Grabble FordenCreature 13
Source Pathfinder #160: Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven
Perception +25 (darkvision)
Languages Aklo, Common, Daemonic, Dwarven, Undercommon
Skills Acrobatics +22, Arcana +26, Crafting +26, Nature +23, Lore +28
Str +1, Dex +3, Con +4, Int +5, Wis +4, Cha +0
AC 32; Fort +25; Reflex +22; Will +23; +1 status to all saves vs. magic
HP 285
Speed 25 feet
Resistances Poison 15



A monster with darkvision can see perfectly well in areas of darkness and dim light, though such vision is in black and white only. Some forms of magical darkness, such as a 4th-level Darkness spell, block normal darkvision. A monster with Greater Darkvision, however, can see through even these forms of magical darkness.
+1 Status to All Saves vs. MagicDrain Bonded Item
Frequency 7 times per day
Requirements Grabble hasn't acted yet on this turn
Effect Grabble can cast one prepared spell he has already cast today without spending a spell slot. He must still Cast the Spell and meet the spell's other requirements. He can do this once per day for each of the spell levels he can cast.
Poison Conversion
Frequency 3 times per day
Effect If Grabble's next action is to cast a cantrip or a spell that is 6th level or lower and deals acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, the spell deals poison damage rather than its normal damage type and gains the poison trait.
Arcane Prepared Spells (DC 33, +27 to hit)
Cantrips (7th Level): Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Light, Message, Read Aura, Shield
1st Level: Ray of Enfeeblement, Sleep, Spider Sting
2nd Level: Dispel Magic, Flaming Sphere, Knock, Web
3rd Level: Fireball, Haste, Levitate
4th Level: Outcast's Curse, Resilient Sphere, Wall of Fire
5th Level: Passwall, Wyvern Sting
6th Level: Chain Lightning, Scrying
7th Level: Leng Sting, Prismatic Spray
1st Level: Hand of the Apprentice
1st Level (7 slots): Spider Sting
3rd Level (1 slots): Stinking Cloud
4th Level (1 slots): Swarming Wasp Stings
5th Level (1 slots): Cloudkill
6th Level (1 slots): Purple Worm Sting
A rules element with this trait is one-of-a-kind. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to creatures with this trait is increased by 10.
DwarfA creature with this trait is a member of the dwarf ancestry. Dwarves are stout folk who often live underground and typically have darkvision. An ability with this trait can be used or selected only by dwarves. An item with this trait is created and used by dwarves.
HumanoidHumanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.