Bastion ArchonCreature 20
Source Pathfinder Bestiary 2
Perception +37 (darkvision, true seeing)
Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, Tongues
Skills Athletics +38, Diplomacy +34, Intimidation +34, Religion +32
Str +10, Dex +7, Con +10, Int +6, Wis +8, Cha +6
AC 47; Fort +38; Reflex +31; Will +34; +1 status to all saves vs. magic
HP 280 (fast healing 30)
Speed 70 feet
Weaknesses Evil 15

At-Will Spells
The monster can cast its at-will spells any number of times without using up spell slots.
Constant SpellsA constant spell affects the monster without the monster needing to cast it, and its duration is unlimited. If a constant spell gets counteracted, the monster can reactivate it by spending the normal spellcasting actions the spell requires.
+1 Status to All Saves vs. MagicFast Healing 30A monster with this ability regains the given number of Hit Points each round at the beginning of its turn.
Bastion Aura (aura, divine, good, healing, necromancy)50 feet.
All good-aligned creatures in the aura have Fast Healing 30 for as long as they remain in range, and they gain a +2 status bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls.
Retributive Strike
Damage Reduction 22
Trigger An enemy damages the monster's ally, and both are within 15 feet of the monster.
Effect The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + the monster's level. If the foe is within reach, the monster makes a melee Strike against it.
Ultimate Sacrifice (divine, good, healing, necromancy)If the bastion archon is slain by an evil creature, it explodes in a geyser of holy light, restoring 140 HP to all good-aligned creatures in a 40-foot emanation. The ground in the affected area is also subjected to a level 10 Consecrate ritual, and the ground is consecrated for 10 years (or only 24 hours if the ultimate sacrifice took place in Hell, Abaddon, or the Abyss).
Archon's DoorOnce per day, if an archon sees another creature cast Dimension Door, the archon can use dimension door (heightened to 5th level) within 1 round to attempt to follow that creature to the maximum distance of the archon's dimension door. If the archon's dimension door has enough distance, the archon appears the same distance and direction from the creature as before either creature used dimension door.
Blinding Beams
Trigger The bastion archon hits a creature with two fist Strikes this turn and can use its Holy Beam
Effect The bastion archon fires its Holy Beam at only the creature it hit twice. The creature's save result is one degree of success worse than the result it rolled.
The bastion archon locks itself in place, becoming voluntarily Immobilized. While Entrenched, the archon can't be forcibly moved or tripped, and it gains a +2 circumstance bonus to AC and Reflex saves. Entrench ends automatically as soon as the bastion archon uses another move action.
Holy Beam
The bastion archon releases a blinding beam of holy light in a 500-foot line that deals 20d6 good damage to non-archons in the area, with a DC 38 reflex save.
The bastion archon can't use Holy Beam again for 1d4 rounds.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage and is Blinded for 1d4 rounds.
Critical Failure The creature takes double damage and is blinded permanently.
Divine Innate Spells (DC 42, +34 to hit)
4th Level: Dimension Door (At will)
7th Level: Prismatic Spray, True Target, Vibrant Pattern
10th Level: Air Walk (Constant), Meteor Swarm, Polar Ray, Sunburst, Tongues (Constant), True Seeing (Constant)
The mightiest of archon-kind form in the heat of battle from incredibly uncommon circumstances. When a gathering of lantern archons converges into a gestalt in order to defend allies in a fight that seems all but lost, a fellow archon of significant strength-such as a star archon-can commit a brave act of self-sacrifice by dimensionally transposing itself with the gestalt. If the circumstances are just right and luck is with the archons, the result is not a glorious sacrifice, but instead the earth-rocking emergence of a bastion archon. In this way, the lowliest of archons-the lanterns-can, in an instant, become their kind's greatest hope.
Bastion archons are massive beings made of the very stone of Heaven's Holy Mountain, with their visages obscured by a blinding light surrounding the gestalt that originally formed the bastion. Tireless in their embodiment of the virtue of sacrifice, a bastion archon almost always protects the area where they manifested, and even when they are destroyed they leave an indelible mark of righteousness upon the surrounding region.
This rarity indicates that a rules element is very difficult to find in the game world. A rare feat, spell, item or the like is available to players only if the GM decides to include it in the game, typically through discovery during play. Creatures with this trait are rare. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creatures is increased by 5.