Creeping CroneCreature 11
Source Pathfinder #182: Graveclaw
Perception +21 (darkvision)
Languages Aklo, Common, Jotun, Necril
Skills Crafting +22, Deception +21, Intimidation +21, Occultism +22, Stealth +20
Str +7, Dex +3, Con +3, Int +5, Wis +5, Cha +6
AC 30; Fort +21; Reflex +18; Will +24;
HP 210 (negative healing)
Speed 20 feet
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyzed, poison, unconscious
Walking Stick


A monster with darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level Darkness spell, block normal darkvision. A monster with Greater Darkvision, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.
Negative HealingA creature with negative healing draws health from negative energy rather than positive energy. It is damaged by positive damage and is not healed by positive healing effects. It does not take negative damage, and it is healed by negative effects that heal undead.
Stick SupportIf a creeping crone is deprived of her walking stick, her Speed is reduced to 5 feet (though she can use some other Speed she gains, such as from her Fly spell) until she recovers her walking stick or fashions another.
Change Shape
The creeping crone can take on the appearance of any Medium humanoid woman, changing her walking stick to suit her new appearance. This doesn't change her Speed or Strikes, but it might change the damage type her Strikes deal (typically to bludgeoning).
The monster changes its shape indefinitely. It can use this action again to return to its natural shape or adopt a new shape. Unless otherwise noted, a monster cannot use Change Shape to appear as a specific individual. Using Change Shape counts as creating a disguise for the Impersonate use of Deception. The monster's transformation automatically defeats Perception DCs to determine whether the creature is a member of the ancestry or creature type into which it transformed, and it gains a +4 status bonus to its Deception DC to prevent others from seeing through its disguise. Change Shape abilities specify what shapes the monster can adopt. The monster doesn't gain any special abilities of the new shape, only its physical form. For example, in each shape, it replaces its normal Speeds and Strikes, and might potentially change its senses or size. Any changes are listed in its stat block.
Discipline the Righteous
Frequency once per day
Trigger The creeping crone critically hits a good creature with her walking stick Strike
Effect The target takes 2d8 Persistent bleed Damage.
Walking StickA creeping crone can spend 1 day enchanting her walking stick with the powers of a +2 striking greater staff of necromancy. A crone replaces any material component of an occult spell she casts by using the walking stick as a focus component instead. The walking stick's magic functions only for the crone who created it; for anyone else, it's a mundane stick. If the crone enchants a new walking stick, the previous stick loses all its powers.
Occult Prepared Spells (DC 30, +22 to hit)
Cantrips (6th Level): Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, Ray of Frost
1st Level: Bane, Detect Alignment, Fear, Magic Missile, Mindlink, Pass Without Trace, Ray of Enfeeblement, Unseen Servant
2nd Level: Invisibility, See Invisibility, Tree Shape
3rd Level: Dream Message, Enthrall, Lightning Bolt, Paralyze, Wall of Wind
4th Level: Confusion, Fly, Ice Storm, Nightmare, Read Omens, Talking Corpse
5th Level: Tongues
Hags are neither immortal nor unageing; if not slain by an enemy, a hag eventually succumbs to old age. A hag who dies in agony or rage can rise again as a witchfire, while those who die of old age might rise again as an undead creature known as a creeping crone. A creeping crone has lost far more than her life; they can't form or join covens, denying them one of a living hag's most distinguishing abilities. This inability, more than their rotting bodies or hunger for flesh, makes creeping crones exiled among their former kin.
This rarity indicates that a rules element is very difficult to find in the game world. A rare feat, spell, item or the like is available to players only if the GM decides to include it in the game, typically through discovery during play. Creatures with this trait are rare. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creatures is increased by 5.