Shabti VotaryCreature 18
Source Pathfinder #186: Ghost King's Rage
Perception +33 (darkvision)
Languages Common, Necril, Osiriani, Requian
Skills Lore +32, Diplomacy +30, Intimidation +30, Medicine +34, Performance +30, Religion +34
Str +0, Dex +1, Con +5, Int +4, Wis +6, Cha +4
AC 40; Fort +31; Reflex +25; Will +34; +2 status to all saves vs. mental and possession
HP 260
Speed 25 feet


+2 Status to All Saves vs. Mental and PossessionDiscerning Aura (aura, divine, necromancy)
30-foot emanation Aura
All undead within the aura glow blue, shedding dim light in a 5-foot radius. Visible undead can't be Concealed while affected by this aura. Invisible undead are concealed while affected by this aura, rather than being undetected.
Gird in Prayer
Trigger An ally within the shabti votary's aura is the target of a death, mental, or possession effect
Effect The shabti votary girds their ally in protective prayers. The triggering creature gains a +2 status bonus to saving throws against death, mental, and possession effects until the beginning of the shabti votary's next turn.
Effect: Gird in Prayer
ImmortalShabtis don't age naturally and can't die of old age. Spells and effects that cause aging still affect a shabti as normal. They also can't be turned into undead.
Cremate UndeadA shabti votary's positive energy sets undead alight. When a shabti votary uses a Heal spell to damage undead, each undead that takes damage also takes persistent fire damage equal to the spell's level.
Expand Aura
Frequency once per turn
Effect The shabti votary focuses their will, expanding the area of their discerning aura by 20 feet for 1 minute. This expansion is cumulative with other uses of Expand Aura.
Divine Prepared Spells (DC 44, +36 to hit)
Cantrips (9th Level): Disrupt Undead, Haunting Hymn, Read Aura, Shield, Stabilize
1st Level: Heal, Mindlink
2nd Level: Create Food, Dispel Magic, Enhance Victuals, Remove Fear, Remove Paralysis, Restoration
3rd Level: Ghostly Weapon, Heroism, Searing Light
4th Level: Air Walk, Phantasmal Killer
5th Level: Breath of Life, Tongues
6th Level: Scintillating Safeguard, Spirit Blast
7th Level: Energy Aegis, Regenerate, Sunburst
1st Level: Death's Call
4th Level: Eradicate Undeath
2nd Level: Consecrate
Shabti votaries are devout clerics of Pharasma who heal and protect their allies while destroying enemies of their faith. Although shabti votaries focus primarily on destroying undead, they remain a potent enemy against living foes.
Shabtis are facsimiles of the rich and powerful, patched together from shards of other souls and offered as a sacrifice to the Boneyard to suffer for the sins of their creator. Shabtis are unaware they aren't the person they emulate, and most spend an eternity enduring the punishments owed to another while the soul they emulate escapes judgement. Some shabtis discover their nature and often become adrift, drowning in the feelings and memories of their foul creator, with no true purpose and identities of their own.
Something of uncommon rarity requires special training or comes from a particular culture or part of the world. Some character choices give access to uncommon options, and the GM can choose to allow access for anyone. Less is known about uncommon creatures than common creatures. They typically can't be summoned. The DC of Recall Knowledge checks related to these creature is increased by 2.
HumanoidHumanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.