Scarlet Triad MageCreature 15
Source Pathfinder #149: Against the Scarlet Triad
Perception +26 (darkvision)
Languages Abyssal, Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Infernal, Osiriani
Skills Arcana +30, Crafting +27, Intimidation +25, Occultism +27
Str +3, Dex +6, Con +4, Int +5, Wis +4, Cha +7
AC 37; Fort +23; Reflex +26; Will +29; +2 status to all saves vs. arcane magic
HP 270
Speed 25 feet
Resistances Electricity 10, Fire 10

A monster with darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level Darkness spell, block normal darkvision. A monster with Greater Darkvision, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.
+2 Status to All Saves vs. Arcane MagicArcane Prepared Spells (DC 36, +30 to hit)
Cantrips (8th Level): Detect Magic, Message, Ray of Frost, Read Aura, Shield
1st Level: Magic Missile
3rd Level: Lightning Bolt, Slow
4th Level: Fly
6th Level: Purple Worm Sting, Teleport
7th Level: Energy Aegis, Power Word Blind
8th Level: Horrid Wilting, Mind Blank
2nd Level: Darkness
6th Level: Planar Binding
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
HumanA creature with this trait is a member of the human ancestry. Humans are a diverse array of people known for their adaptability. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by humans.
HumanoidHumanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.
TieflingA creature with this trait is a member of the tiefling ancestry.