Summon Deific HeraldSpell 8
Traditions Divine

Range 100 feet
Duration until the end of your next turn
Your faith is strong enough to briefly summon a direct representative of your deity, such as the deity's herald. The herald occupies the space of a Huge creature and has a Speed of 60 feet. The effects of this spell depend on your deity's alignment.
- Lawful Good Arrive (enchantment, good, lawful) Aura of Retribution While within 100 feet of the herald, you and your allies gain the champion's Retributive Strike reaction; Depart Holy Smite The herald casts 5th-level Divine Wrath (choosing good) in a 100-foot emanation.
- Neutral Good Arrive (enchantment, good) Aura of Redemption While within 100 feet of the herald, you and your allies gain the champion's Glimpse of Redemption reaction; Depart Merciful Healing The herald casts the 3-action version of 5th-level Heal with a radius of 100 feet. This spell targets only you and your allies.
- Chaotic Good Arrive (chaotic, enchantment, good) Aura of Liberation While within 100 feet of the herald, you and your allies gain the champion's Liberating Step reaction; Depart Radiating Freedom The herald affects you and all your allies within 100 feet with Freedom of Movement. The duration is reduced to 3 rounds.
- Lawful Neutral Arrive (abjuration, lawful) Defy Chaos You and each ally within 100 feet of the herald gain resistance 20 against chaotic damage while the herald is present; Depart Order's Wrath The herald casts 5th-level Divine Wrath (choosing lawful) in a 100-foot emanation
- Neutral Arrive (transmutation) Quickening Ripple You and each ally within 100 feet of the herald are Quickened while the herald is present, and can use the additional action to Step, Stride, or Strike; Depart Sapping Beam The herald casts 6th-level Enervation in a 100‑foot line.
- Chaotic Neutral Arrive (abjuration, chaotic) Defy Law You and each ally within 100 feet of the herald gain resistance 20 against lawful damage while the herald is present; Depart Chaos Hammer The herald casts 5th-level Divine Wrath (choosing chaotic) in a 100-foot emanation.
- Lawful Evil Arrive Aura of Iron While within 100 feet of the herald, you and your allies gain the champion's Iron Command reaction; Depart Unholy Blight The herald casts 5th-level Divine Wrath (choosing evil) in a 100‑foot emanation.
- Neutral Evil Arrive Aura of Selfishness While within 100 feet of the herald, you and your allies gain the champion's Selfish Shield reaction; Depart Infinite Despair The herald casts 5th-level Crushing Despair in a 100-foot cone.
- Chaotic Evil Arrive Aura of Vengeance While within 100 feet of the herald, you and your allies gain the champion's Destructive Vengeance reaction; Depart Weapon Hurricane The herald casts 5th-level Weapon Storm in a 100-foot cone, using d12 for the die size.
Anything that doesn't list another rarity trait (uncommon, rare, or unique) automatically has the common trait. This rarity indicates that an ability, item, or spell is available to all players who meet the prerequisites for it. A creature of this rarity is generally known and can be summoned with the appropriate summon spell.
ConjurationEffects and magic items with this trait are associated with the conjuration school of magic, typically involving summoning, creation, teleportation, or moving things from place to place.
IncarnateA spell with the incarnate trait is similar in theme to spells that summon creatures, but it doesn't conjure a minion with the summoned trait. Instead, when summoned, the incarnate creature takes its Arrive action when you finish Casting the Spell. At the end of your next turn, the incarnate creature can either Step, Stride, or take the action for another movement type it has (such as Climb or Burrow), and then takes its Depart action. The spell then ends. The names of specific Arrive and Depart actions are listed in italics after the word “Arrive” or “Depart” respectively, along with any traits. A creature summoned by an incarnate spell acts in your interests, directs its effects away from you and your allies as much as possible, and might listen to your requests, but ultimately makes its own decisions. If the spell indicates that the incarnate makes a decision, the GM determines what the incarnate would do. It might even become more inclined to do precisely as you wish over multiple summonings. The incarnate is not fully a creature. It can't take any other actions, nor can it be targeted or harmed by Strikes, spells, or other effects unless they would be able to target or end a spell effect (such as dispel magic). It has a size for the purposes of determining its placement for effects, but it doesn't block movement. If applicable, its effects use your spell DCs and spell attack roll modifier.