Name | Traits | Description |
Acid Splash  | EvocationAcidAttackCantrip | You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. |
Allegro  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental | You perform rapidly, speeding up your ally. |
Ancient Dust  | UncommonNecromancyCantripNegative | You cough up a cloud of gray soil, echoing the dust in the graves of Kemnebi's many victims. |
Approximate  | DivinationCantripDetection | Your magic quickly flows over an area to help you count and catalog. |
Astral Rain  | UncommonEvocationCantripForcePsychic | You fling a mass of furious thoughts into the air, where they expand into numerous blades or other shapes that rain down. |
Boost Eidolon  | UncommonEvocationCantripSummoner | You focus deeply on the link between you and your eidolon and boost the power of your eidolon's attacks. |
Bullhorn  | IllusionAuditoryCantrip | You amplify your voice, loud enough for you to be heard easily at a great distance. |
Buzzing Bites  | RareEvocationCantripHexWitch | You evoke buzzing and crawling insects to climb onto a foe's body and bite, dealing 1d4 piercing damage and potentially sickening the foe, depending on its Fortitude save. |
Chill Touch  | NecromancyCantripNegative | Siphoning negative energy into yourself, your hand radiates a pale darkness. |
Clinging Ice  | UncommonConjurationCantripColdHexWitch | Freezing sleet and heavy snowfall collect on the target's feet and legs, dealing 1d4 cold damage and other effects depending on its Reflex save. |
Contagious Idea  | UncommonEnchantmentCantripEmotionMentalPsychic | Nothing is so contagious as a thought. |
Dancing Blade  | UncommonEvocationCantripPsychic | You telekinetically animate a weapon that's unattended or on your person. |
Dancing Lights  | EvocationCantripLight | You create up to four floating lights, no two of which are more than 10 feet apart. |
Daze  | EnchantmentCantripMentalNonlethal | You cloud the target's mind and daze it with a mental jolt. |
Detect Magic  | DivinationCantripDetection | You send out a pulse that registers the presence of magic. |
Dirge of Doom  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionFearMental | Foes within the area are Frightened 1. |
Discern Secrets  | UncommonDivinationCantripHexWitch | You call upon your patron's power to better uncover secrets. |
Disrupt Undead  | NecromancyCantripPositive | You lance the target with energy. |
Distortion Lens  | UncommonConjurationCantripPsychic | You create a magical lens that distorts space as best suits you. |
Divine Lance  | EvocationAttackCantrip | You unleash a beam of divine energy. |
Electric Arc  | EvocationCantripElectricity | An arc of lightning leaps from one target to another. |
Entropic Wheel  | UncommonEvocationCantripColdFirePsychic | You stockpile thermal energy in a magical wheel-like construct that lets you burn opponents with cold or freeze their bodies with heat. |
Evil Eye  | UncommonEnchantmentCantripCurseEmotionFearHexMentalWitch | You fix your eye on the target, imposing a malevolent hex. |
Forbidden Thought  | UncommonEnchantmentCantripMentalPsychic | You place a psychic lock in a foe's mind that prevents it from a specific action. |
Forbidding Ward  | AbjurationCantrip | You ward an ally against the attacks and hostile spells from the target enemy. |
Foresee the Path  | UncommonDivinationCantripPsychic | You see just a split second into the future and glean how an enemy will move, making it easier for your allies to strike it mid-action. |
Gale Blast  | EvocationAirCantrip | Wind flows from your outstretched hands and whirls around you in a 5-foot emanation. |
Ghost Sound  | IllusionAuditoryCantrip | You create an auditory illusion of simple sounds that has a maximum volume equal to four normal humans shouting. |
Ghostly Shift  | UncommonConjurationCantripPsychic | Your body becomes insubstantial as you partially phase out. |
Glimpse Weakness  | UncommonDivinationCantripPsychic | You glimpse a loose scale, a seam in a foe's armor, or a similar weakness, aiding your allies in landing a precise hit. |
Gouging Claw  | TransmutationAttackCantripMorph | You temporarily morph your limb into a clawed appendage. |
Guidance  | DivinationCantrip | You ask for divine guidance, granting the target a +1 status bonus to one attack roll, Perception check, saving throw, or skill check the target attempts before the duration ends. |
Haunting Hymn  | EvocationAuditoryCantripSonic | You echo a jarring hymn that only creatures in the area can hear. |
Healing Plaster  | TransmutationCantripEarth | You purify some dirt or mud into a pliable, claylike plaster that can aid in clotting and healing. |
Hologram Cage  | UncommonIllusionCantripLightPsychic | You weave light into a cube of vivid and fantastic patterns. |
House of Imaginary Walls  | UncommonIllusionBardCantripCompositionVisual | You mime an Invisible 10-foot-by-10-foot stretch of wall adjacent to you and within your reach. |
Imaginary Weapon  | UncommonEvocationAttackCantripForcePsychic | You create a simple weapon of force. |
Infectious Enthusiasm  | EnchantmentCantripEmotionMental | With enchanted gusto, you encourage yourself to get things done and share your motivation with your allies. |
Inside Ropes  | UncommonConjurationCantrip | You pull a large handful of guts from your midsection. |
Inspire Competence  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental | Your encouragement inspires your ally to succeed at a task. |
Inspire Courage  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental | You inspire yourself and your allies with words or tunes of encouragement. |
Inspire Defense  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental | You inspire yourself and your allies to protect themselves more effectively. |
Invoke True Name  | RareEnchantmentCantripTrueName | You speak the true name of a creature to more surely affect it with your magic. |
Join Pasts  | UncommonDivinationCantripMental | With touches to the targets' foreheads, you bring them into mental communion. |
Know Direction  | DivinationCantripDetection | In your mind's eye, you see a path northward. |
Light  | EvocationCantripLight | The object glows, casting bright light in a 20-foot radius (and dim light for the next 20 feet) like a torch. |
Mage Hand  | EvocationCantrip | You create a single magical hand, either invisible or ghostlike, that grasps the target object and moves it slowly up to 20 feet. |
Message  | IllusionAuditoryCantripLinguisticMental | You mouth words quietly, but instead of coming out of your mouth, they're transferred directly to the ears of the target. |
Nudge Fate  | UncommonDivinationCantripHexWitch | You read slightly into the future and give fate a tiny push to achieve the result you desire. |
Omnidirectional Scan  | UncommonDivinationCantripPsychicScrying | 30-foot emanation . |
Pact Broker  | RareEnchantmentCantripHexMentalWitch | You offer to broker a pact of peace. |
Phase Bolt  | EvocationAttackCantrip | You point your finger and project a bolt of magical energy that stutters in and out of phase until it reaches the target. |
Prestidigitation  | EvocationCantrip | The simplest magic does your bidding. |
Produce Flame  | EvocationAttackCantripFire | A small ball of flame appears in the palm of your hand, and you lash out with it either in melee or at range. |
Protect Companion  | AbjurationCantrip | You extend your aura, as a magical shield that protects your eidolon or minion. |
Puff of Poison  | EvocationCantripInhaledPoison | You exhale a shimmering cloud of toxic breath at an enemy's face. |
Ray of Frost  | EvocationAttackCantripCold | You blast an icy ray. |
Read Aura | DivinationCantripDetection | You focus on the target object, opening your mind to perceive magical auras. |
Read the Air  | DivinationCantrip | You take a deep breath as you survey a social situation, showing courtesy to all around you as your intuition swiftly picks up clues about social contexts and unspoken assumptions of behavior. |
Redistribute Potential  | UncommonEvocationCantripColdFirePsychic | Energy attempts to balance out, but with your magic, you can shunt all the energy in one area to another. |
Reinforce Eidolon  | UncommonAbjurationCantripSummoner | You focus deeply on the link between you and your eidolon and reinforce your eidolon's defenses. |
Scatter Scree  | EvocationCantripEarth | You evoke a jumble of rocks in the area. |
Shatter Mind  | UncommonEvocationCantripMentalPsychic | 15-foot cone . |
Shield  | AbjurationCantripForce | You raise a magical shield of force. |
Shroud of Night  | UncommonEvocationCantripDarknessHexWitch | Drawing your hand in a sweeping gesture, you shroud the target in a veil of night. |
Sigil  | TransmutationCantrip | You harmlessly place your unique magical sigil, which is about 1 square inch in size, on the targeted creature or object. |
Silver's Refrain  | RareAbjurationBardCantripComposition | The "Song of Silver" was an enchanted song used by the Silver Ravens to battle diabolic forces. |
Song of Marching  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionMental | You maintain a brisk performance that keeps allies on the move. |
Song of Strength  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental | You bolster your allies' physical strength with a hearty exhortation. |
Spirit Object or  | RareNecromancyCantripHexWitch | Using a sliver of Baba Yaga's power, you briefly bring an object to life. |
Spout  | EvocationCantripWater | Water blasts upward, coming out of the ground, rising from a pool, or even manifesting from thin air. |
Stabilize  | NecromancyCantripHealingPositive | Positive energy shuts death's door. |
Stoke the Heart  | UncommonEnchantmentCantripEmotionHexWitch | Intense fervor fills the target creature, empowering their blows. |
Summon Instrument  | ConjurationCantrip | You materialize a Musical Instrument (Handheld) in your grasp. |
Tame  | EnchantmentAuditoryCantripMental | As you make comforting sounds and gestures, you approach the target in a friendly manner combining caution and confidence. |
Tanglefoot  | ConjurationAttackCantripPlant | A vine covered in sticky sap appears from thin air, flicking from your hand and lashing itself to the target. |
Telekinetic Projectile  | EvocationAttackCantrip | You hurl a loose, unattended object that is within range and that has 1 Bulk or less at the target. |
Telekinetic Rend  | UncommonEvocationCantripPsychic | Two non-overlapping 5-foot burst . |
Tesseract Tunnel  | UncommonConjurationCantripPsychicTeleportation | You race from point to point, tearing open a tunnel in space. |
Thermal Stasis  | UncommonAbjurationCantripPsychic | The same abilities that let you raise or lower thermal energy also let you keep it at a safe medium. |
Time Sense  | DivinationCantrip | When you Cast the Spell, you gain a perfect sense of time. |
Torturous Trauma  | UncommonNecromancyCantripNonlethal | With this spell born of Kemnebi's sadistic love of torture, you batter a creature's internal organs, leaving no external signs of the immense pain you delivered. |
Triple Time  | UncommonEnchantmentBardCantripCompositionEmotionMental | You dance at a lively tempo, speeding your allies' movement. |
Vector Screen  | UncommonAbjurationCantripPsychic | One five-foot square. |
Warp Step  | ConjurationCantrip | When you walk, the earth warps beneath your feet-your steps extend, distance contracts, and everything is just a little bit closer. |
Wash Your Luck  | AbjurationCantripFortune | Some practitioners argue this spell literally washes your fortunes of all influences, malign or benign, while others claim it simply cleanses your mind of obsessions about luck and destiny. |
Wilding Word  | UncommonEnchantmentCantripHexWitch | With a few words, you convince a wild creature you are a kindred spirit, making it reluctant to harm you. |