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cantrip Spells


Acid Splash Two ActionsEvocationAcidAttackCantrip You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures.
Allegro One ActionUncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental You perform rapidly, speeding up your ally.
Ancient Dust Two ActionsUncommonNecromancyCantripNegative You cough up a cloud of gray soil, echoing the dust in the graves of Kemnebi's many victims.
Approximate Two ActionsDivinationCantripDetection Your magic quickly flows over an area to help you count and catalog.
Astral Rain Two ActionsUncommonEvocationCantripForcePsychic You fling a mass of furious thoughts into the air, where they expand into numerous blades or other shapes that rain down.
Boost Eidolon One ActionUncommonEvocationCantripSummoner You focus deeply on the link between you and your eidolon and boost the power of your eidolon's attacks.
Bullhorn Two ActionsIllusionAuditoryCantrip You amplify your voice, loud enough for you to be heard easily at a great distance.
Buzzing Bites One ActionRareEvocationCantripHexWitch You evoke buzzing and crawling insects to climb onto a foe's body and bite, dealing 1d4 piercing damage and potentially sickening the foe, depending on its Fortitude save.
Chill Touch Two ActionsNecromancyCantripNegative Siphoning negative energy into yourself, your hand radiates a pale darkness.
Clinging Ice One ActionUncommonConjurationCantripColdHexWitch Freezing sleet and heavy snowfall collect on the target's feet and legs, dealing 1d4 cold damage and other effects depending on its Reflex save.
Contagious Idea Two ActionsUncommonEnchantmentCantripEmotionMentalPsychic Nothing is so contagious as a thought.
Dancing Blade Two ActionsUncommonEvocationCantripPsychic You telekinetically animate a weapon that's unattended or on your person.
Dancing Lights Two ActionsEvocationCantripLight You create up to four floating lights, no two of which are more than 10 feet apart.
Daze Two ActionsEnchantmentCantripMentalNonlethal You cloud the target's mind and daze it with a mental jolt.
Detect Magic Two ActionsDivinationCantripDetection You send out a pulse that registers the presence of magic.
Dirge of Doom One ActionUncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionFearMental Foes within the area are Frightened 1.
Discern Secrets One ActionUncommonDivinationCantripHexWitch You call upon your patron's power to better uncover secrets.
Disrupt Undead Two ActionsNecromancyCantripPositive You lance the target with energy.
Distortion Lens One ActionUncommonConjurationCantripPsychic You create a magical lens that distorts space as best suits you.
Divine Lance Two ActionsEvocationAttackCantrip You unleash a beam of divine energy.
Electric Arc Two ActionsEvocationCantripElectricity An arc of lightning leaps from one target to another.
Entropic Wheel ReactionUncommonEvocationCantripColdFirePsychic You stockpile thermal energy in a magical wheel-like construct that lets you burn opponents with cold or freeze their bodies with heat.
Evil Eye One ActionUncommonEnchantmentCantripCurseEmotionFearHexMentalWitch You fix your eye on the target, imposing a malevolent hex.
Forbidden Thought Two ActionsUncommonEnchantmentCantripMentalPsychic You place a psychic lock in a foe's mind that prevents it from a specific action.
Forbidding Ward Two ActionsAbjurationCantrip You ward an ally against the attacks and hostile spells from the target enemy.
Foresee the Path One ActionUncommonDivinationCantripPsychic You see just a split second into the future and glean how an enemy will move, making it easier for your allies to strike it mid-action.
Gale Blast Two ActionsEvocationAirCantrip Wind flows from your outstretched hands and whirls around you in a 5-foot emanation.
Ghost Sound Two ActionsIllusionAuditoryCantrip You create an auditory illusion of simple sounds that has a maximum volume equal to four normal humans shouting.
Ghostly Shift One ActionUncommonConjurationCantripPsychic Your body becomes insubstantial as you partially phase out.
Glimpse Weakness One ActionUncommonDivinationCantripPsychic You glimpse a loose scale, a seam in a foe's armor, or a similar weakness, aiding your allies in landing a precise hit.
Gouging Claw Two ActionsTransmutationAttackCantripMorph You temporarily morph your limb into a clawed appendage.
Guidance One ActionDivinationCantrip You ask for divine guidance, granting the target a +1 status bonus to one attack roll, Perception check, saving throw, or skill check the target attempts before the duration ends.
Haunting Hymn Two ActionsEvocationAuditoryCantripSonic You echo a jarring hymn that only creatures in the area can hear.
Healing Plaster One ActionTransmutationCantripEarth You purify some dirt or mud into a pliable, claylike plaster that can aid in clotting and healing.
Hologram Cage Three ActionsUncommonIllusionCantripLightPsychic You weave light into a cube of vivid and fantastic patterns.
House of Imaginary Walls One ActionUncommonIllusionBardCantripCompositionVisual You mime an Invisible 10-foot-by-10-foot stretch of wall adjacent to you and within your reach.
Imaginary Weapon Two ActionsUncommonEvocationAttackCantripForcePsychic You create a simple weapon of force.
Infectious Enthusiasm Two ActionsEnchantmentCantripEmotionMental With enchanted gusto, you encourage yourself to get things done and share your motivation with your allies.
Inside Ropes One ActionUncommonConjurationCantrip You pull a large handful of guts from your midsection.
Inspire Competence One ActionUncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental Your encouragement inspires your ally to succeed at a task.
Inspire Courage One ActionUncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental You inspire yourself and your allies with words or tunes of encouragement.
Inspire Defense One ActionUncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental You inspire yourself and your allies to protect themselves more effectively.
Invoke True Name One ActionRareEnchantmentCantripTrueName You speak the true name of a creature to more surely affect it with your magic.
Join Pasts One ActionUncommonDivinationCantripMental With touches to the targets' foreheads, you bring them into mental communion.
Know Direction Two ActionsDivinationCantripDetection In your mind's eye, you see a path northward.
Light Two ActionsEvocationCantripLight The object glows, casting bright light in a 20-foot radius (and dim light for the next 20 feet) like a torch.
Mage Hand Two ActionsEvocationCantrip You create a single magical hand, either invisible or ghostlike, that grasps the target object and moves it slowly up to 20 feet.
Message One ActionIllusionAuditoryCantripLinguisticMental You mouth words quietly, but instead of coming out of your mouth, they're transferred directly to the ears of the target.
Nudge Fate One ActionUncommonDivinationCantripHexWitch You read slightly into the future and give fate a tiny push to achieve the result you desire.
Omnidirectional Scan One ActionUncommonDivinationCantripPsychicScrying 30-foot emanation .
Pact Broker One ActionRareEnchantmentCantripHexMentalWitch You offer to broker a pact of peace.
Phase Bolt Two ActionsEvocationAttackCantrip You point your finger and project a bolt of magical energy that stutters in and out of phase until it reaches the target.
Prestidigitation Two ActionsEvocationCantrip The simplest magic does your bidding.
Produce Flame Two ActionsEvocationAttackCantripFire A small ball of flame appears in the palm of your hand, and you lash out with it either in melee or at range.
Protect Companion One ActionAbjurationCantrip You extend your aura, as a magical shield that protects your eidolon or minion.
Puff of Poison Two ActionsEvocationCantripInhaledPoison You exhale a shimmering cloud of toxic breath at an enemy's face.
Ray of Frost Two ActionsEvocationAttackCantripCold You blast an icy ray.
Read Aura DivinationCantripDetection You focus on the target object, opening your mind to perceive magical auras.
Read the Air Two ActionsDivinationCantrip You take a deep breath as you survey a social situation, showing courtesy to all around you as your intuition swiftly picks up clues about social contexts and unspoken assumptions of behavior.
Redistribute Potential Two ActionsUncommonEvocationCantripColdFirePsychic Energy attempts to balance out, but with your magic, you can shunt all the energy in one area to another.
Reinforce Eidolon One ActionUncommonAbjurationCantripSummoner You focus deeply on the link between you and your eidolon and reinforce your eidolon's defenses.
Scatter Scree Two ActionsEvocationCantripEarth You evoke a jumble of rocks in the area.
Shatter Mind Two ActionsUncommonEvocationCantripMentalPsychic 15-foot cone .
Shield One ActionAbjurationCantripForce You raise a magical shield of force.
Shroud of Night One ActionUncommonEvocationCantripDarknessHexWitch Drawing your hand in a sweeping gesture, you shroud the target in a veil of night.
Sigil Two ActionsTransmutationCantrip You harmlessly place your unique magical sigil, which is about 1 square inch in size, on the targeted creature or object.
Silver's Refrain One ActionRareAbjurationBardCantripComposition The "Song of Silver" was an enchanted song used by the Silver Ravens to battle diabolic forces.
Song of Marching One ActionUncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionMental You maintain a brisk performance that keeps allies on the move.
Song of Strength One ActionUncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental You bolster your allies' physical strength with a hearty exhortation.
Spirit Object One Action or Two ActionsRareNecromancyCantripHexWitch Using a sliver of Baba Yaga's power, you briefly bring an object to life.
Spout Two ActionsEvocationCantripWater Water blasts upward, coming out of the ground, rising from a pool, or even manifesting from thin air.
Stabilize Two ActionsNecromancyCantripHealingPositive Positive energy shuts death's door.
Stoke the Heart One ActionUncommonEnchantmentCantripEmotionHexWitch Intense fervor fills the target creature, empowering their blows.
Summon Instrument Three ActionsConjurationCantrip You materialize a Musical Instrument (Handheld) in your grasp.
Tame Two ActionsEnchantmentAuditoryCantripMental As you make comforting sounds and gestures, you approach the target in a friendly manner combining caution and confidence.
Tanglefoot Two ActionsConjurationAttackCantripPlant A vine covered in sticky sap appears from thin air, flicking from your hand and lashing itself to the target.
Telekinetic Projectile Two ActionsEvocationAttackCantrip You hurl a loose, unattended object that is within range and that has 1 Bulk or less at the target.
Telekinetic Rend Two ActionsUncommonEvocationCantripPsychic Two non-overlapping 5-foot burst .
Tesseract Tunnel Two ActionsUncommonConjurationCantripPsychicTeleportation You race from point to point, tearing open a tunnel in space.
Thermal Stasis One ActionUncommonAbjurationCantripPsychic The same abilities that let you raise or lower thermal energy also let you keep it at a safe medium.
Time Sense One ActionDivinationCantrip When you Cast the Spell, you gain a perfect sense of time.
Torturous Trauma Two ActionsUncommonNecromancyCantripNonlethal With this spell born of Kemnebi's sadistic love of torture, you batter a creature's internal organs, leaving no external signs of the immense pain you delivered.
Triple Time One ActionUncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental You dance at a lively tempo, speeding your allies' movement.
Vector Screen Two ActionsUncommonAbjurationCantripPsychic One five-foot square.
Warp Step Two ActionsConjurationCantrip When you walk, the earth warps beneath your feet-your steps extend, distance contracts, and everything is just a little bit closer.
Wash Your Luck Two ActionsAbjurationCantripFortune Some practitioners argue this spell literally washes your fortunes of all influences, malign or benign, while others claim it simply cleanses your mind of obsessions about luck and destiny.
Wilding Word One ActionUncommonEnchantmentCantripHexWitch With a few words, you convince a wild creature you are a kindred spirit, making it reluctant to harm you.