Name | Traits | Description |
Agitate  | EnchantmentMentalNonlethal | You send the target's mind and body into overdrive, forcing it to become restless and hyperactive. |
Ancestral Touch  | UncommonEnchantmentCurseboundEmotionFearMentalOracle | You touch a creature and force them to see and feel the ancestors surrounding you. |
Bane  | EnchantmentMental | You fill the minds of your enemies with doubt. |
Befuddle  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You sow seeds of confusion in your target's mind, causing their actions and thoughts to become clumsy. |
Bless  | EnchantmentMental | Blessings from beyond help your companions strike true. |
Blind Ambition  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | You strengthen a target's ambition, increase its resentment of allies, and make its allegiances more susceptible to change. |
Brain Drain  | UncommonEnchantmentCurseboundMentalOracle | You probe the target's mind to glean knowledge. |
Call to Arms  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryCurseboundEmotionMentalOracle | You cry out a call to arms, inspiring your allies to enter the fray. |
Celestial Accord  | UncommonEnchantmentEmotionGoodMental | You intervene in a heated disagreement between two creatures, encouraging them to put aside their differences and find some common ground. |
Charm  | EnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationMental | To the target, your words are honey and your visage seems bathed in a dreamy haze. |
Charming Touch  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionIncapacitationMental | You infuse your target with attraction, causing it to act friendlier toward you. |
Charming Words  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryIncapacitationLinguisticMentalWizard | You whisper enchanting words to deflect your foe's ire. |
Command  | EnchantmentAuditoryLinguisticMental | You shout a command that's hard to ignore. |
Counter Performance  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCompositionFortuneMental | Your performance protects you and your allies. |
Draw Ire  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You cause mental distress to a creature, goading it to strike back at you. |
Déjà Vu  | EnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You loop a thought process in the target's mind, forcing it to repeat the same actions over again. |
Elysian Whimsy  | UncommonEnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You overwhelm the target with an unexpected and unpredictable desire if it fails a Will save. |
Empty Inside  | AbjurationClericMental | You inject a sliver of the void into your mind, momentarily remaking it into a bleak and empty place. |
Endure  | EnchantmentMental | You invigorate the touched creature's mind and urge it to press on. |
Faerie Dust to  | UncommonEnchantmentMentalSorcerer | You sprinkle magical dust in the spell's area, making those within easier to trick. |
Fear  | EnchantmentEmotionFearMental | You plant fear in the target; it must attempt a Will save. |
Forced Mercy  | UncommonEnchantmentEmotionMental | You soften the target's blows, ensuring they avoid vital areas and cause no lasting harm. |
Frenzied Revelry  | RareEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | You recall memories of hedonistic rites to send yourself into an infectious frenzy, dancing and howling wildly to encourage your companions to join in. |
Hollow Heart  | RareEnchantmentClericEmotionFearMental | You stoke the target's ambition beyond reason, until it believes no one is capable of helping it, or that others aren't to be trusted. |
Lament  | EnchantmentAuditoryClericEmotionMental | You let out your negative emotions in a guttural wail that shakes your enemies' hearts and deals 1d8 mental damage (basic Will save). |
Liberating Command  | EnchantmentMental | You call out a liberating cry, urging an ally to break free of an effect that holds them in place. |
Lose the Path  | IllusionMentalVisual | You surround a moving creature with lifelike illusions, shifting their perception of the terrain to subtly lead them off course. |
Message Rune | DivinationLinguisticMental | You record a message up to 5 minutes long and inscribe a special rune on any flat unattended surface within reach. |
Mindlink  | DivinationMental | You link your mind to the target's mind and mentally impart to that target an amount of information in an instant that could otherwise be communicated in 10 minutes. |
Movanic Glimmer  | UncommonEnchantmentGoodMentalTransmutation | You give the target animal a glimmer of awareness, not truly awakening it but allowing it to better understand its surroundings. |
Needle of Vengeance  | UncommonEnchantmentHexMentalWitch | A long, jagged needle jabs into the target foe's psyche whenever it tries to attack a specifically forbidden creature. |
Phantom Pain  | IllusionMentalNonlethal | Illusory pain wracks the target, dealing 2d4 mental damage and 1d4 Persistent Mental Damage. |
Savor the Sting  | UncommonEnchantmentClericMentalNonlethal | You inflict pain upon the target and revel in their anguish. |
Schadenfreude  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You distract your enemy with their feeling of smug pleasure when you fail catastrophically. |
Sepulchral Mask  | UncommonDivinationEmotionMentalSorcererVisual | You manifest a supernatural funerary mask, granting you a +1 status bonus to Will saving throws against emotion effects for 1 minute. |
Share Burden  | AbjurationClericMental | You shoulder some of your ally's pain. |
Share Lore | DivinationMental | You share your knowledge with the touched creatures. |
Sleep  | EnchantmentIncapacitationMentalSleep | Each creature in the area becomes drowsy and might fall asleep. |
Soothe  | EnchantmentEmotionHealingMental | You grace the target's mind, boosting its mental defenses and healing its wounds. |
Soothing Words  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | You attempt to calm the target by uttering soothing words in a calm and even tone. |
Sweet Dream  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryClericLinguisticMentalSleep | With soothing song or tales, you lull the target into an enchanting dream. |
Touch of Obedience  | UncommonEnchantmentClericMental | Your imperious touch erodes the target's willpower, making it easier to control. |
Veil of Confidence  | UncommonEnchantmentClericMental | You surround yourself in a veil of confidence. |
Veil of Dreams  | UncommonEnchantmentHexMentalWitch | You draw the target into a drowsy state, causing daydreams and sluggishness. |
Waking Nightmare  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionFearMental | You fill the creature's mind with a terrifying vision out of its nightmares. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Animal Messenger | EnchantmentMental | You offer food, and an ordinary Tiny animal within range approaches to eat it. |
Animus Mine  | AbjurationMental | You implant a mental mine within your psyche that detonates against anyone attempting to manipulate your thoughts. |
Blistering Invective  | EnchantmentAuditoryEmotionFearMental | A heap of insults and invectives spew from your mouth-words so devastating your foes burn from the intensity of your diatribe. |
Calm Emotions  | EnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationMental | You forcibly calm creatures in the area, soothing them into a nonviolent state; each creature must attempt a Will save. |
Charitable Urge  | EnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You speak on the virtue of charity, compelling the target to give away its possessions. |
Empathic Link | UncommonDivinationEmotionMental | You forge a bond between yourself and the target, enabling you to feel each other's emotions. |
Guiding Star  | DivinationDetectionMental | You call on the constellations of the night sky to guide a creature to the location where you Cast the Spell. |
Hideous Laughter  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | The target is overtaken with uncontrollable laughter. |
Horrifying Blood Loss  | UncommonEnchantmentCurseEmotionFearMental | You curse the target, filling it with terror at the loss of its blood. |
Impart Empathy  | UncommonEnchantmentEmotionMental | You expand the target's ability to understand social cues that are normally beyond its comprehension. |
Inveigle | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You win over the target's mind, causing it to see you as a close and trusted friend and look upon your every suggestion as reasonable. |
Mind Games  | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You lock minds with the target, trying to mentally subdue them. |
Pack Attack  | UncommonDivinationMental | You and one other target gain an uncanny coordination that helps you take down foes. |
Paranoia  | IllusionMental | You cause the target to see all other creatures as dire threats. |
Phantasmal Treasure  | IllusionEmotionMental | A phantasmal image of the most precious thing imaginable to the target appears in a location of your choice within the spell's range. |
Spirit Sense  | DivinationDetectionMental | You open your mind to the metaphysical, enabling you to sense nearby spirits. |
Teeth to Terror  | UncommonIllusionFearMental | The target believes its teeth are falling out, crawling along its face, stabbing into its body, and cramming themselves down its throat. |
Thundering Dominance  | EnchantmentMental | You shroud the target in a powerful predatory aura and amplify its vocalizations. |
Timely Tutor  | DivinationMental | You serve as an astral connection between your eidolon or familiar and the Akashic Record-a demiplane consisting of a comprehensive psychic library-then turn to the creature for advice. |
Touch of Idiocy  | EnchantmentMental | You dull the target's mind; the target must attempt a Will save. |
Umbral Extraction  | IllusionMentalShadow | You prepare to steal spells from your foes, ripping them from the foe's shadow to stow them in an ephemeral pocket in the Shadow Plane. |
Umbral Mindtheft  | UncommonIllusionMentalShadow | You prepare to steal a broad field of knowledge from another creature, siphoning it from their mind and storing it in a pocket of the Shadow Plane connected to your own mind. |
Vicious Jealousy  | UncommonEnchantmentMental | The target is overcome by deep jealousy and resentment that twists its mind against other creatures. |
Warrior's Regret  | EnchantmentCurseEmotionMental | Regret eats away at the target's mind, punishing it for its violence until it ceases its hostility. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Aberrant Whispers to  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryMentalSorcerer | You utter phrases in an unknown tongue, assaulting the minds of those nearby. |
Agonizing Despair  | EnchantmentEmotionFearMental | Your target's mind tumbles down a deep well of dread, dwelling so intently on deep-seated fears that it's painful. |
Ancestral Defense  | UncommonAbjurationCurseboundFortuneMentalOracle | Your ancestor protects you against those who would bend your will. |
Animal Vision | DivinationMental | You tap into the target's senses, allowing you to see, hear, and otherwise sense whatever it senses for the spell's duration. |
Beastmaster Trance  | UncommonDivinationArchetypeConcentrateMental | You enter a magical trance that allows you to perceive through the senses of the target companion. |
Crisis of Faith  | EnchantmentMental | You assault the target's faith, riddling the creature with doubt and mental turmoil that deal 6d6 mental damage, or 6d8 mental damage if it can cast divine spells. |
Dream Message | EnchantmentMental | You send a message to your target's dream. |
Excise Lexicon  | UncommonDivinationLinguisticMental | You reach into a creature's mind and extract its knowledge of a word. |
Eyes of the Dead  | UncommonDivinationMental | You enter a magical trance that allows you to perceive through the senses of the target creature. |
Geas | UncommonEnchantmentCurseMental | You enforce a magic rule on a willing target, forcing it to either perform or refrain from carrying out a certain act. |
Heart's Desire  | UncommonIllusionEmotionMentalSorcerer | You surround your target with wondrous illusions of their greatest desires, which distract them from reality. |
Heroism  | EnchantmentMental | You tap into the target's inner heroism, granting it a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, Perception checks, saving throws, and skill checks. |
Horrific Visage  | UncommonIllusionEmotionFearMentalSorcererVisual | You briefly transform your features into the horrific visage of a hag, striking fear into your enemies. |
Impending Doom  | DivinationEmotionFearIncapacitationMentalPrediction | You sift through myriad potential futures, seize upon one potential moment in which the target meets a particularly gruesome and fatal end, and then show it a vision of its impending demise. |
Infectious Ennui  | RareEnchantmentEmotionMental | With a wave of your hand and a short invocation, you cause feelings of ennui and impending doom to well up in the mind of the targeted creature, who must attempt a Will save. |
Mind Reading  | UncommonDivinationDetectionMental | With a cursory mental touch, you attempt to read the target's mind. |
Mind of Menace | EnchantmentContingencyEmotionFearMental | This spell wards against those who attempt to subvert your mind and turns mental magic back on them. |
Oneiric Mire  | IllusionMentalVisual | You shroud an area in illusory dreamstuff, making the ground look and feel like a deep mire or quicksand. |
Paralyze  | EnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You block the target's motor impulses before they can leave its mind, threatening to freeze the target in place. |
Phantom Prison  | IllusionIncapacitationMentalVisual | You completely surround a Large or smaller creature in immobile illusory walls, trapping it inside a false prison it can't escape. |
Roaring Applause  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | Your flamboyant flourish invokes such powerful feelings in your audience that you incite cheers and applause. |
Shift Blame  | EnchantmentMental | You alter the target's memories of the triggering event as they form. |
Subjugate Undead  | UncommonNecromancyMental | You attempt to seize control of the target. |
Sudden Recollection  | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You place a bit of knowledge deep in a creature's subconscious or make a willing creature forget some information until a specific trigger occurs. |
Tattoo Whispers | RareDivinationAuditoryLinguisticMental | You carefully tattoo the same design upon each secondary caster. |
Zone of Truth  | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You designate an area in which creatures are compelled to speak only truth. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Anathematic Reprisal  | EnchantmentMental | You punish a creature that transgresses against your deity, drawing upon the anguish you feel upon seeing one of your deity's anathema committed. |
Aromatic Lure  | RareEnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationMental | You override a target's olfactory senses, luring them to a specific location through tantalizing false scents. |
Captivating Adoration  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMentalVisual | You become intensely entrancing, and creatures are distracted by you as long as they remain within the area. |
Clownish Curse  | UncommonEnchantmentAttackCurseMentalMisfortune | You afflict the target with a curse that causes it to emit ridiculous noises as it moves. |
Commanding Lash  | UncommonEnchantmentClericIncapacitationMental | With the threat of more pain, you compel a creature you've recently harmed. |
Compel True Name  | RareEnchantmentAuditoryIncapacitationLinguisticMentalTrueName | You instruct the target to do something, compelling obedience by calling it by its true name. |
Competitive Edge  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | Your competitiveness drives you to prove yourself against the opposition. |
Concealment's Curtain | UncommonDivinationCurseMental | At twilight for 5 days, you line the fruit in front of the mirror, chanting the name of the target, and envisioning its eyes in your mind. |
Confront Selves  | UncommonIllusionMental | You show the target the spiraling web of actions and consequences that is their life and the changes wrought by these decisions upon themselves and those around them. |
Confusion  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You befuddle your target with strange impulses, causing it to act randomly. |
Daydreamer's Curse  | UncommonEnchantmentAttackCurseMentalMisfortune | You impose a curse upon the target that renders it easily distracted and unable to focus its thoughts on tasks that demand insight or discernment. |
Debilitating Dichotomy  | UncommonEvocationCurseboundMentalOracle | You reveal a glimpse of the impossible conflicts between the divine anathema behind your curse, forcing you to reckon with another's conflicts as well. |
Delusional Pride  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionMental | You make the target overconfident, leading it to ascribe failure to external factors. |
Discern Lies  | UncommonDivinationMentalRevelation | Falsehoods ring in your ears like discordant notes. |
Dread Aura  | UncommonEnchantmentAuraEmotionFearMentalWizard | You emit an aura of terror. |
Dreamer's Call  | UncommonEnchantmentClericIncapacitationMental | The target becomes distracted and suggestible, inundated by vivid daydreams. |
Dull Ambition  | EnchantmentCurseMentalMisfortune | You curse the target to fail in all avenues of its life that require drive and ambition, as it inadvertently undermines its own goals at every turn. |
Ephemeral Hazards  | IllusionMentalVisual | You create illusory hazards, such as spinning blades or a puddle of acid, in four 10-foot-by-10-foot spaces within range. |
Favorable Review  | UncommonEnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You enchant a creature to ensure they have only good things to say about your show. |
Fearful Feast | UncommonNecromancyFearMental | You open your mouth wide and inhale sharply; you draw in the bravery, self-confidence, and hope to which the frightened target clings and then strip away the target's false assumption that these fragile emotions can save them from the oblivion of terror. |
Font of Serenity  | AbjurationClericEmotionMental | A divine beacon radiates serenity, soothing nearby allies. |
Girzanje's March  | UncommonEnchantmentAuditoryLinguisticMental | You sing a prayer for war, inspiring valor in allies who hear your song. |
Glibness  | UncommonEnchantmentMental | Falsehoods pass your lips as smoothly as silk. |
Implement of Destruction  | EnchantmentEmotionFearMental | You solemnly declare that the target weapon will bring death to a foe, implanting an irrational fear of the weapon into the target enemy. |
Infectious Melody  | EnchantmentAuditoryMental | You call forth the chords of a tune so catchy that foes hearing it can't help but sing along, making it harder for them to communicate. |
Modify Memory  | UncommonDivinationMental | You alter the target's memories, either erasing a memory, enhancing a memory's clarity, altering a memory, or adding a false memory. |
Nightmare | IllusionMental | You send disturbing nightmares to your target. |
Ordained Purpose  | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You call upon the authority of cosmic forces of order, overwhelming creatures with remorse and agony for acting outside of their station and purpose. |
Outcast's Curse  | EnchantmentCurseMentalMisfortune | You afflict the target with a curse that makes its presence abrasive and off-putting. |
Overflowing Sorrow  | EnchantmentClericEmotionIncapacitationMental | Sadness flows out of you into nearby creatures, blotting out any other thoughts they had. |
Phantasmal Killer  | IllusionDeathEmotionFearMental | You create a phantasmal image of the most fearsome creature imaginable to the target. |
Phantasmal Protagonist  | RareIllusionMental | You create a phantasmal incarnation of a significant character from a novel, historical work, or religious parable. |
Remember the Lost  | DivinationClericMental | You call upon the lost and forgotten, assailing your foes' minds with the memories of those who died with a grievance toward them. |
Retributive Pain  | UncommonAbjurationClericMentalNonlethal | You vengefully reflect your pain upon your tormentor. |
Roar of the Wyrm  | EnchantmentAuditoryClericEmotionMental | You channel the might of dragons into your voice, letting out a roar that engenders respect in dragonkind but that instills fear in most other creatures. |
Safeguard Secret | UncommonAbjurationClericMental | You ensure a secret remains safe from prying spies. |
Savant's Curse  | UncommonEnchantmentAttackCurseMentalMisfortune | You afflict the target with a curse that fills its mind with distracting and hyperspecialized minutiae, causing it to second-guess even simple facts. |
Shaken Confidence | RareEnchantmentClericEmotionMentalMisfortune | You mock the target for all its failings, twisting its self-confidence into doubt. |
Shared Nightmare  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionIncapacitationMental | Merging minds with the target, you swap disorienting visions from one another's nightmares. |
Spiritual Anamnesis  | UncommonNecromancyMental | Memories of a past life that seem incredibly real (and may even be) overwhelm the target's mind. |
Suggestion  | EnchantmentIncapacitationLinguisticMental | Your honeyed words are difficult for creatures to resist. |
Telepathy  | DivinationLinguisticMental | You can communicate telepathically with creatures within 30 feet. |
Vision of Beauty  | RareIllusionEmotionIncapacitationMental | You create a phantasmal image of the most beautiful creature imaginable to the target at a location somewhere within the spell's range. |
Waking Dream  | EnchantmentMental | You cloud the target's mind with vivid, dreamlike imagery, so they have difficulty distinguishing real threats from imagined ones. |
Weaponize Secret  | RareDivinationClericMental | You understand that holding a secret is in itself a kind of power. |
Wind Whispers | RareEnchantmentClericLinguisticMental | You call forth numerous breezes in which you weave gossip, whispering subtly into the ears of those around. |
Word of Freedom  | UncommonEnchantmentClericMental | You utter a liberating word of power that frees a creature. |
Zeal for Battle  | UncommonEnchantmentClericEmotionFortuneMental | You stoke the righteous anger within yourself and an ally. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Crushing Despair  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You inflict despair on creatures in the area. |
Dread Ambience | UncommonEnchantmentConsecrationEmotionFearMental | In some places, it always feels like something is observing you, as if the very land doesn't want you there. |
Dreaming Potential | EnchantmentMental | You draw the target into a lucid dream where it can explore the endless possibilities of its own potential within the ever-changing backdrop of its dreamscape. |
Ectoplasmic Expulsion  | UncommonNecromancyMental | You call upon tendrils of ephemeral ectoplasm to pass through the target and carry away a harmful psychic affliction. |
Glimmer of Charm  | EnchantmentAuraEmotionIncapacitationMental | You're bathed in a smooth, almost glittering aura that improves the attitude of those near you. |
Hallucination  | IllusionIncapacitationMental | The target consistently detects one thing as another, can't detect something that's there, or detects something that's not there, though it doesn't alter their beliefs. |
Infectious Comedy  | UncommonEnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationMental | You tell a magical joke and infect a target with laughter that spreads to those nearby. |
Invoke Spirits  | NecromancyEmotionFearMental | Ragged apparitions of the dead rise to stalk the living. |
Litany of Self-Interest  | UncommonEnchantmentChampionEvilLitanyMental | You give a speech that fills your target with a drive to improve themself to the exclusion of assisting others. |
Mind Probe | UncommonDivinationLinguisticMental | You cast your thoughts through a creature's mind, sifting for information. |
Mind Swap | RareNecromancyMentalPossession | This ritual allows two subjects to exchange minds, fully inhabiting one another's bodies. |
Mirecloak  | UncommonDivinationMental | You wrap the targeted creatures in thin, sickly green shrouds that sap information from attackers. |
Mirror Malefactors  | IllusionMentalVisual | You completely surround a Large or smaller creature in a shimmering ring of illusory mirrors that follows it as it moves, even when the creature moves outside the range of the spell. |
Oblivious Expulsion | UncommonEnchantmentMental | Severing ties with a member of a cult courts danger and threatens to undermine the secrecy of the group, whether that secrecy protects its worshippers or enables them to operate in the shadows. |
Over the Coals  | RareNecromancyHexMentalWitch | You accuse the target of breaking its word to you and invoke the wrath of your patron to claim what's due, demanding the target pay you in currency, fulfill an order, or stand down. |
Sending  | DivinationMental | You send the creature a mental message of 25 words or fewer, and it can respond immediately with its own message of 25 words or fewer. |
Subconscious Suggestion  | EnchantmentIncapacitationLinguisticMental | You implant a subconscious suggestion deep within the target's mind for them to follow when a trigger you specify occurs. |
Synaptic Pulse  | EnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You emit a pulsating mental blast that penetrates the minds of all enemies in the area. |
Synesthesia  | DivinationMental | The target's senses are suddenly rewired in unexpected ways, causing them to process noises as bursts of color, smells as sounds, and so on. |
Telepathic Bond | UncommonDivinationMental | The targets can communicate telepathically with any or all of the other targets from any point on the same planet. |
You're Mine  | UncommonEnchantmentEmotionIncapacitationMentalSorcerer | You manipulate the target's emotions, potentially allowing you to control it for a brief instant. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Aura of the Unremarkable  | UncommonIllusionMental | You and allies in the area appear to be completely innocuous to other creatures within the spell's area, regardless of the actions you're committing. |
Awaken Animal | UncommonDivinationMental | You grant intelligence to the target, transforming it into a beast. |
Awaken Object | UncommonDivinationMental | You imbue a single Small or smaller object with rudimentary awareness and consciousness, and it gains mental ability modifiers depending on the results of the ritual. |
Bacchanalia | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You hold an elaborate feast and stoke the celebratory spirit, causing it to spread to other people nearby; you buoy them with hope and good cheer as they revel into the night. |
Blinding Fury  | EnchantmentCurseEmotionIncapacitationMental | You curse the target with your outrage at being attacked. |
Dominate  | UncommonEnchantmentIncapacitationMental | You take command of the target, forcing it to obey your orders. |
Dread Secret  | UncommonDivinationCurseboundEmotionFearMentalOracle | You utter a powerful secret at odds with the fundamental nature of the target creatures. |
Feeblemind  | EnchantmentCurseIncapacitationMental | You drastically reduce the target's mental faculties. |
Halcyon Infusion | RareDivinationMental | You infuse magical energy into your target, opening up their mind to the pathways of magic and granting them the ability to use magic to affect the world around them. |
Heroic Feat or  | UncommonDivinationCurseboundMentalOracle | You gain the ability to perform a specialized combat technique from the vast wealth of martial knowledge your mystery provides. |
Ideal Mimicry | UncommonEnchantmentMental | You craft a doll with care and quiet meditation on the target, inserting the fingernails into the body, tying the lock of hair around the neck of the doll, or emptying the vial of blood into the stuffing and allowing it to be absorbed. |
Manifold Lives  | UncommonDivinationCurseboundEmotionMentalOracle | You cast a creature's mind back through time, forcing them to take other paths and make other choices, experiencing countless alternate lives in an instant. |
Phantasmal Calamity  | IllusionMental | A vision of apocalyptic destruction fills the mind of each creature in the area. |
Repulsion  | AbjurationAuraMental | You manifest an aura that prevents creatures from approaching you. |
Suspended Retribution  | DivinationCurseMentalPrediction | All life dances one step from the precipice, one heartbeat from disaster. |
Zealous Conviction  | EnchantmentEmotionMental | You bypass your targets' rational minds, instilling them with unshakable conviction and zeal. |