Blue Streak Mage (7-8)Creature 5
Source Pathfinder Society Scenario #1-24: Lightning Strikes, Stars Fall
Perception +10
Languages Common, Hallit
Skills Arcana +13, Crafting +11, Intimidation +8, Religion +10
Str +2, Dex +3, Con +2, Int +4, Wis +3, Cha -1
AC 20; Fort +9; Reflex +12; Will +12;
HP 58
Speed 25 feet
Light Mace

Techno-junk Laser Pistol

Stench of Decay (arcane, aura, conjuration, poison)
Aura 5-feet
The Blue Streak mage emits a scent of putrid rot in a 5-foot emanation. A creature that enters or begins its turn in the aura is Sickened 1.
Drain Bonded Item
Frequency once per day Requirements The Blue Streak mage hasn't taken an action yet on this turn
Effect The Blue Streak mage expends the power stored in their mace. This gives them the ability to cast one prepared spell they prepared today and already cast, without spending a spell slot.
Arcane Prepared Spells (DC 21, +13 to hit)
Cantrips (3rd Level): Chill Touch, Detect Magic, Electric Arc, Ray of Frost, Read Aura, Shield
1st Level: Fear, Feather Fall, Grim Tendrils, Ray of Enfeeblement, Spider Sting
2nd Level: False Life, Mirror Image, Web
3rd Level: Bind Undead, Lightning Bolt, Vampiric Touch
1st Level: Call of the Grave
This rarity indicates that a rules element is very difficult to find in the game world. A rare feat, spell, item or the like is available to players only if the GM decides to include it in the game, typically through discovery during play. Creatures with this trait are rare. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creatures is increased by 5.
HumanA creature with this trait is a member of the human ancestry. Humans are a diverse array of people known for their adaptability. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by humans.
HumanoidHumanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.