Foresee the PathCantrip 5
Source Pathfinder Dark Archive
Traditions Occult

Range 60 feet
Target 1 ally and 1 enemy
Duration sustained up to 1 minute
You see just a split second into the future and glean how an enemy will move, making it easier for your allies to strike it mid-action. Make a perceptionPerception check against the target enemy's Will DC or Deception DC, whichever is higher. The GM may judge a different DC is more appropriate if it's higher; for instance, using the Warfare Lore DC of a military captain. The target is then temporarily immune for 1 minute.
Critical Success The target ally gains a reaction that lets it make a melee Strike against the target enemy, triggered if the enemy leaves a square within the ally's reach. If the ally already has an ability that lets it make melee Strikes as a reaction, such as Attack of Opportunity, the ally can forgo gaining the temporary reaction to instead gain a +2 status bonus to melee Strikes it makes as reactions.
Success As critical success, but the status bonus an ally gets if it forgoes the reaction is +1.
Failure The spell has no effect.
Amp The spell has the same result on a failure as on a success (but still no effect on a critical failure). Each time you Sustain the Spell, you can choose an additional ally to target, granting them the same benefit as the initial target ally.
Something of uncommon rarity requires special training or comes from a particular culture or part of the world. Some character choices give access to uncommon options, and the GM can choose to allow access for anyone. Less is known about uncommon creatures than common creatures. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creature is increased by 2.
DivinationThe divination school of magic typically involves obtaining or transferring information, or predicting events.
CantripA spell you can cast at will that is automatically heightened to half your level rounded up.
PsychicThis indicates abilities from the psychic class.