Name | Traits | Description |
Acid Splash  | EvocationAcidAttackCantrip | You splash a glob of acid that splatters your target and nearby creatures. |
Astral Rain  | UncommonEvocationCantripForcePsychic | You fling a mass of furious thoughts into the air, where they expand into numerous blades or other shapes that rain down. |
Boost Eidolon  | UncommonEvocationCantripSummoner | You focus deeply on the link between you and your eidolon and boost the power of your eidolon's attacks. |
Buzzing Bites  | RareEvocationCantripHexWitch | You evoke buzzing and crawling insects to climb onto a foe's body and bite, dealing 1d4 piercing damage and potentially sickening the foe, depending on its Fortitude save. |
Dancing Blade  | UncommonEvocationCantripPsychic | You telekinetically animate a weapon that's unattended or on your person. |
Dancing Lights  | EvocationCantripLight | You create up to four floating lights, no two of which are more than 10 feet apart. |
Divine Lance  | EvocationAttackCantrip | You unleash a beam of divine energy. |
Electric Arc  | EvocationCantripElectricity | An arc of lightning leaps from one target to another. |
Entropic Wheel  | UncommonEvocationCantripColdFirePsychic | You stockpile thermal energy in a magical wheel-like construct that lets you burn opponents with cold or freeze their bodies with heat. |
Gale Blast  | EvocationAirCantrip | Wind flows from your outstretched hands and whirls around you in a 5-foot emanation. |
Haunting Hymn  | EvocationAuditoryCantripSonic | You echo a jarring hymn that only creatures in the area can hear. |
Imaginary Weapon  | UncommonEvocationAttackCantripForcePsychic | You create a simple weapon of force. |
Light  | EvocationCantripLight | The object glows, casting bright light in a 20-foot radius (and dim light for the next 20 feet) like a torch. |
Mage Hand  | EvocationCantrip | You create a single magical hand, either invisible or ghostlike, that grasps the target object and moves it slowly up to 20 feet. |
Phase Bolt  | EvocationAttackCantrip | You point your finger and project a bolt of magical energy that stutters in and out of phase until it reaches the target. |
Prestidigitation  | EvocationCantrip | The simplest magic does your bidding. |
Produce Flame  | EvocationAttackCantripFire | A small ball of flame appears in the palm of your hand, and you lash out with it either in melee or at range. |
Puff of Poison  | EvocationCantripInhaledPoison | You exhale a shimmering cloud of toxic breath at an enemy's face. |
Ray of Frost  | EvocationAttackCantripCold | You blast an icy ray. |
Redistribute Potential  | UncommonEvocationCantripColdFirePsychic | Energy attempts to balance out, but with your magic, you can shunt all the energy in one area to another. |
Scatter Scree  | EvocationCantripEarth | You evoke a jumble of rocks in the area. |
Shatter Mind  | UncommonEvocationCantripMentalPsychic | 15-foot cone . |
Shroud of Night  | UncommonEvocationCantripDarknessHexWitch | Drawing your hand in a sweeping gesture, you shroud the target in a veil of night. |
Spout  | EvocationCantripWater | Water blasts upward, coming out of the ground, rising from a pool, or even manifesting from thin air. |
Telekinetic Projectile  | EvocationAttackCantrip | You hurl a loose, unattended object that is within range and that has 1 Bulk or less at the target. |
Telekinetic Rend  | UncommonEvocationCantripPsychic | Two non-overlapping 5-foot burst . |
Name | Traits | Description |
Acidic Burst  | EvocationAcid | You create a shell of acid around yourself that immediately bursts outward, dealing 2d6 acid damage to each creature in the area. |
Airburst  | UncommonEvocationAir | A blast of wind wildly pushes everything nearby. |
Aqueous Blast  | RareEvocationWater | You evoke a mass of water into the air around your outstretched fist. |
Biting Words  | EvocationAttackAuditoryLinguisticSonic | You entwine magic with your voice, causing your taunts and jibes to physically harm your enemies. |
Buffeting Winds  | EvocationAirNonlethal | You release a quick burst of wind that batters your living opponents without causing them lasting harm, while also blowing undead away. |
Burning Hands  | EvocationFire | Gouts of flame rush from your hands. |
Charged Javelin  | EvocationAttackClericElectricity | You fire a javelin of electricity that leaves a charged field around its target. |
Chilling Spray  | EvocationCold | A cone of icy shards bursts from your spread hands and coats the target in a layer of frost. |
Cloak of Shadow  | UncommonEvocationClericDarknessShadow | You drape the target in a mantle of swirling shadows that make it harder to see. |
Concordant Choir to  | EvocationSonic | You unleash a dangerous consonance of reverberating sound, focusing on a single target or spreading out to damage many foes. |
Cry of Destruction  | UncommonEvocationClericSonic | Your voice booms, smashing what's in front of you. |
Dazzling Flash  | UncommonEvocationClericLightVisual | You raise your religious symbol and create a blinding flash of light. |
Dim the Light  | UncommonEvocationDarknessSorcerer | You magnify the darkness from the triggering effect, causing the ambient light level to flicker briefly so you can slip from sight. |
Draconic Barrage  | EvocationCleric | You shape energy into one incorporeal tiny dragon (or serpentine creature) that flits around you. |
Echoing Weapon  | EvocationSonic | You channel magical energy into the target weapon, and the air around it faintly hums each time you strike a blow, as the impact is absorbed into the weapon. |
Elemental Betrayal  | UncommonEvocationHexWitch | You call upon the elements to undermine your foe. |
Elemental Toss  | UncommonEvocationAttackSorcerer | With a flick of your wrist, you fling a chunk of your elemental matter at your foe. |
Fire Ray  | UncommonEvocationAttackClericFire | A blazing band of fire arcs through the air. |
Force Bolt  | UncommonEvocationForceWizard | You fire an unerring dart of force from your fingertips. |
Force Fang  | UncommonEvocationForceMagus | You briefly turn your attack into pure force to bypass your opponent's defenses. |
Friendfetch  | UncommonEvocationForce | You shoot out ephemeral, telekinetic strands that drag each target directly toward you, stopping in the closest unoccupied space to you in this path. |
Gravitational Pull to  | Evocation | By suddenly altering gravity, you pull the target toward you. |
Gravity Weapon  | UncommonEvocationRanger | You build up gravitational force and funnel it into your blows, leading to more powerful attacks with blade and bow alike. |
Gritty Wheeze  | UncommonEvocationAirEarth | You exhale desiccating grit and sand in a small cloud. |
Gust of Wind  | EvocationAir | A violent wind issues forth from your palm, blowing from the point where you are when you cast the spell to the line's opposite end. |
Hand of the Apprentice  | UncommonEvocationAttackWizard | You hurl a held melee weapon with which you are trained at the target, making a spell attack roll. |
Horizon Thunder Sphere | EvocationAttackElectricity | You gather magical energy into your palm, forming a concentrated ball of electricity that crackles and rumbles like impossibly distant thunder. |
Hurtling Stone  | UncommonEvocationAttackClericEarth | You evoke a magical stone and throw it, with your god's presence guiding your aim. |
Hydraulic Push  | EvocationAttackWater | You call forth a powerful blast of pressurized water that bludgeons the target and knocks it back. |
Incendiary Aura  | UncommonEvocationCurseboundFireOracle | You surround yourself with a combustible aura. |
Kinetic Ram to  | EvocationForce | Gathering kinetic energy, you either focus it in a straight line or disperse it as an encircling ripple. |
Magic Missile to  | EvocationForce | You send a dart of force streaking toward a creature that you can see. |
Moonbeam  | UncommonEvocationAttackClericFireLight | You shine a ray of moonlight. |
Noxious Vapors  | EvocationPoison | You emit a cloud of toxic smoke that temporarily obscures you from sight. |
Parch  | EvocationAirCleric | Dry winds dehydrate a creature. |
Penumbral Shroud  | EvocationDarkness | You envelop the target in a shroud of shadow. |
Personal Rain Cloud  | UncommonEvocationWater | You conjure a 5-foot-wide rain cloud that follows the target wherever it goes. |
Pummeling Rubble  | EvocationEarth | A spray of heavy rocks flies through the air in front of you. |
Purifying Icicle  | UncommonEvocationColdPositive | You evoke life essence into the form of water and freeze it, then launch the icicle at a foe. |
Scorching Blast  | RareEvocationFire | You evoke a mass of fire into the air around your outstretched fist. |
Scouring Sand  | UncommonEvocationEarth | You blast the area with grit that scours away soil and gets into creatures' eyes. |
Shocking Grasp  | EvocationAttackElectricity | You shroud your hands in a crackling field of lightning. |
Shockwave  | EvocationEarth | You create a wave of energy that ripples through the earth. |
Snowball  | EvocationAttackColdWater | You throw a magically propelled and chilled ball of dense snow. |
Spinning Staff  | UncommonEvocationMagus | You spin your staff with a twirling flourish, attacking two foes and transforming the momentum into magical energy to charge for your next Spellstrike. |
Spray of Stars  | UncommonEvocationCurseboundFireLightOracle | You fling a spray of tiny shooting stars, dealing 1d4 fire damage. |
Tempest Surge  | UncommonEvocationAirDruidElectricity | You surround a foe in a swirling storm of violent winds, roiling clouds, and crackling lightning. |
Tempest Touch  | UncommonEvocationColdCurseboundOracleWater | Your touch calls forth a churning mass of icy water that clings to your target, dealing 1d4 bludgeoning damage and 1d4 cold damage. |
Thunderous Strike  | UncommonEvocationMagusSonic | You swing your massive weapon, creating a wave of sonic vibrations that topples creatures. |
Tidal Surge  | UncommonEvocationClericWater | You call forth a tremendous wave to move the target either in a body of water or on the ground. |
Updraft  | UncommonEvocationAir | A powerful blast of wind erupts from the ground, launching the target into the air and sending it crashing back down. |
Victory Cry | RareEvocationClericSonic | Your true might comes from your bonds with your allies, and you glory in their achievements. |
Weapon Surge  | UncommonEvocationCleric | Holding your weapon aloft, you fill it with divine energy. |
Winter Bolt  | EvocationAttackClericCold | You fling a hollow icicle filled with winter's wrath. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Acid Arrow  | EvocationAcidAttack | You conjure an arrow of acid that keeps corroding the target after it hits. |
Animated Assault  | Evocation | You use your mind to manipulate unattended objects in the area, temporarily animating them to attack. |
Bralani Referendum  | UncommonEvocationAir | You enforce fair play with punishing zephyrs. |
Breath of Drought  | UncommonEvocationFire | You fill the area with an oppressive, arid swelter that overwhelms creatures with heat exhaustion. |
Consecrate | UncommonEvocationConsecration | You consecrate a site to your deity, chanting praises and creating a sacred space. |
Continual Flame  | EvocationLight | A magical flame springs up from the object, as bright as a torch. |
Dancing Shield  | UncommonEvocation | You levitate the touched shield and orbit it around a nearby ally. |
Darkness  | EvocationDarkness | You create a shroud of darkness that prevents light from penetrating or emanating within the area. |
Elemental Zone  | Evocation | Select an elemental trait: air, earth, fire, or water. |
Faerie Fire  | EvocationLight | All creatures in the area when you cast the spell are limned in colorful, heatless fire of a color of your choice for the duration. |
Final Sacrifice  | EvocationFire | You channel disruptive energies through the bond between you and your minion, causing it to violently explode. |
Flame Wisp  | EvocationFire | Three faintly glowing wisps of fire float around your head. |
Flaming Sphere  | EvocationFire | You create a sphere of flame in a square within range. |
Glitterdust  | Evocation | Creatures in the area are outlined by glittering dust. |
Heat Metal  | EvocationFire | This spell heats the targeted metal to become red-hot for a moment. |
Ignite Fireworks  | EvocationFireSonic | A brilliant and clamorous display of sparks and colorful fireworks explode around your enemies, dealing 1d8 fire damage and 1d8 sonic damage to creatures within a 10-foot burst. |
Invoke the Crimson Oath  | UncommonEvocation | Brandishing your weapon and shouting the final line of the Crimson Oath, you unleash a blast of destructive ruby energy. |
Magnetic Attraction  | Evocation | You adjust your magnetic polarity, plucking daggers from hands and coins from belts. |
Radiant Field  | UncommonEvocationLight | You create an area of bright light. |
Rime Slick  | UncommonEvocationCold | You call down a chill wind. |
Scorching Ray to  | EvocationAttackFire | You fire a ray of heat and flame. |
Sea Surge  | UncommonEvocationWater | You slap or stomp on a nearby solid or liquid surface, sending a surge of water rushing away from you. |
Shatter  | EvocationSonic | A high-frequency sonic attack shatters a nearby object. |
Sound Burst  | EvocationSonic | A cacophonous noise blasts out, dealing 2d10 sonic damage. |
Spiritual Weapon  | EvocationForce | A weapon made of pure magical force materializes and attacks foes you designate within range. |
Sudden Bolt  | UncommonEvocationElectricity | You call down a small bolt of lightning on the target, dealing 4d12 electricity damage. |
Sun Blade  | UncommonEvocationFireLightPositive | You fire a ray of burning sunlight from your weapon. |
Swallow Light  | UncommonEvocationColdDarknessNegative | You draw magical light into your open mouth, consuming it and turning its essence into fuel for a gout of life-draining shadows. |
Telekinetic Maneuver  | EvocationAttackForce | With a rush of telekinetic power, you move a foe or something they carry. |
Vomit Swarm  | Evocation | You belch forth a swarm of magical vermin. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Angelic Wings  | UncommonEvocationLightSorcerer | Wings of pure light spread out from your back, granting you a fly Speed equal to your Speed. |
Blazing Dive  | EvocationAirFire | Superheated air collects under you, buoying you high into the sky before you plummet back down in a fiery comet. |
Bracing Tendrils  | EvocationForce | Visible tendrils of force anchor your body to the ground, preventing unwanted movement. |
Chilling Darkness  | EvocationAttackColdDarknessEvil | You shoot an utterly cold ray of darkness tinged with unholy energy. |
Combustion  | UncommonEvocationFire | You ignite a creature in lasting flames. |
Crashing Wave  | EvocationWater | You summon a crashing wave that sweeps away from you. |
Dragon Breath  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 damage. |
Dragon Breath (Black, Brine or Copper)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 acid damage in a 60-foot line. |
Dragon Breath (Blue or Bronze)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 electricity damage in a 60-foot line. |
Dragon Breath (Brass)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 fire damage in a 60-foot line. |
Dragon Breath (Cloud)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 electricity damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Crystal or Forest)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 piercing damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Gold, Magma or Red)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 fire damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Green)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 poison damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Sea)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 bludgeoning damage in a 10-foot burst within 30 feet. |
Dragon Breath (Silver or White)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 cold damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Sky)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 electricity damage in a 10-foot burst within 30 feet. |
Dragon Breath (Sovereign)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 mental damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Umbral)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 negative damage in a 30-foot cone. |
Dragon Breath (Underworld)  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You spew energy from your mouth, dealing 5d6 fire damage in a 10-foot burst within 30 feet. |
Eidolon's Wrath  | UncommonEvocationEidolonSummoner | Your eidolon releases a powerful energy attack that deals 5d6 damage of the type you chose when you took the Eidolon's Wrath feat, with a basic Reflex save. |
Electrified Crystal Ward  | RareEvocationElectricity | You create an Electric Latch Rune hazard on the target, creating a special crystalline lock on the object. |
Elemental Annihilation Wave | EvocationAirEarthFireWater | You draw elemental power from your surroundings, and combining it with your own magical energy, unleash a wave of utter destruction and swirling colors that deals 1d6 fire damage and 3d6 bludgeoning damage with a basic Reflex save. |
Elemental Motion  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You call upon your element to propel you, improving your Speed depending on your element. |
Fireball  | EvocationFire | A roaring blast of fire appears at a spot you designate, dealing 6d6 fire damage. |
Gasping Marsh  | UncommonEvocationPoison | With a rattling hiss, you create a quickly evaporating mist of invisible poisonous marsh gas to smother creatures in the area. |
Gravity Well  | Evocation | You create a sphere of altered gravity. |
Incendiary Ashes  | UncommonEvocationCurseboundFireOracle | A cloud of magical ashes descends upon creatures in the area. |
Interstellar Void  | UncommonEvocationColdCurseboundOracle | You call upon the frigid depths of outer space to bring a terrible chill to your enemy. |
Ki Blast to  | UncommonEvocationForceMonk | You unleash your ki as a powerful blast of force that deals 2d6 force damage. |
Levitate  | Evocation | You defy gravity and levitate the target 5 feet off the ground. |
Lightning Bolt  | EvocationElectricity | A bolt of lightning strikes outward from your hand, dealing 4d12 electricity damage. |
Litany against Wrath  | UncommonEvocationChampionGoodLitany | Your litany rails against the sin of wrath, punishing the target for attacking good creatures. |
Magnetic Acceleration  | EvocationAttack | You magnetize a small metal object, such as a nail or coin, and launch it away from you at massive speed. |
Malicious Shadow  | UncommonEvocationHexShadowWitch | You reshape the target's shadow into a deadly form, such as strangling hands, a dangerous weapon, harrying runes, or the like, and command it to attack the target. |
Moonlight Ray  | UncommonEvocationAttackColdGoodLight | You unleash a holy beam of freezing moonlight. |
Pillar of Water  | UncommonEvocationWater | You create a large, self-contained cylinder of still fresh water. |
Powerful Inhalation  | UncommonEvocationAir | You rapidly draw the air from your surroundings, hoarding it for yourself. |
Pulverizing Cascade  | UncommonEvocationWater | You raise a pair of towering waves and slam them into each other, crushing creatures caught between them. |
Searing Light  | EvocationAttackFireGoodLight | You shoot a blazing ray of light tinged with holy energy. |
Shroud of Flame  | UncommonEvocationFireSorcerer | You encircle yourself in an aura of protective flames. |
Stone Lance  | UncommonEvocationAttackEarth | You conjure a jagged lance of stone and then launch it at a foe. |
Sun's Fury  | UncommonEvocationFireGood | The target weapon becomes wreathed in a glowing flame. |
Thunderburst  | UncommonEvocationAirCurseboundOracleSonic | You create a powerful blast of air and a loud peal of thunder, dealing 2d6 bludgeoning damage and 2d6 sonic damage. |
Unbreaking Wave Advance  | UncommonEvocationWater | You unleash a mighty wave from your hand that buffets back your foes. |
Unfolding Wind Rush  | UncommonEvocation | You travel on a rushing wind. |
Unseasonable Squall  | UncommonEvocationAir | You issue a blast of sudden wind that ripples outward from the center of the burst. |
Wall of Radiance  | UncommonEvocationLight | You form a wall of brilliant light that obscures creatures. |
Wall of Shadow  | UncommonEvocationDarkness | You form a wall of pure darkness in a straight line up to 60 feet long and 10 feet high. |
Wall of Virtue  | UncommonEvocationLight | You create a translucent wall of light, which draws power from the celestial realms. |
Wall of Wind  | EvocationAir | You create a barrier of gusting winds that hinders anything moving through it. |
Whirling Flames  | UncommonEvocationCurseboundFireOracle | You call forth a storm of whirling flames, engulfing all creatures in that area and dealing 5d6 fire damage with a basic Reflex save. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Asterism  | EvocationClericLight | Lines of burning starlight form a constellation around you. |
Bottle the Storm  | EvocationClericElectricity | When lightning is turned at you, you store the charge safely within yourself, unleashing it when the time is right. |
Chromatic Ray  | EvocationAttackLight | You send out a ray of colored light streaming toward your enemy, with a magical effect depending on the ray's color. |
Clinging Shadows Stance  | UncommonEvocationMonkShadowStance | You adopt the stance of clinging shadows. |
Debilitating Dichotomy  | UncommonEvocationCurseboundMentalOracle | You reveal a glimpse of the impossible conflicts between the divine anathema behind your curse, forcing you to reckon with another's conflicts as well. |
Destructive Aura  | UncommonEvocationAuraCleric | Swirling sands of divine devastation surround you, weakening the defenses of all they touch. |
Diamond Dust  | EvocationClericCold | You supercool the nearby air, forming a cloud of dancing ice crystals in an emanation around you. |
Divine Wrath  | Evocation | You can channel the fury of your deity against foes of opposed alignment. |
Downpour  | UncommonEvocationClericWater | You call forth a torrential downpour, which extinguishes nonmagical flames. |
Draw the Lightning  | EvocationElectricity | Calling out to the skies, you summon a bolt of lightning to strike through a foe above you and down into your weapon or your body, charging it with electrical power. |
Elemental Tempest  | UncommonEvocationMetamagicWizard | Your spellcasting surrounds you in a storm of elemental energy. |
Fire Shield  | EvocationFire | You wreathe yourself in ghostly flames, gaining cold resistance 5. |
Holy Cascade  | EvocationGoodPositiveWater | You call upon sacred energy to amplify a vial of holy water, tossing it an incredible distance. |
Hydraulic Torrent  | EvocationWater | A swirling torrent of water manifests along a straight line, battering creatures and unattended objects in its path and possibly pushing them away from you. |
Ice Storm  | EvocationCold | You create a gray storm cloud that pelts creatures with an icy deluge. |
Mystic Beacon  | UncommonEvocationCleric | The next damaging or healing spell the target casts before the start of your next turn deals damage or restores Hit Points as if the spell were heightened 1 level higher than its actual level. |
Painful Vibrations  | EvocationSonic | You send powerful sound waves through an opponent's body, vibrating its bones and internal organs painfully. |
Purifying Veil  | RareEvocationClericGoodWater | Drawing on the purifying powers of water, you call forth a veil of fine water droplets suffused with holy energy. |
Radiant Beam  | UncommonEvocationGoodLight | You fire a beam of blinding light from your outstretched hands. |
Runic Impression  | UncommonEvocationMagus | Your unarmed attacks or weapon gain the benefits of a weapon rune you choose when you cast this spell: corrosive, flaming, frost, ghost touch, returning, shock, or thundering. |
Transcribe Moment  | UncommonEvocation | You instantly create a small, permanent scroll that contains a magically precise written description of your current surroundings in every direction. |
Traveler's Transit  | UncommonEvocationCleric | You add power to your muscles, allowing you to swim or climb walls with ease. |
Wall of Fire  | EvocationFire | You raise a blazing wall that burns creatures passing through it. |
Weapon Storm  | Evocation | You swing a weapon you're holding, and the weapon magically multiplies into duplicates that swipe at all creatures in either a 30-foot cone or an 10-foot emanation. |
Wild Winds Stance  | UncommonEvocationAirMonkStance | You take on the stance of the flowing winds, sending out waves of energy at a distance. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Abyssal Wrath  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You evoke the energy of an Abyssal realm. |
Acid Storm  | EvocationAcid | You evoke a storm of acid rain that pelts the area for the spell's duration. |
Blazing Fissure  | EvocationEarthFire | A thin crack rips through the earth, erupting with magma, then swiftly seals up. |
Cone of Cold  | EvocationCold | Icy cold rushes forth from your hands. |
Consuming Darkness  | UncommonEvocationShadowSorcerer | Your shadow wriggles before spreading out from you, forming a gateway of clinging, consuming shadow through which the horrors of another plane can barely be seen. |
Control Water  | EvocationWater | By imposing your will upon the water, you can raise or lower the level of water in the chosen area by 10 feet. |
Dance of Darkness  | UncommonEvocationDarkness | You dance, Striding up to half your Speed. |
Elemental Blast  | UncommonEvocationSorcerer | You gather elemental energy and blast your foes in one of the various listed shapes of your choosing, dealing 8d6 bludgeoning damage (or fire damage if your element is fire). |
Etheric Shards  | EvocationForce | You reach out and sow glittering splinters of force throughout the area, otherworldly caltrops of will and ectoplasm. |
Flame Strike  | EvocationFire | You call a rain of divine fire that plummets down from above, dealing 8d6 fire damage. |
Flowing Strike  | EvocationWater | A wave of flowing water rushes behind you like an elegant river, pushing you across the battlefield with fluid grace. |
Forceful Hand  | EvocationForce | A Medium floating, disembodied hand made of magical force appears in an unoccupied space adjacent to you, following you across the battlefield to shield you against your foes' attacks. |
Geyser  | EvocationFireWater | A powerful geyser blasts up from the ground, potentially pushing creatures on top of it into the air. |
Glacial Heart  | RareEvocationHexWitch | Ice and bone-deep cold assail the target, freezing it from the inside out. |
Hellfire Plume  | UncommonEvocationEvilFireSorcerer | You call forth a plume of hellfire that erupts from below, dealing 4d6 fire damage and 4d6 evil damage. |
Lightning Storm  | EvocationElectricity | You create a black, rumbling storm cloud and call down one lightning bolt within the spell's area. |
Litany against Sloth  | UncommonEvocationChampionGoodLitany | Your litany rails against the sin of sloth, interfering with the target's ability to react. |
Repelling Pulse  | EvocationForce | You unleash a powerful pulse of telekinetic power, and the pulse violently hurls creatures away from you. |
Scouring Pulse  | UncommonEvocationLightPositive | You inundate the area with concentrated positive energy, which scours away the stain of undeath. |
Shadow Blast  | EvocationShadow | You shape the quasi-real substance of the Shadow Plane into a blast. |
Steal the Sky | UncommonEvocationAir | You deny a flying creature the support of the air. |
Stormburst  | UncommonEvocationElectricity | Your voice projects like cracking thunder as you summon a localized storm, creating a fearsome surge of lightning and wind that deals 6d6 electricity damage. |
Telekinetic Haul  | Evocation | You move the target up to 20 feet, potentially suspending it in midair. |
Unfolding Wind Buffet  | UncommonEvocationAir | You surround your unarmed attacks with the speed and force of air. |
Wall of Ice  | EvocationColdWater | You sculpt an ice barrier that blocks sight and, once shattered, freezes foes. |
Wronged Monk's Wrath to  | UncommonEvocationElectricityForceMonk | You unleash your ki as a powerful storm of force and lightning, dealing 2d6 force damage and 2d12 electricity damage to creatures in the area. |
Name | Traits | Description |
Blightburn Blast  | UncommonEvocationDisease | You channel a blast of powerful blightburn radiation from your hands. |
Control Sand  | UncommonEvocationEarth | You whip up a small sandstorm around your body. |
Darklight  | UncommonEvocationDarknessShadow | Shadows pour forth from your eyes, creating a field of darkness that prevents light from emanating within the area. |
Deity's Strike  | EvocationForce | A manifested version of your deity's favored weapon appears in the air above and attacks the target, using your spell attack roll. |
Divine Decree  | Evocation | You utter a potent litany from your faith, a mandate that harms those who oppose your ideals. |
Empower Ley Line | RareEvocation | You draw upon surrounding magical energy to empower a ley line, enhancing both its positive and negative effects. |
Force Cage  | EvocationForce | You create an immobile, invisible prison of sheer force. |
Frigid Flurry  | EvocationColdWater | You place a palm to your lips and exhale a cold breath, whipping up a gust of wind that freezes the air's ambient moisture into a flurry of jagged shards. |
Litany of Depravity  | UncommonEvocationChampionEvilLitany | Your litany calls into question the morals your foe claims to hold dear. |
Litany of Righteousness  | UncommonEvocationChampionGoodLitany | Your litany denounces an evildoer, rendering it susceptible to the powers of good. |
Moonburst  | UncommonEvocationColdLightPositive | A powerful globe of chilling moonlight explodes in the area, dealing 8d10 cold damage to creatures and objects in the area, plus 8d10 additional positive damage to undead creatures. |
Prismatic Spray  | EvocationLight | A spray of rainbow light beams cascades from your open hand. |
Reverse Gravity  | UncommonEvocation | You reverse gravity in the area. |
Shadow's Web  | UncommonEvocationMonk | Grasping darkness surges from you, dealing 14d4 negative damage. |
Sunburst  | EvocationFireLightPositive | A powerful globe of searing sunlight explodes in the area, dealing 8d10 fire damage to all creatures in the area, plus 8d10 additional positive damage to undead creatures. |
Telekinetic Bombardment  | Evocation | You grasp a piece of the landscape-such as a tree, carriage, or piece of masonry-and lob it in your foe's direction. |
Volcanic Eruption  | EvocationFire | The ground opens up, spraying a column of lava high into the air in a vertical cylinder, dealing 14d6 fire damage to creatures in the area. |