate in the short term, usually within the next day for most prosaic creatures, or the next hour or less for someone likely to have multiple rapid experiences, such as someone actively adventuring. |
Scholarly Recollection  | UncommonDivinationClericFortune | Speaking a short prayer as you gather your thoughts, you're blessed to find that your deity gave you just the right bit of information for your situation. |
Seashell of Stolen Sound  | DivinationSonic | You store a sound in a seashell to use as you will: the last words of a loved one, a dragon's mighty roar, the compromising conversation between two powerful diplomats, or even more strange and secret. |
Sepulchral Mask  | UncommonDivinationEmotionMentalSorcererVisual | You manifest a supernatural funerary mask, granting you a +1 status bonus to Will saving throws against emotion effects for 1 minute. |
Share Lore | DivinationMental | You share your knowledge with the touched creatures. |
Shooting Star  | UncommonDivinationMagus | You let loose a projectile that flies true and leaves the blazing trail of a meteor behind it. |
Swarmsense | DivinationCleric | You extend your senses through a multitude of crawling and flying creatures. |
Synchronize  | Divination | You harmlessly place your unique magic sigil, which is about 1 square inch in size, on your targets. |
True Strike  | DivinationFortune | A glimpse into the future ensures your next blow strikes true. |
Word of Truth  | UncommonDivinationCleric | You speak a statement you believe to be true and that is free of any attempt to deceive through twisting words, omission, and so on. |
Zenith Star  | DivinationClericLight | You call a tiny star to orbit a creature in a sparkling halo before shooting up into the heavens, where it marks the creature's rough location. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Access Lore  | UncommonDivinationCurseboundFortuneOracle | You sift through the multiverse's divine knowledge, seeking out tidbits related to a particular subject. |
Animal Vision | DivinationMental | You tap into the target's senses, allowing you to see, hear, and otherwise sense whatever it senses for the spell's duration. |
Arcane Weaving | UncommonDivination | You and the secondary casters weave together spells (and, if anadis, silk) in a complex ritual that combines magical learning with art, allowing all the participants to share spells they know with one another. |
Battlefield Persistence  | UncommonDivinationCurseboundOracle | You're difficult to remove from battle. |
Beastmaster Trance  | UncommonDivinationArchetypeConcentrateMental | You enter a magical trance that allows you to perceive through the senses of the target companion. |
Behold the Weave  | DivinationIncapacitationPrediction | You behold the many timelines that weave around a creature, and in so doing, you make one more likely to occur. |
Clairaudience | DivinationScrying | You create an Invisible floating ear at a location within range (even if it's outside your line of sight or line of effect). |
Contact Friends | UncommonDivination | You meditate for a quiet moment before your mind seeks out others whom you have befriended, as well as friends of any of the secondary casters. |
Ephemeral Tracking  | UncommonDivinationRanger | You can look at currents in the air and water and see tracks that you can follow just as you would on land. |
Excise Lexicon  | UncommonDivinationLinguisticMental | You reach into a creature's mind and extract its knowledge of a word. |
Extend Spell  | UncommonDivinationMetamagicSorcerer | You call upon your blood's knowledge of the ancients to extend your magic. |
Eyes of the Dead  | UncommonDivinationMental | You enter a magical trance that allows you to perceive through the senses of the target creature. |
Familiar's Face  | DivinationScrying | The target becomes a scrying sensor, allowing you to see through its eyes, smell what it smells, and similarly use its other senses. |
Far Sight  | UncommonDivinationVisual | You can see distant objects as if they were closer. |
Focusing Hum  | Divination | You infuse the air around you with a sustained hum that allows creatures within it to resist distractions. |
Hypercognition  | Divination | You rapidly catalog and collate information relevant to your current situation. |
Impending Doom  | DivinationEmotionFearIncapacitationMentalPrediction | You sift through myriad potential futures, seize upon one potential moment in which the target meets a particularly gruesome and fatal end, and then show it a vision of its impending demise. |
Locate | UncommonDivinationDetection | You learn the direction to the target (if you picked a specific object, such as "my mother's sword") or the nearest target (if you picked a type of object, such as "swords"). |
Mind Reading  | UncommonDivinationDetectionMental | With a cursory mental touch, you attempt to read the target's mind. |
Organsight  | DivinationRevelation | You see the target as though it's dissected and arrayed before you. |
Painted Scout  | UncommonDivinationScrying | You press your hand to the stone, causing hand-drawn scouts to spread out from your fingers. |
Perseis's Precautions  | UncommonDivinationFortunePrediction | Leaving nothing to chance, you weave divinatory precautions against an ambush, alerting the target to danger. |
Show the Way | DivinationDetection | You and affected allies gain preternatural knowledge of the path ahead, allowing you to intuit the best way forward and avoid potential obstacles such as difficult or confusing terrain. |
Tattoo Whispers | RareDivinationAuditoryLinguisticMental | You carefully tattoo the same design upon each secondary caster. |
Transcribe Conflict | RareDivination | You cause a sheet of paper to appear in your hand, and a moment later a detailed description of a combat you experienced within the last hour is recorded on that sheet of paper in a language that you know of your choice. |
Wanderer's Guide | Divination | You call upon the beyond to guide your route. |
Web of Eyes  | DivinationScrying | You place an Invisible scrying sensor on each target just above their eyes. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Clairvoyance | DivinationScrying | You create an Invisible floating eye at a location within range (even if it's outside your line of sight or line of effect). |
Concealment's Curtain | UncommonDivinationCurseMental | At twilight for 5 days, you line the fruit in front of the mirror, chanting the name of the target, and envisioning its eyes in your mind. |
Countless Eyes  | Divination | Eyes form across the touched creature's body, allowing it to see in all directions at once. |
Dawnflower's Light  | RareDivinationGoodLight | The object glows with soft golden light that lays bare the truth, reveals hidden objects, and shines supernatural light on false orders. |
Detect Creator | RareDivinationDetection | You examine the remains or spiritual residue of a destroyed undead creature to locate that undead's creator, perhaps a necromancer or vampire. |
Detect Scrying  | UncommonDivinationDetection | By tapping into trace divinatory auras, you detect the presence of scrying effects in the area. |
Discern Lies  | UncommonDivinationMentalRevelation | Falsehoods ring in your ears like discordant notes. |
Enhance Senses  | UncommonDivination | You enhance the target's senses. |
Forgotten Lines  | RareDivination | Members of the Lacunafex and other allies use this spell to restore material that Thrune agents have redacted from historical or otherwise valuable texts. |
Ghostly Tragedy | UncommonDivination | This spell compels local spirits to reenact a violent event of the recent past that you're aware of and name as you Cast the Spell. |
Glimpse the Truth  | UncommonDivinationClericRevelation | Divine insight lets you see things as they truly are. |
Know the Enemy  | UncommonDivinationClericFortune | You quickly remind yourself of useful information. |
Lucky Break  | UncommonDivinationClericFortune | Reroll the saving throw and use the better result. |
Modify Memory  | UncommonDivinationMental | You alter the target's memories, either erasing a memory, enhancing a memory's clarity, altering a memory, or adding a false memory. |
Path of Least Resistance  | UncommonDivination | You trace several possible routes, quickly resetting the timeline until you find the safest one. |
Pulse of the City  | UncommonDivinationClericScrying | You tap into the zeitgeist of the nearest settlement in range (if any). |
Read Omens | UncommonDivinationPrediction | You peek into the future. |
Remember the Lost  | DivinationClericMental | You call upon the lost and forgotten, assailing your foes' minds with the memories of those who died with a grievance toward them. |
Speak with Plants  | DivinationPlant | You can ask questions of and receive answers from plants, but the spell doesn't make them more friendly or intelligent than normal. |
Telepathy  | DivinationLinguisticMental | You can communicate telepathically with creatures within 30 feet. |
Tempt Fate  | UncommonDivinationClericFortune | You twist the forces of fate to make a moment dire or uneventful, with no in-between. |
Vigilant Eye  | UncommonDivinationWizard | You create an Invisible eye sensor, as Clairvoyance. |
Weaponize Secret  | RareDivinationClericMental | You understand that holding a secret is in itself a kind of power. |
Web of Influence | UncommonDivinationDetection | You learn the location of the nearest creature to whom the target is connected in a magical manner. |
Winning Streak  | Divination | The target is energized by its good fortune as it spreads to others-as long as they keep winning. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Astral Projection | UncommonDivination | You project the targets' spiritual essences into the Astral Plane, leaving their inanimate physical forms behind. |
Hunter's Vision  | UncommonDivinationRanger | Your target glows with a magical aura visible only to you and those who follow your lead. |
Inevitable Disaster  | DivinationCursePrediction | You briefly glimpse cause and effect, putting into motion a chain of events that will visit doom on your enemy at some point in the future, though you're not quite sure when or how the doom will occur. |
Mind Probe | UncommonDivinationLinguisticMental | You cast your thoughts through a creature's mind, sifting for information. |
Mirecloak  | UncommonDivinationMental | You wrap the targeted creatures in thin, sickly green shrouds that sap information from attackers. |
Prying Eye | DivinationScrying | You create an Invisible, floating eye, 1 inch in diameter, at a location you can see within 500 feet. |
Sending  | DivinationMental | You send the creature a mental message of 25 words or fewer, and it can respond immediately with its own message of 25 words or fewer. |
Synesthesia  | DivinationMental | The target's senses are suddenly rewired in unexpected ways, causing them to process noises as bursts of color, smells as sounds, and so on. |
Telepathic Bond | UncommonDivinationMental | The targets can communicate telepathically with any or all of the other targets from any point on the same planet. |
The World's a Stage | UncommonDivinationFortune | This famous ritual is a sophisticated example of symbolic magic, binding fate and fortune to follow a prepared script. |
Tongues  | UncommonDivination | The target can understand all words regardless of language and also speak the languages of other creatures. |
Unblinking Flame Aura  | UncommonDivinationFireHealing | You focus your sight inside and call on your inner fire to grant you warmth, steady your vision, and soothe your body. |
Waters of Prediction | RareDivination | You and the secondary casters peer into the still waters of a natural pool or lake to divine your collective future. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Asmodean Wager | RareDivinationLinguistic | You facilitate a magically binding agreement between yourself and one or more additional secondary casters, wherein each participant (hereafter referred to as the bettors) stakes something of value on the outcome of an event that has yet to be determined. |
Awaken Animal | UncommonDivinationMental | You grant intelligence to the target, transforming it into a beast. |
Awaken Object | UncommonDivinationMental | You imbue a single Small or smaller object with rudimentary awareness and consciousness, and it gains mental ability modifiers depending on the results of the ritual. |
Cast into Time  | Divination | You release a wave of temporal energy that sends creatures violently tumbling through time, scarring their thoughts with the information flowing around them. |
Catch Your Name | RareDivination | You learn a private name (but not the true name) of the creature who spoke your name, as well as their precise location, unless they succeed at a Will save to negate the effect. |
Commune | UncommonDivinationPrediction | You call upon an unknown planar entity to answer questions; this is a servitor of your deity if you have one and use Religion. |
Commune with Nature | UncommonDivinationPrediction | As Commune, except you contact the primal spirits of nature, which know about animals, beasts, fey, plants, topography, and natural resources within a 3-mile radius of the ritual's location. |
Dread Secret  | UncommonDivinationCurseboundEmotionFearMentalOracle | You utter a powerful secret at odds with the fundamental nature of the target creatures. |
Halcyon Infusion | RareDivinationMental | You infuse magical energy into your target, opening up their mind to the pathways of magic and granting them the ability to use magic to affect the world around them. |
Heroic Feat or  | UncommonDivinationCurseboundMentalOracle | You gain the ability to perform a specialized combat technique from the vast wealth of martial knowledge your mystery provides. |
Manifold Lives  | UncommonDivinationCurseboundEmotionMentalOracle | You cast a creature's mind back through time, forcing them to take other paths and make other choices, experiencing countless alternate lives in an instant. |
Scrying | UncommonDivinationScrying | You magically spy on a creature of your choice. |
Speaking Sky  | UncommonDivinationAir | The air speaks to you. |
Suspended Retribution  | DivinationCurseMentalPrediction | All life dances one step from the precipice, one heartbeat from disaster. |
True Seeing  | DivinationRevelation | You see things within 60 feet as they actually are. |
Word of Revision  | RareDivinationFortune | As all good writers know, you shouldn't kill off your protagonist before their story is complete. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Legend Lore | UncommonDivination | You attempt to learn useful legends about a particular subject, which must be an important person, place, or thing. |
Retrocognition | Divination | Opening your mind to occult echoes, you gain impressions from past events that occurred in your current location. |
Supreme Connection | UncommonDivination | In a show of power, you call forth a powerful entity in front of a crowd of onlookers, forcing the entity to manifest and answer your questions. |
Time Beacon  | Divination | You create a beacon in time, intending to return to it if things go wrong. |
True Target  | DivinationFortunePrediction | You delve into the possible futures of the next few seconds to understand all the ways your foe might avoid harm, then cast out a vision of that future to those around you. |
Unblinking Flame Emblem  | UncommonDivinationFire | You emblazon the target with a fiery sigil that projects your sight and your flame onto them, allowing you and your allies to track their movements and making it easier to hit them. |