ZinogyvazCreature 16
Source Pathfinder #155: Lord of the Black Sands
Perception +28 (darkvision)
Languages Elven, Necril, Undercommon
Skills Acrobatics +28, Athletics +26, Deception +28, Intimidation +28, Religion +33, Society +26, Stealth +28
Str +5, Dex +7, Con +4, Int +2, Wis +7, Cha +6
AC 39; Fort +26; Reflex +27; Will +30;
HP 240 (coffin restoration, fast healing 20, negative healing)
Speed 30 feet (climb 30 feet)

Composite Shortbow

Children of the Night (divine, enchantment, mental)
As vampire, but hunting spiders or spider swarms only.
Immunities death effects, disease, paralyze, poison, sleep;Weaknesses vampire weaknesses; Resistances physical 20 (except magical silver)
Mist Escape
As vampire.
Change Shape
As vampire, but hunting spider or spider swarm only, and Zinogyvaz keeps her fangs and web Strikes in either form.
Create Spawn (divine, downtime, necromancy) As vampire.
Drink Blood
(divine, necromancy) As vampire. When Drinking Blood, Zinogyvaz regains 24 Hit Points and may inject the victim with vampire drider venom.
Turn to Mist
As vampire.
Vampire Drider Venom (poison)Saving Throw DC 35 fortitude
Maximum Duration 6 rounds
Stage 1 3d8 poison damage and enfeebled 2 (1 round)
Stage 2 4d8 poison damage and paralyzed (1 round)
Web TrapA creature hit by Zinogyvaz's web attack is immobilized and stuck to the nearest surface (Escape DC 35).
Divine Prepared Spells (DC 37, +29 to hit)
Cantrips (8th Level): Guidance, Know Direction, Sigil
1st Level: Alarm, Harm, Ray of Enfeeblement
2nd Level: False Life, Silence, Spiritual Weapon
3rd Level: Blindness, Crisis of Faith, Vampiric Touch
4th Level: Freedom of Movement, Spell Immunity
5th Level: Shadow Blast, Spiritual Guardian
6th Level: True Seeing, Vampiric Exsanguination
7th Level: Finger of Death, Mask of Terror
Cantrips (8th Level): Dancing Lights, Detect Magic
2nd Level: Darkness, Darkness (At Will), Dispel Magic, Faerie Fire (At Will)
3rd Level: Levitate
A rules element with this trait is one-of-a-kind. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to creatures with this trait is increased by 10.