Swallow LightSpell 2
Source Pathfinder #181: Zombie Feast
Traditions Arcane, Divine, Occult

Area 15-foot cone
Range 30 feet
Target 1 magical light effect
Duration 1 minute
Saving Throw basic Reflex
You draw magical light into your open mouth, consuming it and turning its essence into fuel for a gout of life-draining shadows. Attempt a counteract check against the light effect. If you successfully counteract it, you gain a breath weapon of chilling shadows you can use until the spell ends. Exhaling the breath is a two-action activity. The breath weapon is a 15-foot cone and deals 1d6 cold damage plus 1d6 negative damage. Creatures in the area can attempt a basic Reflex save against your spell DC. Once activated, you can't use the breath weapon again for 1d4 #Rounds rounds.
Heightened (+2) Increase the damage of the breath weapon by 1d6 cold damage and 1d6 negative damage.
Something of uncommon rarity requires special training or comes from a particular culture or part of the world. Some character choices give access to uncommon options, and the GM can choose to allow access for anyone. Less is known about uncommon creatures than common creatures. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creature is increased by 2.
EvocationEffects and magic items with this trait are associated with the evocation school of magic, typically involving energy and elemental forces.
ColdEffects with this trait deal cold damage. Creatures with this trait have a connection to magical cold.
DarknessDarkness effects extinguish non-magical light in the area, and can counteract less powerful magical light. You must usually target light magic with your darkness magic directly to counteract the light, but some darkness spells automatically attempt to counteract light.
NegativeEffects with this trait heal undead creatures with negative energy, deal negative damage to living creatures, or manipulate negative energy.